SEN 1228 - 8 Jult 2008
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- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1357
Table of Contents - SEN 1228 - 8 July 2008
- Selection of retrieval Aircraft
- How heavy do you need to be?
- Sympo answer
- Vart Section
- NorthWest FF Champs
- Sporting quote for the week
Selection of Retrieval Aircraft
In America your best search plane would be a fabric covered plane such as a J3 Cub, Supercub or Citabria. These are ideal for the task because their covering means fewer RF shielding problems and they fly slow enough for a good visual search. Try contacting your local gliding club. They might have a suitable touring motor glider, e.g. a Grob G.109 or possibly a Schriebe SF-25 Falke or they may use a Supercub as their tow plane. A tube and fabric or composite-built ultralight should also be useful. If its plastic, just make sure that it doesn't have a carbon structure or it will be no better than a metal aircraft. Modern GA planes like the Cirrus are probably not suitable. They typically have carbon structures and are probably too fast for doing a proper search. Martin Gregorie
How heavy do you need to be ?
from: EoB
Major SCAT, Ken Bauer is of course correct with the problems of light people accelerating F1As; this has been known in Europe for many years. When wings were softer than they are now but hook tensions were still high, the forces were too high for some to deliver without help. Their answer was to don divers lead boots and use stategically placed launching ramps to jump off at the right moment, thus releasing the model. With respect to Ken's analysis, us Brits came to the conclusion that eating large numbers of burgers was not the best approach as you couldn't optimise the gazelle-like atributes needed for speed against the rhino-line ones to reach high line tensions. We quickly realised than the human body has sacks that can quickly take on board ballast thus increasing our mass to suit the conditions (ie if its windy we need less). Accordingly we filed these sacks with liquid which had the desired result. Of couse what liquid to use ? You need something with a high specific gravity and after considerable testing we found something that fitted the bill that was available from a few specialised establishments which were even open on Sundays ! The only downside was that this liquid (lets call it beer) has some side effects but some positives as well. For example, after 10 pints (the amount we chose as giving the extra mass required) we got the impression that wind speed had reduced to practically zero ! So if you ever see a Brit at a contest drinking MGD or similar, you now know why. EoB
Sympo Question from Ed Mate:
The 2008 Sympo will be released, as usual, at the Muncie Nats in early August. Orders for it will be accepted beginning August 15, with mailouts to follow shortly. The cost of the 2008 Sympo will be $30 plus $5.00 postage. Send to NFFS Publications Services, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR 97321.
If you are a patron or a contributor, you will receive a complimentary Sympo in early August. As for the 2009 Sympo, I am not aware that an editor has been selected yet. If so, I am sure someone will correct me.
Thanks for asking.
Bob Stalick, NFFS
Vart Section
From Chuck Markos
From Dan Berry
From Mike McKeever
Northwest FF Champs .
In addition to the two FAI Meets scheduled for Tangent, OR on the weekend of August 23 and 24, The Willamette Modelers Club is hosting its 45th Annual NW Free Flight Champs. The meet will also be held on the new Plainview Flying Site, about 2 miles S. of Parkers Field, the old flying site. You are invited to come and fly in either or both of the FAI meets and to drop in next door to fly in one or more of the AMA/NFFS events being held on the same site. This year, Glenn and LInda Grell are extending an invitation to all contestants and their family and friends to join all of us at their farm for a free spaghetti feed on Saturday evening. You bring your drinks, the WMC and the Grell's will furnish the rest. For further information about event specifics, times, etc. contact Bob Stalick (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for an entry form.
PS: The FAI boys are holding a special Vintage Power event this year. Something you don't want to miss.
NW FF Champs Events:
Events for AMA Juniors Only
Catapult Glider
Hand Launch Glider
Open Events for Sr-Open Age Groups
AMA 1/2A Gas
AMA CD Gas Combo
Hand Launch Glider
Catapult Glider
1/4A Nostalgia
Early Nostalgia 1/2A
1/2A Nostalgia
A Nostalgia
B C Nostalgia Combo
Dakota Time Target
Old Timer Ignition .
.020 Replica
Wock Event
Lo-Doc Scale*
One Design Combo (RamRod 250)
Classic Glider
Sporting Quote for the week
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough
Mario Andretti
Roger Morrell