SEN 1368
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1192
- Wyoming Ghosts
- SW Regionals
- Results
- 2010 Am Cup fine print
Editor of "The Max-Out" Newsletter of
The Magnificent Mountain Men FF Club of Colorado
2010 FAI Southwest Regional Model Airplane Championships
The 60th SWR on Saturday, Jan. 16 started out cool at 42°F and a bit breezy at 10mph. This breeze caused some visibility problems and a delay due to the dust. It then warmed up to 69°F with the wind speed slowing to 3mph in the afternoon. Sunday morning started out just as cool and breezy which delayed the start of the mini events by 30 minutes. As it warmed to up 70° the wind slowed down.
We had a total of 47 sportsmen signed up for the 8 FAI events. The contestants were from AZ, CA, CO, LA, MI, NV, OR, PA, TX and all the way from Great Britain (Dave Oldfield F1A/H and Mike Woodhouse F1B). F1A, F1B, F1C/P and F1Q all needed fly-offs on Saturday about an hour before sunset. Peter Brocks was the only one in F1A to do the 5 min. in the 5-man fly-off and repeated his win of the December Arizona Champs. In F1B there were 7 folks in the 5 min. fly-off. Martin Schroeder and George Batiuk maxed to get into the 7 min. fly-off which Martin won. In F1Q, the electric event, we had 4 entries who flew with a max. motor run of 25 seconds. After 7 rounds Julie Parker and Mike Roseberry each flew a fly-off flight with a 10 sec. motor run which both maxed. In the 2nd fly-off with a 5 second motor run Julie won the new perpetual F1Q trophy. In F1C/P we had 9 entries and 5 F1C flyers in the fly-off. Kenny Happersett and Austin Gunder both flew for 5 min. and then both flew the 7 minutes. This required a 3rd fly-off on Sunday in this combined event which was won by Kenny flying a folder. We had 3 FAI Juniors who all held their own against the open flyers: Taron Malkhasyan F1P 1217 sec., Joey Farmer F1A 1147 sec. and Sevak Malkhasyan F1B 1067 sec.
On Sunday we flew F1G, F1H and F1J. In F1J we had 5 flying. Austin Gunder won F1J which meant that 2nd place Faust Parker had to give up the “Bear” which he had kept for 2 years. In F1H after 5 rounds Brian Van Nest and Jim Parker were clean. Brian won the fly-off over Jim. In F1G 4 flyers maxed out. All 4 were clean going into the 2nd fly-off in which only Bill Booth and Dave Saks did the required 4 minutes. Both Bill and Dave then did a 3rd fly-off in which both flew the 5 minutes. But in the 4th fly-off Bill won and Dave was second.
A big thank you to all participants and to Elmer Nelson, Tom Gaylor, Hermann Andresen, Mike Bower and my wife Brigitte who all made this contest again a memorable event.
F1A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F/O Total
1 Peter Brocks 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 1560
2 Jim Parker 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 290 1550
3 Lee Hines 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 280 1540
4 Brian Van Nest 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 239 1499
5 Risto Puhakka 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 204 1464
6 Jim Farmer 180 180 180 160 180 180 180 1240
7 Ken Bauer 180 180 180 151 180 180 180 1231
8 Mike McKeever 180 153 180 180 180 158 180 1211
9 Norm Smith 180 180 180 99 180 180 180 1179
10 Don Zink 180 153 180 180 180 180 101 1154
11 Joey Farmer 170 180 149 168 120 180 180 1147
12 Pierre Brun 180 180 180 180 108 97 180 1105
13 Dave Oldfield 127 165 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF 292
14 Enes Pecenkovic 67 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF 67
F1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F/O F/O Total
1 Martin Schroedter 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 1980
2 George Batiuk 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 395 1955
3 Dave Saks 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 299 1559
4 Rich Rohrke 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 288 1548
5 Bob Piserchio 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 285 1545
6 Elmer Nelson 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 270 1530
7 Mike Woodhouse GBR 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 261 1521
8 Paul Crowley 180 180 180 180 180 180 173 1253
9 Jack Emery 180 180 180 180 180 180 166 1246
10 Bill Booth 147 171 180 180 180 180 180 1218
11 Blake Jensen 180 149 180 180 180 180 162 1211
12 Aimee Schroedter 180 163 165 180 152 180 180 1200
13 Thomas Ioerger 146 144 138 180 180 180 163 1131
14 Dick Wood 147 141 166 180 137 180 163 1114
15 Taylor Gunder 180 180 180 0 180 180 180 1080
16 Sevak Malkhasyan DNF 180 180 180 180 180 167 1067
17 Allen Ulm 180 127 180 180 13 15 DNF 695
F1C/P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F/O F/O F/O Total
