SEN issue 1108 - 30 June 2007
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- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1422
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Odessa WC, US team stories
It's all over now. It is Saturday and the last flyoff was this morning. Here's a few stories and things that I remember that I'll write down while it is still fresh. First a disclaimer - this is mostly US team stories from my own personal perspective. Other teams are just as deserving, but they will have to do their own writing. This is mainly for the benefit of US friends at home who have anxiously been awaiting news.
This may have been one of the most difficult WC ever in terms of challenging weather and flying conditions, but the very best guys rose to the top. All of this year's individual world champs are repeat winners, having won the WC previously, and the F1C flyoff this morning was between two previous WCs, Babenko and Kanegawa. Babenko won flying his folder vs Kanegawa's more conventional model. There was a breeze at 6am, but timers saw both to the ground with Babenko doing about 9 and a half minutes and the Japanese pilot a little over a minute behind. Oleg Kulakovsky won F1B and Per Findahl won F1A in a 19 man flyoff going for 10 minutes at 8:15pm last night. Last night's flyoff was held in beautiful conditions, the best we have seen in two weeks here which was a really nice way to finish the contest. F1C got the best flying weather of the contest yesterday with breezes only about 10mph. 28 made it to the flyoff, with only one American, Dick "Fast Richard" Mathis. They had the 5 minute flyoff at 7:45pm and most of them made it including FR. Then the F1A 10 minute round at 8:15. Per Findahl sprinted way upwind from the start. He launched towards the end of the round and did about 5min 41sec as I remember. All the others were stacked up just seconds behind. The F1C guys went for 7 minutes at 8:45pm and only two made it, Babenko and Kanegawa. Fast Richard put up a very nice flight and looked higher than the other models around him from my position as downwind retriever, however he only did around 5 and a half minutes. Picking up the model we discovered that the prop had folder improperly over the top of the engine cowl which disrupted the glide. This was very unfortunate as estimates were that he might have done another minute or two without this problem which would have put him right at the top. Oh well.
This was simply not the year for the US team. No medals this time and only one in the flyoff, quite a contrast after Argentina. Partly just luck, partly very tough conditions, partly a very big field with 40 countries involved. The F1C boys were all looking very good yesterday until the 5th round. Although conditions were good and the models were only drifting about a mile, the direction was putting them right into a military training area with many obstacles includes trees, buildings, fake tanks, towers, walls, etc. Most flights were lucky enough to miss this stuff, but Ron McBurnet's luck ran out in the 4th round when he DTed right into the side of a concrete building. Not flyable. Something happened to his number two model, and his number 3 model missed the max in the 5th round. Bucky also missed when his model circled wide out of the air, and John Lorbecki Jr also missed this round in bad air and then his model crashed into one of these obstacles to add insult to injury. Only Fast Richard made it through this round by waiting about half an hour for just the right thermal.
Next a comment on the "weather event". The final 3 F1A rounds were completed Thursday morning in windy conditions and then we went back to the rooms to rest. When Jim Parker and I headed back to the field about 4:30pm to help the power guys test, the sky was very dark and the wind was howling and rain was starting to come down. We both commented that it felt like Kansas in the Wizard of Oz just before Dorothy's house lifts off. Turns out we were not far off. Driving onto the field we saw Fast Richard in his car with a horrified look on his face. He said there was one inch hail falling just moments before and he was worried his rental car was ruined. He said "I was scared sh**less, and I'm from Louisiana!" He couldn't get off the field fast enough. We drove by the campsite first and saw the first evidence of what had happened. Trees down, tents scattered everywhere, chairs and tables strewn around, roofing materials from the local buildings laying across the road... Henning said he was on the field and saw chairs flying by 10 meters in the air! Turns out there was an actual tornado of some sort, or maybe a micro burst. The Aussies I believe got a video of it. Reports were that winds hit 100mph. Some poor guy had launched an F1C models 30 seconds before it hit. Reports were that it went up like crazy, only not gliding, but rather tumbling like a leaf. A poor guy from Argentina was retrieving his model when he got pelted by the hail. You know he was desparate when he used the model to shield his body, which ruined the model and he still was bady bruised anyway. Normally guys use their bodies to shield their models at all costs! Victor Stamov had a bunch of PA equipment, chairs, scoreboards, and other field equipment which was all lost. The PA speakers were huge, about 6 feet tall and could be heard kilometers downwind. The next day Victor commented "The speakers went up and I never saw them again, and unfortunately they did not have any DT!" Heavy rain followed and needless to say the F1A flyoff that evening was cancelled. The next day the field was muddy, but as before mentioned the flying the next day was the best we had in two weeks here.
