SEN 1231 22 July 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1371
- Skyscrapers Annual
- Seen Online
- Off at a Tangent
- F1E Selection etc
- Vart Stuff
- Sporting Interview for the week.,
Skyscraper Annual results
From: Andrew Barron
Fellow Free Flight Flyers,
Here are the results of the Skyscraper Annual from July 5 and 6 at Barron Field in Wawayanda, New York. Winds were calm and variable both days so we were able to set up mid-field. The FAI results are listed below and the AMA/NFFS results (courtesy of Lisa Pacelli) are in the excel attachment.
Highlights include the max-out by Sarah Radziunas in F1B (keeping pace with her younger sister Michelle Radziunas who won the previous contest), the max-out by junior Brian Pacelli in F1P, the three flight max-out in hand launch glider by junior Miles Johnson with no additional attempts needed to reach his perfect score, and Julie Barron's first max-out to win classic glider.
The calm conditions also facilitated good performances by open fliers in
F1G, F1H, and F1J as you can see below.
F1Q (electric) featured what may have been the first flyoff in this fascinating event. The classic spiral climb of the models by father and son, Richard (Dick) Ivers and Richard (Rich) Ivers were a joy to watch. We permitted 15 seconds motor run and two minute max for the five main rounds, 10 seconds for the first flyoff and 5 seconds for the second flyoff, which resulted in identical scores as they both dropped the same amount. A third flyoff flight (again with 5 seconds motor run) resolved matters.
The CD leadership of Dave Acton and able recording by Lisa Pacelli are appreciated. Thermals -- Andrew Barron
P.S. The U.S. junior team is leaving Wednesday for the Junior World Championships in the Ukraine. Members from here in the northeast include
Brian Pacelli, Michelle Radziunas, Oliver Cai, and Timothy Barron, joining an excellent national contingent. Wish them well.
Skyscraper Annual FAI results, July 5-6, 2008
F1B (Wakefield, large rubber power)
1. 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 Sarah Radziunas
2. 240 166 180 180 854 180 180 1280 Tom Vaccaro
3. 240 180 180 180 180 085 180 1225 Carrol Allen
4. 213 180 032 072 179 --- --- 676 Michelle Radziunas
5. 200 108 174 180 --- --- --- 662 Tom Ioerger
6. 240 180 151 021 --- --- --- 592 Aram Schlosberg
7. 240 003 --- --- --- --- --- 243 Jerry McGlashan
F1A (Nordic, large towline glider)
1. 240 180 180 180 121 133 180 1214 Andrew Barron
2. 240 134 102 180 180 180 180 1196 Tzvetan Tvetkov
3. 240 048 180 175 180 180 180 1183 Timothy Barron [J}
4. 240 154 180 049 180 180 180 1163 Marion Whitney
5. 240 180 180 180 180 072 125 1157 Miles Johnson
6. 240 180 112 089 120 180 180 1101 Bob Sifleet
7. 114 116 --- 180 112 180 180 0882 Dennis Phelan
F1P (Small gas power)
1. 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 102 1362 Brian Pacelli
2. 180 180 180 180 138 133 180 1171 Dave Rounsaville
F1G (Coupe d'Hiver, small rubber power)
1. 104 120 120 120 120 584 Carrol Allen 2. 080 120 120 120 120 560 Bob Hatschek
3. 120 120 120 073 120 553 Bill Buss
4. 120 120 120 073 113 546 Tom Ioerger
5. 105 120 101 120 097 543 Don Rousseau
6. 120 120 087 --- --- 327 Larry Pelatowski
F1H (Small Towline glider)
1. 120 120 120 120 120 600 Bob Sifleet
2. 088 120 120 107 120 555 Dennis Phelan