1 Kenny Happersett F 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 457 2437
2 Austin Gunder 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 241 2221
3 Faust Parker 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 292 1552
4 Don Chesson 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 34 1294
5 Chuck EtheringtonF 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 17 1277
6 Guy Menanno 180 180 180 145 180 180 180 1225
7 Taron Malkhas.JR F 180 180 137 180 180 180 180 1217
8 Lynn Pulley 0 DNF DNF 180 180 180 DNF 540
9 Ed Carroll 180 37 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF 217
F1Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F/O F/O Total
1 Julie Parker 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 113 1553
2 Mike Roseberry 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 95 1535
3 Mike Pykelny 162 159 180 180 125 180 15 1001
4 John Oldenkamp 130 144 135 117 180 180 79 965
F1G 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O F/O Total
1 Bill Booth 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 300 179 1499
2 Dave Saks 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 300 142 1462
3 Tiffaney O'Dell 120 120 120 120 120 180 212 992
4 Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120 180 194 974
5 Thomas Ioerger 116 120 120 120 120 596
6 Paul Crowley 8 DNF DNF DNF DNF 8
F1H 1 2 3 4 5 F/O Total
1 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 300 900
2 Jim Parker 120 120 120 120 120 256 856
3 Mike McKeever 120 117 120 120 120 597
4 Norm Smith 120 99 120 120 120 579
5 Lee Hines 120 120 120 120 83 563
6 Dave Oldfield 67 72 120 111 53 423
F1J 1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 Austin Gunder 120 120 120 120 345 825
2 Faust Parker 120 120 120 120 168 648
3 Guy Menanno 120 120 120 120 167 647
4 Taron Malkhasyan DNF DNF DNF DNF 120 120
5 Ed Carroll 18 DNF DNF DNF DNF 18
The purpose of the America's Cup Competition is to foster the development of flyers and models across North America in the FAI F1 (free flight). This coast-to-coast competition requires flyers to attend multiple contests each year in the United States and Canada in order to win. To this end the Southern California Aero Team has formulated the following rules:
1) America’s Cup designated contests must be flown in accordance with the provisions of the FAI Sporting Code and as follows:
a) F1A, B and C Contests must be a minimum of 7 rounds plus flyoffs if required. First round max durations should require the current extended flight times as stated in the FAI Sporting Code. F1G, H and J contests must fly a minimum of 5 rounds plus flyoffs if required. The F1A, B, C, G, H, J and P events must have discreet rounds and must be flown from a launch line. F1Q and F1E are flown as provisional events and may deviate from the standard FAI rules such as they may be flown jointly with other events, not in rounds, not from a line etc. In the case of deteriorating weather or for safety reasons, contests can be terminated after 5 rounds, and the Contest Director must provide the situation description. The CD must also indicate which round max durations were shortened from those stated in the FAI Sporting Code
b) For F1A, B, and C, contests flown over two days must have 7 rounds minimum (exception as above), and scoring will be based on total rounds flown. Contest Directors are urged to configure and conduct contest rounds to best allow 7 rounds plus flyoffs to be completed.
c) A $30 US America’s Cup Contest Sanction Fee is requested on or before April 1 of the current schedule year and required by the end of the year. Acceptable forms of payment are Money Orders or Checks made out to SCAT and sent to the address below. Non-payment will result in the removal of the contest from the following year’s schedule.
d) The maximum number of America’s Cup contest is 31. The SCAT America’s Cup Administrator will recommend changes to designated contests to the SCAT Club after careful consultation with contest organizers and FAI competitors in the USA and Canada. The preferred method of making changes to the designated contests is for the active clubs and participants in the affected region to submit the recommended changes. Contests that do not maintain a three year running average of F1ABCGHJand P total entry of 15 for 2 consecutive years will be subject to deletion. Prior to deletion, offers will be sought for contests to fill the deleted contest. New contests will be granted Conditional Status for their first year on the Calendar, based on their adherence to FAI rules as reported by organizers and contestants to the AmCup Administrator. Points scored at Conditional Contests are fully counted.