Back to Tuesday and F1A day - the US team simply had a really bad day. We were running in a just cut wheat field with 6" stubble on the ground, towing in 10 to 15mph wind, and dealing with traffic like the 405 freeway in LA. The poles were spaced only 7.5 meters apart with 100 flyers on the line. There were towlines on the ground to trip over and towlines falling from the sky over models and our towlines. I was the last to fly in the third round and as I towed up I saw a couple other models go and thought the air was OK, but I started going downwind to get into postition. I was overly concerned with guys towing on each side of me and one guy towing directly downwind of me. My helper Jim Parker said "one more circle", meaning that after one more circle I could probably move away from these guys, but I was thinking air and that I should take one more circle and launch, so I abruptly launched without getting set up right, and the result was a terrible launch and bad flight. It was all my responsibility however and I felt pretty bad. The next round I was determined to not let the other models and traffic bother me. I towed downwind into good position, waited for the air, then felt good air as a gaggle of models launched upwind of me. I setup for a great launch in just the right spot and just as the model was at it's peak of speed I heard a "whack" sound. I looked up after releasing the model and it went up for a great bunt right into the thermal. I didn't know where the sound had come from, thinking that something had happended somewhere in that group of models. As I walked back feeling pretty good about the flight everyone was looking at me in awe. Turns out I had just destroyed a Bulgarian glider. My towline went right through the other glider immediately under my model at the moment of maximum energy. There was speculation that it was a mid air collision, but my glider came back with no scratches. Mike McKeever said it was like someone took a shotgun and just blew the model out of the sky. Pieces raining down. I felt pretty bad, but everyone said that is just part of the game, although they named me "Killer Ken". Words like thrasher and ripper were also thrown around. I was told to watch my back, but later I made peace with the Bulgarians as best I could.
Round 3 was very bad for the three of us. I spent a lot of effort towing downwind but got in a line tangle before the thermal came through. Both Brian and Steve also had attempts and we were left with 15 minutes in the round and all three of us still needed to get flights in. We tried picking air on the ground to just get the models off the line in something decent, but it didn't work well and we all dropped. When my turn came around there was only one minute left in the round. Roger said there had been a small warm bump and I went straight up and off with a good launch, but the air was bad and I was down quickly. This time I felt like I did everything I could that round but it just didn't work out. After 4 rounds the three of us each had two maxes and two drops, not exactly what we had hoped for. Steve got a max in the 5th round and then suddenly the organizers announced that the round must be stopped immediately. Turns out that someone had driven their car through the middle of one of the wheat field and some angry farmers had come to Victor. We all sat around in the hot sun and wind for about an hour while the problem was worked out, but by this time the wind had gone over the 9m/s limit so the round was thrown out and the flying for the day was done. After F1B Wednesday we finally got to finish the last three rounds on Thurday, again in wind of course. This time the three of us did pretty good. I got three pretty solid maxes, all by circle towing in the wind, so I felt pretty good and could at least say I had one good day at the WC. Our only hope for the flyoff, Mike flying as WC, did not do quite so well however dropping one flight. He had done well on Tuesday, and had the flying Thursday started at 7am as planned in what was actually very nice weather, he would have certainly done great, but it wan't meant to be.
I was chasing on Wednesday when F1B was flown. These models had a very hard time with the wind blowing over the rolling hills. When they got low they would get tossed around and stall and did not glide well. They went for 4 minutes in the first round, and without thermals these models needed to glide well all the way to the ground. That first round saw a large part of the field drop including Roger and Walt. Bob Pirserchio was our only hope for the flyoff and was doing well, but then one round he got low and was sucked down between a couple hills. Just like F1A they only got in 4 rounds before the wind was so bad they had to quit. The last guy to fly in the 4th round was Roger, who put it up in a huge thermal just as the wind shifted about 90 degrees. This left us deep downwind chasers kilometers from where we needed to be so we never saw the model and didn't have a chance. Meanwhile the model was up for almost 6 minutes. Mike had a signal in the tracker before the model went down and had an idea of where to go. Meanwhile I was relying on my new GPS unit for this contest and the bearing that I received from the flightline seemed to go a different direction from where Mike wanted to go with the tracker. Since there was a real threat of local people finding this model and stealing it, I felt that our chances of getting to it quickly would be better if we split up into two teams. Alex got Blake's car along with Brian and they picked up Mike and the three of them went off in search of the model. Ron McBurnet then got in his car and came to meet John Lorbecki Jr and I for the 2nd team, only one of the Ukranian soldiers would not let him pass by a certain gate which led to the road to come pick us up. By the time John and I got to Ron's car we had lost about 15 minutes. We then drove off the field to the main road and followed the GPS unit until we were on the line of the model. At this point I got out of the car and got a signal on the radio tracker, which fortunately was on the field side of the road, and not the Black Sea side as the sea was only a couple hundred yards away and with this flight time and direction I was worried Roger may have a wet model. We followed the radio signal until it was very strong near an area of small fenced off gardens. John and I went over a barbed wire fence in the direction of the signal which was now blasting loudly. Mike then called on the team radio to see where we were. I told him we were so close we were about to step on the model and bragged about how great my GPS unit was working. So now there was a competition going on to see which team could find the model first. John and I took a left turn and decided the model was in a particular fenced off garden, and we showed a nice Ukranian lady who was working there our competitor badges which had an explanation of what we were doing. Just as she was opening the gate for us Mike, Brian, and Alex came running from the opposite direction and got to the gate at almost the same moment. At that point we were like a bunch of kids hunting for Easter eggs. The signal was so strong that it was difficult to get a direction, and all the metal fencing was complicating the matter, but we all knew we were virtually on top of the model. After about five minutes of searching the garden Brian came up the winner by putting his hands on the model first. I still claim some sort of victory for the GPS team however, because if we are given credit for that 15 minute delay in getting to Ron's car, then we have them beaten by a good margin. This was the first time I had relied extensively on GPS for chasing, and I believe that it is a real asset when dealing with tough conditions like we had here.
