SEN 1415
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1459
Table of Contents - SEN 1415
- EC 2010
- Champs Online - More
- Old Kits for sale
- Looking for Mica Fil
- Vol Libre Ends
- Sierra Cup
EC 2010 Full results
Are on the FAI Web Site at - Thanks to Ian Kaynes. The EC web site has the results but not the results for the final flyoffs.
Champs Online - more thoughts
Regarding Mr. Ian Kaynes letter about CIAM's decision, my comments are as follows.
Because the CIAM representatives were at the championship, why nobody asked the organizers to update their website? Their job is to observe and deal with issues as they may arise during the competition.
Why to make an amendment to the FF Organizers Guide which will have little or no effect on the future reports of championships? It is vague and does not requires compliance, but it is simply a suggestion.
I do agree with David Ackery that " The contest organizers main focus needs to be on running the contest on the day, for the people who are on the field, and dealing with the many issues that occur. And not trying to meet the requirements of a global audience that expects ESPN type coverage."
As reported by Daniel Rockberger, the competition was excellently organized and that matters.
We are simply spoiled by previous championship organizers who provided an instant reporting. Having said that, I am more concerned about the fact that today on Sunday night the F1C individual result are incorrect and the F1A results are not reported on the official web-site. This could have been corrected days ago, right on the spot with the CIAM international jury's involvement and cooperation with the organizers. As per my previous letter on June 8th. and which was published in SEN 1400, this situation confirms the need of a more detailed involvement of CIAM before and during international events.
Please see here below my letter sent to Mr. Ian Kaynes and the FF subcommittee on November 2nd. 2003.
4, Organizers guide
For years I felt that improvements are due in this regard. We have slowly passed all responsibility to the organizers and complained vigorously after. We opened the doors for interpretations and a more structured guidelines would make everybody's life easier. A detailed application for Continental and World Championships are a must for CIAM to justifiably grant the permits to the organizers.
The application should detail:
1, Location, weather and geographic conditions.
2, Available accommodations by the organizer and privately available options.
3, A deadline schedule for communication to the Aero clubs from the organizer, regarding the contest.
4, A round by round contest schedule.
5, Banquette details. a,menu, b,cost
Most of the above are presently part of the application but have not been enforced or supervised. We also have to recognize that many of the problems caused by the lack of involvement and follow-up by team managers and individuals. During my forty years as competitor, I have not met an organizer who did not try their best. To run a contest of the magnitude of a World Championship, Continental Championship or World Cup is a major task. We all have an obligation to contribute by asking questions well before, during and not after the contest. It is easy to criticize and hindsight is 20-20.
As my final comment, we all owe a big thank you to the Turkish modellers and the Turkish Federation to host the European Championships.
Again, I would like to encourage all modelers around the World to voice their opinion about free flight on this forum or with their national federation. Let’s build the future of our sport together.
From Canada,
Leslie Farkas
Old Kits for sale
Old Kits For Sale
Posted by Bob Stalick (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
I recently received a phone call from Richard Harding. who kitted the small half-A model, The Smarty.
This 32" span model was designed by Harold Bunting in the 1950s and was reviewed a few years back in the NFFS Digest. Richard has decided to rid himself of the remaining kits, which he estimates at probably 150 or so, all in new condition. If anyone is interested in obtaining these kits, he should contact Harding at 334-347-6925. He lives in Alabama which is where the kits are located. Mr. Harding does not have email.
Thanks for your interest.
Looking for Mica Film
Dear List,
I am looking for about four sheets of transparent micafilm (colorless). If
you have any you could sell, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you.
Jukka Juslin from Finland
Name -----------------------> Jukka Juslin
Tel ------------------------> +358 400 25 1816
Email ----------------------> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vol Libre Ends
After 35 years of singlehandedly publishing VOL LIBRE, the international magazine for Free Flight, André Schandel is ending his publication with issue #200, ending in the fall of 2011. His first VOL LIBRE issue #00 was published in 1976.
The VOL LIBRE magazine was honored with a Special Award in the 1987 NFFS Symposium. In 2002 André Schandel was inducted into the NFFS Hall of Fame for his life-long dedication to Free Flight/Vol Libre.
Subscribers whose subscription run out before issue #200 will be asked to pay just the amount for the issues ending up with #200.
Peter Brocks, Vol Libre volunteer
34 th Annual Sierra Cup
FAI International Free Flight Contest
October 1-4, 2010
A World and America’s Cup Event
Sponsored by:
Southern California Aero Team
Lost Hills, California, USA
Schedule of Events:
Friday, October 1 F1A
7 one hour rounds starting at 8 AM. Fly offs start will be posted after Round 7.
Saturday, October 2 F1B F1C F1P
7 one hour rounds starting at 8AM. Fly offs start will be posted after Round 7.
Fly offs beginning at 7AM for any 10 minute flyoff required in F1A.
Saturday Evening Banquet and Team Celebration at the Elks Club Lodge-Wasco.
Sunday, October 3 F1G F1H F1J F1Q
5 one hour rounds starting at 10AM-fly offs to follow until completed.
Fly offs beginning at 7AM for any 10 minute fly off required in F1B F1C F1P F1Q
Monday, October 4 Reserve Day
The contest will be run to current 2010 FAI rules and maxes.
Send Entries Fees to and Request Further Information From:
Mike McKeever-CD
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
(916) 967-8475
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Entry Fees:
Any single event (Mini or Maxi) $45
A “Mini” event and one “Maxi” event $60
As many events as you can fly $80
Entry includes banquet/extra banquet $20 each
Entries to be received with check payable to SCAT by September 17. Non-USA competitors may advise of entry before September 17 and pay no later than September 30
Name:____________________________E-Mail____________________ AMA #___________________
Event: Circle Those You Will Fly F1A F1B F1C F1P F1G F1H F1J F1Q
Entry Fee and Extra Banquet Tickets Enclosed $____________ Vegetarian Meal Preferred Please circle
Roger Morrell