e) For any AmCup contest that requires rescheduling or cancellation prior to the published date (which should match the AMA primary sanction date) a 30-day advanced notice is recommended and a 15-day notice is required and the organizer must make a good faith effort at widespread notification, such as a message posted on SCAT Electronic News (SEN). Special attention shall be made to avoid conflict with other AmCup contests in that region. Rescheduling of a contest within 15 days of the scheduled date beyond the AMA primary sanction date is not allowed. The use of reserve a day as part of the AMA sanctioned primary dates and published in contest bulletin are encouraged to maximize the opportunity to complete contests.
f) Contestant eligibility is restricted to residents of the United States, Canada and Mexico. The residency of a person means the place where a person lives for at least 185 days prior to the start of the America’s Cup cycle for which they desire eligibility. This residency is based on employment status and/or personal ties; in the case of a person not working in North America, a close link between that person and the place where they live must be demonstrated. New residents must contact the Administrator to establish eligibility. Other foreign competitors are not considered in the quantity of entries or in the individual scores.
2) Any number of Designated Contests can be entered and at any contest site.
3) The highest scores from a maximum of four contests will be counted.
4) The total score may include two scores from one site only; all other scores must come from different sites, that is, the scores must come from at least three sites. Points are scored a follows:
5) Extra "Bonus" points are scored on the number of contestants in an event:
6 - 7 +1 point
8 - 9 +2 points
10 - 12 +3 points
13 - 14 +4 points
15 or more +5 points
6) Contest ties must be settled, or else the competitors receive the lowest score possible. For example, if three tie for first place and the ties are not settled, then each of the three receives the third place score (15 points plus bonus points. Contest ties are to be broken in a sporting manner, in which the event’s models are flown. The preferred method is the completion of the contest using a standard flyoff. In the case of exceptional circumstances, a single flyoff flight at a later time or the results of a future contest may be used. The sportsmen are responsible for arranging a suitable tiebreaker. The results of the tiebreaker are to be documented in writing (e-mail), and agreed upon by the participants. If attempts at breaking the tie are ultimately unsuccessful, the America’s Cup Committee is responsible for adjudication. Ties must be broken within 60 days of the contest or by the conclusion of the first AmCup contest of the following year, whichever is sooner, or the scores will remain as ties with the lower score recorded.
7) Ties for first place in the final scoring are settled by counting 5 contests in totals or more if necessary, Rule 4 not used. If this does not settle a tie, then taking the scores from the five best contests and multiplying by the total number of contestants in the 5 contests in the competitor’s event determines the winner.
8) For contests with fewer than 5 entrants, full points will be awarded as per Rule 5. In the case of only one entrant, 25 points will be awarded only if all other conditions of these rules are met; the contestant must fly in a sportsman-like manner.
9) 'Entry' means - made at least one official flight.
10) Points are scored on the calendar year basis. The America's Cups 1st place perpetual awards (F1A,B,C,G,H,J,P) and 1st place trophies will be awarded at a banquet on Saturday night of the Max Men 14 Round International Contest in California. Also, certificates for the first five places and for Junior High Point will be awarded. S.C.A.T. will pay for the Cups to be shipped to the winners who are unable to attend. However, it is the responsibility of the winners to have their names engraved on the placard and return the Cups to the America's Cup Administrator in time for the next Awards Banquet. If Cups must be shipped, it is the responsibility of the winners to insure the America’s Cups for $500.00 US.
11) Contest Directors or FAI Event Sponsors are required to send full contest results. Please include all contestants, all round scores with indication of all FAI Junior scores and any non-AmCup entries in each event to Jim Parker, preferably in Excel format via email within two weeks of the event. Plain text, WORD, RTF electronic formats or Paper copies will be accepted. Contest results with the above information should also be sent to SCAT Electronic News (SEN).
Jim Parker 9524 Ruffner Ave North Hills, CA 91343 <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
SCAT Electronic News (SEN) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Roger Morrell