Finally I want to say that I thought the organizers did a great job of controlling what they could control. The accomodations were great and it was great staying very close to the field. There was a nurse on duty 24 hours who was very good. A few people got sick and went to the medical building and were treated very well, put on special diets and medicine and were quickly feeling better. Processing went very well and the on field decisions were made about the best they could be made under the conditions. The organizers could not control the weather of course....
Overall what makes the world champs a success is the people. I always make it a goal to put more names and faces together and get to know new people which I did this year. Thanks to everyone that made this event possible.
Ken Bauer
World Champs Results
Plc Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 FINDAHL Per SWE 1290+341 1631
2 BEZAK Ivan SVK 1290+337 1627
3 HOLZLEITNER Rudolf AUT 1290+334 1624
4 NOTAROS Attila HUN 1290+319 1609
4 GRUSHKOVSKIY Yury UKR 1290+319 1609
6 SZEKELYHIDI Attila HUN 1290+316 1606
7 MAKAROV Sergey RUS 1290+307 1597
8 BACHAR Lior ISR 1290+293 1583
9 KULMAKKO Kimmo FIN 1290+292 1582
10 TITOV Jury RUS 1290+288 1578
11 BRUSSOLO Vittorio ITA 1290+283 1573
12 CIUCU Viorel ROU 1290+282 1572
13 LIMOR Shachar ISR 1290+277 1567
14 WEIMER Thomas GER 1290+260 1550
15 GOBBO Massimiliano ITA 1290+255 1545
16 BLAGOJEVIC Radoje SRB 1290+235 1525
17 JUSUFBASIC Tarik BIH 1290+223 1513
18 RI Jong Song PRK 1290+198 1488
19 KOKK Urmas EST 1290+194 1484
20 ZULIC Damjan SLO 202 180 180 180 180 180 180 1282
21 FARKAS Leslie CAN 210 180 147 180 180 180 180 1257
22 ABOLINS Gundars LAT 210 180 146 180 180 180 180 1256
23 BARIC Roberto CRO 199 180 180 180 180 156 180 1255
24 JU Kwang Chol PRK 171 180 180 180 180 180 180 1251
25 NUETTGENS Ansgar GER 210 180 136 180 180 180 180 1246
26 KREETZ Ivo NED 210 180 180 180 180 180 128 1238
27 POTICHENKO Vitaliy KAZ 210 180 122 180 180 180 180 1232
28 LAZAREVITCH Vladislav UKR 210 180 117 180 180 180 180 1227
29 BERNARD Edgar FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 114 1224
30 KOGLOT Roland SLO 210 180 114 180 180 180 180 1224
30 MORGAN Vin AUS 137 180 180 180 180 180 180 1217
32 BOCHET Bernard FRA 210 171 180 180 180 180 115 1216
33 McKEEVER Mike W/Ch 210 180 180 180 104 180 180 1214
33 ALLNUTT Peter CAN 210 180 131 180 180 153 180 1214
35 EDGE Chris GBR 210 180 103 180 180 180 180 1213
35 ABAD Javier ESP 133 180 180 180 180 180 180 1213
35 YABLONOVSKY Igor UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 103 1213
38 SUN Dalong CHN 210 105 176 180 180 180 180 1211
39 TZVETKOV Tzvetan BUL 210 180 180 180 180 180 100 1210
40 TAHKAPAA Heikki FIN 210 180 180 98 180 180 180 1208
41 NIKOLOV Nikolay BUL 210 180 180 97 180 180 180 1207
42 HALASZ-SZABO Istvan HUN 210 180 180 120 180 180 154 1204
43 DROZDZINSKI Tomasz POL 210 93 180 180 180 180 180 1203
44 TRACHEZ Bernard FRA 210 180 113 155 180 180 180 1198
45 VALO Jari FIN 147 180 176 180 180 180 153 1196
46 SACCHI Giorgio ITA 150 180 180 180 180 135 180 1185
47 HUBER Kosma POL 210 180 74 180 180 180 180 1184
47 KURBANOV Sardor UZB 210 128 126 180 180 180 180 1184
49 DIMAVICIUS Vidas LTU 210 180 122 180 180 180 129 1181
50 DVORAK Michal CZE 210 180 69 180 180 180 180 1179
51 LESKO Robert CRO 210 180 180 110 180 180 137 1177
52 DOMOKOVA Gabriela SVK 210 180 56 180 180 180 180 1166
53 ZARINS Janis LAT 171 180 180 180 93 180 180 1164
54 BLEUER Heinz SUI 210 180 53 180 180 180 180 1163
55 VAN NEST Brian USA 210 89 144 180 180 178 180 1161
56 TSOY Eugeny RUS 174 180 180 85 180 180 180 1159
57 RI Yong Ho PRK 210 180 180 180 180 180 47 1157