3. 120 054 120 030 120 444 Kathy Radziunas
4. 084 055 115 080 091 425 Jean Pailet
F1J (Small Gas Power)
1. 120 120 120 120 120 600 Jean Pailet
2. 101 120 120 120 120 581 Dave Rounsaville
3. --- 120 120 120 120 480 Brian Pacelli
4. --- 032 034 024 --- 090 Tom Kerr
F1Q (Electric Power)
1. 120 120 120 120 120 120 100 092 912 Dick Ivers
2. 120 120 120 120 120 120 100 080 900 Rich Ivers
3. Att --- 102 120 114 336 Vic Nippert
HLG (S/O) 1Johnson, Miles 120 120 120 360
2Pelatowski, Larr 76 64 107 39 33 66 249
3Whitney, Marian 68 61 101 230
4Nippert, Vic 72 27 29 68 40 80 220
5Vollmer, Al 43 42 34 9 13 4 119
HLG (J) 1Pacelli, Brian ( 50 32 39 68 28 26 157
2Barron, Gina (J) 3 2 1 1 1 2 7
CLG (S/O) 1Pelatowski 120 31 120 120 360
2Vollmer, Al 35 74 120 79 90 50 289
3Phelan, Dennis 48 120 95 27 263
4Nippert, Vic 44 26 81 29 38 95 220
5Barron, Andrew 42 39 28 69 150
6Morris, Mirriam 9 41 25 34 29 37 112
7Waldner, Arnold 17 31 21 31 29 49 111
CLG (J) 1Pacelli, Brian ( 24 39 19 33 65 23 137
P-30 (S/O) 1Pelatowski, Larr120 120 120 360
2Buss, Bill 120 116 120 356
3Rousseau, Don 120 94 120 334
4Waldner, Arnold 120 82 120 322
5Nippert, Vic 66 120 83 269
E-36 1Ivers, Dick 110 120 120 350
2Nippert, Vic 120DNF DNF 120
1/2A Gas 1Abriss, Alan 91 110 120 321
2Geyer, Bob AttAtt Att 0
A Nos 1Luparelli, Ed 87 120 120 327
PAA Load 1Waldner, Arnold 120 62 48 230
Mulvihill (JS 1Barron, Gina (J) 17 24 10 51
Classic Towli 1Barron, Julie (J120 180 240 87 627
2Barron, Michelle105 180 79 364
3Barron, Andrew 95 180 80 355
4Pelatowski, Larr117 73 133 323
5Rousseau, Don 75 77 84 236
6Waldner, Arnold 70DNF DNF 70
Pee Wee 30 1Waldner, Arnold 380 406 8001586
2Abriss, Alan 360 373 204 937
2Rousseau, Don 268DNF DNF 268
Dawn Unlimite 1Allen, Carrol 388
2Rousseau, Don 128
Seen Online ..
One-Time SEN raconteur, Jon Davis, on the top spot in the NFFS web site, with finals CD Buzz Averil in the back ground. Unfortunately, the photo was cropped at the waist to conceal the famous baggy rapper pants, ... or is that fortunately? and BTW that's, shame on you for not knowing.
Thermals, Pierre Brun
F1E Team Selection and Open Contest
For those who are considering trying class F1E,or those who would like to see a FF event that is different but is exciting and presents different challenges, you should come and observe the F1E team selection and the Arizona F1E championships to be held Sept 4 thru 7th 2008 at the Sheba and Merriam crater sites near Flagstaff Az.
The crater sites will provide a venue equal to the best F1E sites in Europe. The quality of competition will be at a level to rival any of the best European competitions.
This is an oppurtunity to observe F1E flying at its best. All who may have any interest,or just curious, you are welcome to come and observe a truly challenging FF competition.
Vart Stuff
Just to remind, the flights are going to be timed and recorded this year.
So that means all fliers need to carry STOPWATCHES, since it is a
TIME ONE, FLY ONE operation!
Two weeks from tomorrow the BTV Mass Launch Fun will be in full swing,
so I hope everbody is ready and raring to go!
Go HERE for all the particulars:
See you all there!
Ringmeister Leeper
Sporting Interview for the Week
Question: .. and General what was the GeeBee R1 like to fly?
Gen Doolittle : It was unstable on all axes.
Corollary - Refer to Mario Andretti in SEN 1128
Roger Morrell