SEN 1418

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Table of Contents - SEN 1418
  1. JWC
  2. 110m


Free Flight goes main stream ? or to the Dogs ? - Why, Vuvuzelas 'spotted" i.e. heard at the JWC.

and the place for the results -

F1A -flash - hopefullyby the time you get this in full final results will be posted.

Denis Sinsky - RUS
Miles Johnson - USA
Alim Naloev - RUS


  weather super, hot and sunny almost no wind many thermals. 13 in 5min FO, 4 made 5mins flew in next (7min???) FO.

110m Plus

the model did have a semi-exotic 6 panel wing but in previous tests this model was getting around 103-105m. .. and it was well over 110

Roger Morrell