57 GRUENEIS Manfred AUT 210 180 180 180 124 161 122 1157
59 COLLEGE William GBR 152 180 180 180 180 180 104 1156
Plc Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
60 POPESCU Marian ROU 194 180 60 180 180 179 180 1153
61 PALMIERI Waltter ARG 187 180 180 171 180 72 180 1150
62 TRIMAKAS Gintaras LTU 210 180 131 180 88 180 180 1149
63 BOVARI Diego ARG 210 117 180 180 180 180 86 1133
64 VARHOZ Deniz SWE 155 180 161 180 180 88 180 1124
65 PARNA Ardo EST 208 180 180 65 130 180 180 1123
66 CARTER John GBR 210 180 83 180 180 180 105 1118
66 SPENCE Steve USA 210 180 116 72 180 180 180 1118
68 ROSSEN Mark NED 210 180 180 180 104 83 180 1117
68 OLGUN Yalcin TUR 210 180 131 56 180 180 180 1117
70 RUSCH Uwe GER 210 180 140 180 180 180 45 1115
71 SHIRAI Shoji JPN 163 180 180 180 180 180 48 1111
72 MITCHELL Phil AUS 210 108 72 180 180 180 180 1110
72 HOLMBOM Mikael SWE 210 180 180 180 180 180 0 1110
72 PLUME Anrijs LAT 210 180 66 180 180 179 115 1110
75 SAVOV Valentin BUL 148 180 180 60 180 180 180 1108
76 TERLEP Danijel SLO 168 180 36 180 180 180 180 1104
77 BORDJOSKI Milos SRB 210 180 99 72 180 180 180 1101
78 NERENG Vegar NOR 126 180 180 180 180 180 72 1098
79 BAUER Kenneth USA 104 180 93 180 180 180 180 1097
80 LIMO Sabrija BIH 210 180 88 180 180 180 72 1090
80 ZIOBER Czeslaw POL 210 97 180 63 180 180 180 1090
82 WALLACE Robert NZL 210 180 180 180 22 133 180 1085
83 NIKOLAJEVAS Vidas CAN 105 180 180 78 180 180 180 1083
84 BONGIOANNI Alejandro ARG 210 180 50 180 139 145 178 1082
85 STEFFENSEN Ingolf NOR 90 157 101 180 180 180 180 1068
86 VOSEJPKA Jan CZE 210 168 129 180 180 180 6 1053
87 OLSTAD Svein NOR 91 180 180 180 60 180 180 1051
88 GREUB Martin SUI 210 180 50 180 177 180 71 1048
89 KARGIN Cetin TUR 210 35 77 180 180 180 180 1042
90 FUSS Helmut AUT 183 180 163 21 180 180 122 1029
91 IBEHEJ Dusan CZE 151 180 97 180 180 58 180 1026
92 KRAUS Yaron ISR 137 180 180 54 180 180 109 1020
93 LETKO Jan SVK 91 180 106 180 180 180 99 1016
94 ROGOZ Damir CRO 210 67 180 38 180 180 158 1013
95 BACHMANN Christoph SUI 210 171 180 180 0 78 180 999
96 SZIJJARTO Szilard ROU 210 162 180 0 74 180 180 986
97 SELGOJA Ants EST 168 180 180 72 84 180 121 985
98 STOWE Tahn AUS 210 180 180 123 86 180 4 963
99 KALANOV Gayrat UZB 210 180 61 180 56 158 70 915
100YUNDIN Victor UZB 130 90 140 180 90 103 180 913
101SEVGI Osman TUR 135 180 180 82 102 0 180 859
102HADZIHAJDAREVIC Haris BIH 91 180 180 2 137 180 26 796
103TAKUBO Junichi JPN 94 30 81 180 14 153 180 732
104VAN ELDIK Antoon NED 166 46 180 180 6 0 0 578
105IKOMA Daizo JPN 64 103 180 0 0 0 0 347
- INDRISONIS Rimas LTU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Num. of maxes in the round 72 87 63 82 84 85 72
Num. of comp. with full scor 72 59 34 29 25 25 19
Plc Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 KULAKOVSKY Oleg W/Ch 1320+300+333 1953
2 VIVCHAR Igor UKR 1320+300+323 1943
3 ZASTAVENKO Anatoliy UKR 1320+300+318 1938
4 ZILBERG Igor GER 1320+300+301 1921
5 KOLIC Ivan SRB 240 180 168 180 180 180 180 1308
6 NISHIZAWA Minoru JPN 240 180 156 180 180 180 180 1296
6 YOSHIDA Jun JPN 216 180 180 180 180 180 180 1296
8 WOOLNER Mike GBR 240 169 180 173 180 173 180 1295
9 JUSUFBASIC Kenan BIH 240 180 154 180 180 180 180 1294
9 URBAN Vladislav CZE 231 180 180 163 180 180 180 1294
9 KUFLIK Shmuel ISR 214 180 180 180 180 180 180 1294
12 PISERCHIO Robert USA 240 180 151 180 180 180 180 1291
13 CABARAVDIC Malik BIH 238 180 180 146 180 180 180 1284
14 STANKOVIC Dragan SLO 225 157 180 180 180 180 180 1282
15 MARK Gilad ISR 225 180 160 170 180 180 180 1275
16 NOVY Milan CZE 240 180 124 180 180 180 180 1264
17 YURTSEVEN Ismet TUR 208 180 149 180 180 180 180 1257
18 TAOKA Makoto JPN 201 180 154 180 180 180 180 1255
19 VAN HOORN Henk NED 174 180 180 180 180 180 180 1254
19 SKIBICKI Stanislaw POL 225 155 154 180 180 180 180 1254
21 COFALIC Eugeniusz POL 208 180 143 180 180 180 180 1251
22 GHIO Walter USA 202 180 155 171 180 180 180 1248
23 ISOTALO Janne FIN 211 180 132 180 180 180 180 1243
24 HRIBAR Luka SLO 161 180 180 180 180 180 180 1241
25 JONES William AUS 227 180 126 180 180 164 180 1237
26 KHUZIEV Radik RUS 156 180 180 180 180 180 180 1236
26 EIMAR Bror SWE 156 180 180 180 180 180 180 1236
28 FEIJTH Wim NED 205 170 136 180 180 180 180 1231
29 ZHANG Hongjun CHN 186 180 180 177 180 143 180 1226
30 SOKOLIC Danko CRO 212 156 140 180 180 180 174 1222
31 BROBERG Hakan SWE 175 180 180 144 180 180 180 1219
32 BORTNE Tor NOR 167 180 150 180 180 180 180 1217
33 TOMLJANOVIC Vinko CRO 162 178 154 180 180 180 180 1214
34 ROSONOKS Viktors LAT 174 180 137 180 180 180 180 1211
35 BARUCH Abraham ISR 194 180 113 180 180 180 180 1207
36 SARIOGLU Ismail TUR 183 167 149 166 180 180 180 1205
37 BOND Terry AUS 124 180 180 180 180 180 180 1204
37 PIBER Dietmar AUT 215 180 114 155 180 180 180 1204
39 BLAGOJEVIC Radoje SRB 232 180 113 132 180 180 180 1197
40 LIBERATORE Walter ITA 156 152 168 180 180 180 180 1196
40 WOLD Jan NOR 172 139 180 180 165 180 180 1196
42 PETRAS Josef SVK 201 161 112 179 180 180 180 1193
43 MACKUS Rolandas LTU 170 149 180 180 180 150 180 1189
44 PEERS Russell GBR 180 135 180 157 173 180 180 1185
44 MOENNINGHOFF Peter GER 195 119 180 151 180 180 180 1185
46 HORAK Ladislav CAN 209 139 126 180 180 170 180 1184
47 DONG KunJiang CHN 240 151 61 180 180 180 180 1172
48 MURAVTSEV Alexandr UZB 205 180 96 180 145 180 180 1166
49 SIEBENMANN Dieter SUI 120 162 163 180 180 180 180 1165
50 KUCHARSKI Henryk POL 170 171 164 117 180 180 180 1162
50 LOVATO Mario ITA 170 180 132 140 180 180 180 1162
52 WILLEMSEN Gerard NED 196 105 163 157 180 180 180 1161
53 LACIMIC Bosko SRB 172 180 102 158 180 180 180 1152
53 MEUSBURGER Harald AUT 175 151 106 180 180 180 180 1152
55 GIOL Juan ARG 197 180 169 180 180 180 63 1149
56 TEDESCHI Serge FRA 118 149 180 165 180 173 180 1145
57 MARQUOIS Benjamin FRA 156 144 176 127 180 180 180 1143
58 KARAULOV Demyan UZB 164 142 180 180 133 180 163 1142
59 VIVCHAR Vladimir UKR 240 120 115 178 180 126 180 1139
Plc Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
60 AFANASIEV Valery RUS 240 100 107 150 180 180 180 1137
61 HRIBAR Tomaz SLO 181 180 180 98 138 168 180 1125
62 MORGAN Leigh AUS 162 147 180 101 172 180 180 1122
63 CHENEAU Jean-Claude FRA 207 145 49 180 180 180 180 1121
64 BOVIO Remo ARG 156 104 180 166 152 180 180 1118
65 PAK Hyong Chol PRK 135 180 93 180 180 168 180 1116
66 DVORAK Pavel CZE 202 180 107 154 180 137 150 1110
67 ISMATILLAEV Shovkat UZB 176 157 151 151 180 114 180 1109
68 KAPETANOVIC Mirsad BIH 83 180 118 180 180 180 180 1101
69 DAHLIN Mikael SWE 182 93 119 164 180 180 180 1098
70 MORENO Pedro ESP 131 147 124 180 180 164 165 1091
71 MOISTUS Igor EST 136 120 118 174 180 180 180 1088
72 GOPP Viktor GER 144 135 180 180 85 180 180 1084
73 POSA Riku FIN 209 150 69 171 180 146 152 1077
74 EGGIMANN Walter SUI 162 180 109 105 158 180 180 1074
75 NORKUNAS Rolandas LTU 114 144 180 116 157 180 180 1071
76 JANG Pom Chol PRK 143 133 79 180 180 174 180 1069
77 XU Xiaoting CHN 240 180 176 0 126 161 180 1063
78 RI Chung Hyok PRK 169 135 74 159 163 180 180 1060
79 ORTIZ Horacio ARG 191 170 180 3 151 180 180 1055
80 POPESCU Marian ROU 114 140 110 158 180 171 178 1051
81 SCHODER Hans SUI 137 106 83 180 180 180 180 1046
82 MORRELL Roger USA 180 105 180 180 40 180 180 1045
83 HARJO Indrek EST 135 166 75 180 159 180 149 1044
83 BITIC Naci TUR 116 180 28 180 180 180 180 1044
85 PAKULIN Mikhail RUS 104 134 104 180 180 150 180 1032
86 TORGERSEN Ole NOR 198 68 180 180 33 180 180 1019
87 SALZER Klaus AUT 112 134 54 180 180 167 180 1007
88 SAVOV Valentin BUL 136 27 180 160 140 163 180 986
89 D'ATTI Dario ITA 149 133 132 180 25 180 180 979
90 IVANCIKAS Virginijus LTU 177 83 41 121 180 180 180 962
91 BANJAC Nenad CRO 160 79 94 157 129 161 180 960
92 LINKOSALO Tapio FIN 162 180 99 68 165 180 98 952
93 ROOTS Agu EST 134 160 65 180 97 112 180 928
94 VINCZE Sandor Geza ROU 240 116 0 109 50 180 160 855
95 KOCSIS Istvan HUN 122 180 143 152 0 0 0 597
96 TOTH Karoly HUN 167 180 57 84 0 0 0 488
97 DEMCENKO Romans LAT 190 128 103 0 0 0 0 421
98 ROWSELL Douglas CAN 65 89 42 0 0 0 0 196
99 POPA Constantin ROU 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Num. of maxes in the round 15 46 32 54 72 73 84
Num. of comp. with full scor 15 10 4 4 4 4 4
Plc Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 BABENKO Artem UKR 1260+300+420+577 2557
2 KANEGAWA Shigeru W/Ch 1260+300+420+498 2478
3 TRUPPE Reinhard AUT 1260+300+386 1946
4 ZSENGELLER Gabor HUN 1260+300+382 1942
5 SCHLACHTA Frank CAN 1260+300+358 1918
6 ZITO Fernando ARG 1260+300+346 1906
7 GRADI Franco ITA 1260+300+338 1898
8 MATHIS Richard USA 1260+300+334 1894
9 JERMOL Darijo CRO 1260+300+327 1887
10 ZITO Mauricio ARG 1260+300+321 1881
11 SONDHAUSS Michael GER 1260+300+294 1854
12 FUZEYEV Leonid RUS 1260+300+243 1803
12 ZULIC Damjan SLO 1260+300+243 1803
14 CROWLEY Colin AUS 1260+300+229 1789
15 KISLOVSKY Anatoly RUS 1260+300+0 1560
16 JACK Allan GBR 1260+294 1554
17 ZOU Jiongyu CHN 1260+291 1551
18 PATOCS Laszlo HUN 1260+283 1543
19 KIM Sok Yong PRK 1260+263 1523
20 DE BOER Pieter NED 1260+245 1505
21 HEGENBART Robert AUT 1260+217 1477
22 NAGARI Shlomo ISR 1260+143 1403
23 BUREK Edward POL 1260+92 1352
24 SZECZENYI Janos HUN 1260+88 1348
25 JU Chol Ho PRK 1260+53 1313
26 PECHERSKIY Rostislav CAN 1260+0 1260
26 SUMMERSBY Roy AUS 1260+0 1260
26 VOITS Maris LAT 1260+0 1260
29 WAECHTLER Claus-Peter GER 180 180 180 180 176 180 180 1256
30 PLACHETKA Piotr POL 180 180 180 180 175 180 180 1255
31 ALLEN Neil GBR 180 180 180 180 174 180 180 1254
32 ALEKSANDROV Vjacheslav UKR 169 180 180 180 180 180 180 1249
33 LORBIECKI John E. JWCh 180 180 180 180 162 180 180 1242
34 NIIRANEN Timo FIN 180 158 180 180 180 180 180 1238
35 SERVAITES Joseph USA 180 180 180 180 157 180 180 1237
36 WLODARCZYK Jerzy POL 180 150 180 180 180 180 180 1230
37 ITZHAKOV Yaakov ISR 180 180 139 180 180 180 180 1219
38 ROUX Alain FRA 180 180 180 180 180 138 180 1218
39 ATKOCIUNAS Darius LTU 170 180 180 180 136 180 180 1206
40 MEISSNEST Dietmar GER 180 180 118 180 180 180 180 1198
40 GRASYS Arunas LTU 180 159 180 180 167 152 180 1198
42 JUSUFBASIC Tarik BIH 180 114 180 180 180 180 180 1194
43 POUYADOU Laurent FRA 180 180 180 180 112 180 180 1192
44 ROOTS Juri EST 180 180 180 107 180 180 180 1187
45 VERBITSKY Eugene UKR 180 147 180 180 145 167 180 1179
46 REVERAULT Michel FRA 180 168 180 180 172 180 117 1177
47 McBURNETT Ron USA 180 180 180 180 96 180 180 1176
48 MAURER Peter SUI 180 180 180 180 180 180 89 1169
49 SEKIZAWA Kazumasa JPN 107 180 180 180 180 155 180 1162
50 SCREEN Stafford GBR 180 180 180 180 180 123 135 1158
51 RI Yong Gwang PRK 180 180 180 180 123 120 180 1143
52 TIHO Vahur EST 163 180 180 180 115 151 171 1140
53 ZILBERSHTAIN Uri ISR 180 173 108 180 177 180 138 1136
54 BANCI Andrea ITA 180 180 180 180 180 180 52 1132
55 OPEVALOV Jury RUS 37 180 180 180 180 180 180 1117
56 CONDON Eric CAN 180 0 180 173 180 180 180 1073
57 FURFERI Eduardo ARG 177 125 180 180 180 180 15 1037
58 GUADAGNO Roberto ITA 164 152 0 180 180 180 180 1036
59 BLATNY Jaroslav CZE 55 145 180 154 140 180 180 1034
Plc Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
60 CANTOS Miguel ESP 180 180 180 105 180 175 32 1032
61 JANOVIC Stevan SRB 180 27 180 180 97 180 180 1024
62 NAABER Raimond EST 180 174 93 180 130 180 86 1023
63 EAST William AUS 154 137 180 0 180 180 180 1011
64 STANKOVIC Dragan SLO 0 157 180 156 180 120 180 973
65 JUSUFBASIC Asim BIH 180 180 163 72 180 180 0 955
66 GROSELJ Janko SLO 180 180 127 180 180 0 0 847
67 KIBURTAS Robertas LTU 123 54 180 133 180 166 0 836
68 BLAZEK Josef CZE 102 180 53 111 0 180 180 806
69 KROCA Pavel CZE 123 180 155 151 49 0 0 658
70 JUSUFBASIC Kenan BIH 0 180 18 0 180 180 0 558
- JOVIN Svetozar SRB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
- KOSTER Thomas DEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
- NYHEGN Henning DEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Num. of maxes in the round 56 54 60 59 51 58 56
Num. of comp. with full scor 56 46 42 40 32 30 28
F1A Team
Plc Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 Hungary 630 540 540 480 540 540 514 3784
2 Italy 570 540 540 540 540 495 540 3765
3 Russia 594 540 540 445 540 540 540 3739
4 Ukraine 630 540 477 540 540 540 463 3730
5 DPR Korea 591 540 540 540 540 540 407 3698
6 Finland 567 540 536 458 540 540 513 3694
7 Germany 630 540 456 540 540 540 405 3651
8 France 630 531 473 515 540 540 409 3638
9 Slovenia 580 540 330 540 540 540 540 3610
10 Israel 557 540 540 414 540 540 469 3600
11 Canada 525 540 458 438 540 513 540 3554
12 Latvia 591 540 392 540 453 539 475 3530
13 Bulgaria 568 540 540 337 540 540 460 3525
14 Sweden 575 540 521 540 540 448 360 3524
15 Great Britain 572 540 366 540 540 540 389 3487
16 Poland 630 370 434 423 540 540 540 3477
17 Austria 603 540 523 381 484 521 424 3476
18 Slovakia 511 540 342 540 540 540 459 3472
19 Croatia 619 427 540 328 540 516 475 3445
20 Romania 614 522 420 360 434 539 540 3429
21 Estonia 586 540 540 317 394 540 481 3398
22 USA 524 449 353 432 540 538 540 3376
23 Argentina 607 477 410 531 499 397 444 3365
24 Australia 557 468 432 483 446 540 364 3290
25 Czech Republic 571 528 295 540 540 418 366 3258
26 Norway 307 517 461 540 420 540 432 3217
27 Switzerland 630 531 283 540 357 438 431 3210
28 Bosnia and Herzegovina 511 540 448 362 497 540 278 3176
29 Turkey 555 395 388 318 462 360 540 3018
30 Uzbekistan 550 398 327 540 326 441 430 3012
31 Netherlands 586 406 540 540 290 263 308 2933
32 Serbia 420 360 279 252 360 360 360 2391
33 Lithuania 420 360 253 360 268 360 309 2330
34 Japan 321 313 441 360 194 333 228 2190
35 Kazakhstan 210 180 122 180 180 180 180 1232
35 Spain 133 180 180 180 180 180 180 1213
37 China 210 105 176 180 180 180 180 1211
38 New Zealand 210 180 180 180 22 133 180 1085
F1B Team
Plc Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 Japan 657 540 490 540 540 540 540 3847
2 Ukraine 720 480 475 538 540 486 540 3779
3 Israel 633 540 453 530 540 540 540 3776
4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 561 540 452 506 540 540 540 3679
5 Czech Republic 673 540 411 497 540 497 510 3668
6 Poland 603 506 461 477 540 540 540 3667
7 Serbia 644 540 383 470 540 540 540 3657
8 Slovenia 567 517 540 458 498 528 540 3648
9 Netherlands 575 455 479 517 540 540 540 3646
10 Germany 579 434 540 511 445 540 540 3589
11 USA 622 465 486 531 400 540 540 3584
12 Australia 513 507 486 461 532 524 540 3563
13 Sweden 513 453 479 488 540 540 540 3553
14 Turkey 507 527 326 526 540 540 540 3506
15 China 666 511 417 357 486 484 540 3461
16 Norway 537 387 510 540 378 540 540 3432
17 Uzbekistan 545 479 427 511 458 474 523 3417
18 France 481 438 405 472 540 533 540 3409
19 Russia 500 414 391 510 540 510 540 3405
20 Croatia 534 413 388 517 489 521 534 3396
21 Austria 502 465 274 515 540 527 540 3363
22 Italy 475 465 432 500 385 540 540 3337
23 Argentina 544 454 529 349 483 540 423 3322
24 Switzerland 419 448 355 465 518 540 540 3285
25 Finland 582 510 300 419 525 506 430 3272
26 DPR Korea 447 448 246 519 523 522 540 3245
27 Lithuania 461 376 401 417 517 510 540 3222
28 Estonia 405 446 258 534 436 472 509 3060
29 Great Britain 420 304 360 330 353 353 360 2480
30 Romania 359 256 110 267 230 351 338 1911
31 Latvia 364 308 240 180 180 180 180 1632
32 Canada 274 228 168 180 180 170 180 1380
33 Slovakia 201 161 112 179 180 180 180 1193
34 Spain 131 147 124 180 180 164 165 1091
35 Hungary 289 360 200 236 - - - 1085
36 Bulgaria 136 27 180 160 140 163 180 986
F1C Team
Plc Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 Hungary 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 3780
2 Poland 540 510 540 540 535 540 540 3745
3 Germany 540 540 478 540 536 540 540 3714
4 Ukraine 529 507 540 540 505 527 540 3688
5 USA 540 540 540 540 433 540 540 3673
6 Great Britain 540 540 540 540 534 483 495 3672
7 DPR Korea 540 540 540 540 483 480 540 3663
8 Russia 397 540 540 540 540 540 540 3637
9 Israel 540 533 427 540 537 540 498 3615
10 Canada 540 360 540 533 540 540 540 3593
11 France 540 528 540 540 464 498 477 3587
12 Argentina 537 485 540 540 540 540 375 3557
13 Australia 514 497 540 360 540 540 540 3531
14 Italy 524 512 360 540 540 540 412 3428
15 Estonia 523 534 453 467 425 511 437 3350
16 Lithuania 473 393 540 493 483 498 360 3240
17 Slovenia 360 517 487 516 540 300 360 3080
18 Bosnia and Herzegovina 360 474 361 252 540 540 180 2707
19 Austria 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 2520
Plc Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
20 Czech Republic 280 505 388 416 189 360 360 2498
21 Croatia 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 (9)
22 Netherlands 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 (20)
23 China 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 (25)
24 Latvia 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 (26)
25 Finland 180 158 180 180 180 180 180 1238
26 Switzerland 180 180 180 180 180 180 89 1169
27 Japan 107 180 180 180 180 155 180 1162
28 Spain 180 180 180 105 180 175 32 1032
29 Serbia 180 27 180 180 97 180 180 1024
- Denmark - - - - - - - -
Challenge France
Plc Team F1A F1B F1C Total
1 Ukraine 3730 3779 3688 11197
2 Israel 3600 3776 3615 10991
3 Germany 3651 3589 3714 10954
4 Poland 3477 3667 3745 10889
5 Russia 3739 3405 3637 10781
6 France 3638 3409 3587 10634
7 USA 3376 3584 3673 10633
8 DPR Korea 3698 3245 3663 10606
9 Italy 3765 3337 3428 10530
10 Australia 3290 3563 3531 10384
11 Slovenia 3610 3648 3080 10338
12 Argentina 3365 3322 3557 10244
13 Estonia 3398 3060 3350 9808
14 Great Britain 3487 2480 3672 9639
15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3176 3679 2707 9562
16 Czech Republic 3258 3668 2498 9424
17 Austria 3476 3363 2520 9359
18 Lithuania 2330 3222 3240 8792
19 Hungary 3784 1085 3780 8649
20 Canada 3554 1380 3593 8527
21 Finland 3694 3272 1238 8204
22 Croatia 3445 3396 1260 8101
23 Netherlands 2933 3646 1260 7839
24 Switzerland 3210 3285 1169 7664
25 Japan 2190 3847 1162 7199
26 Sweden 3524 3553 - 7077
27 Serbia 2391 3657 1024 7072
28 Norway 3217 3432 - 6649
29 Turkey 3018 3506 - 6524
30 Uzbekistan 3012 3417 - 6429
31 Latvia 3530 1632 1260 6422
32 China 1211 3461 1260 5932
33 Romania 3429 1911 - 5340
34 Slovakia 3472 1193 - 4665
35 Bulgaria 3525 986 - 4511
36 Spain 1213 1091 1032 3336
37 Kazakhstan 1232 - - 1232
38 New Zealand 1085 - - 1085
International Jury:
PIMENOFF Sandy (Finland) - President
HOREJSI Ivan (Czech Republic) - Member
ONUFRIENKO Viktor (Ukraine) - Member
Roger Morrell