SEN issue 1136 - 23 September 2007

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Table of Contents - SEN 1136

  1. 2007 Southwast FAI Challenge
  2. Junior Qualifing Contest at Wawa
  3. Classics Gone! Looking for more
  4. Mik Mikkelson Memorial
  5. Maxmen dates from George

2007 Southwest FAI Challenge, Las Vegas
From:William Booth []

The planning & organization for the 2007 Southwest FAI Challenge is almost complete.  Sanction & Lake Permit are in hand, porta-potties have been ordered, glassware is being polished and paper goods are in the works!
We appreciate your support in the past & look forward to seeing you again this year.  A schedule is attached.

For those of you who have flown in before & plan to do so again, it is now a little easier.  McCarron Airport has a brand new off-campus rental car center that contains all the rental car agencies.
Easier to pick-up
& return your car & only one generic shuttle bus in and out of the terminal for all agencies.  No more musical micro-shuttles & spaghetti road returns!

11th Annual Southwest FAI Challenge
October 27 & 28, 2007
El Dorado Dry Lake, Boulder City Nevada (Las Vegas)

Bill Booth Jr.


OCTOBER 27 & 28, 2007





For Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q (Light) AND P-30

Saturday October 27th: F1A, F1B, F1C and F1P

(7) One hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM

Round 1: F1A, 210 Seconds, F1B, F1C and F1P, 240 Seconds

Rounds 2-7: 180 Seconds

Saturday Fly Offs will begin at 4:30PM (weather permitting)

Sunday October 28th: F1G, F1H, F1J, F1Q (Light) and P-30

Tie-Breaker “Espresso Fly-Off”(No Max): F1G 7:30-7:40; F1H 7:45–7:55; F1J 8:00–8:10; F1Q 8:15–8:25

(5) 45 Minute rounds commencing at 8:30AM

All Rounds: 120 Seconds

F1Q (Light): 20 Second Motor Run, 120 Second Max, All Rounds

P-30 8:00AM to 12:00PM, No Rounds
Sunday Mini-Event Flyoffs

No later than 12:30PM (45 minutes after close of Round 5), any required flyoffs will begin. The first flyoff round Max will be 180 seconds for all events. The second flyoff Max, if required, will be 240 seconds. If a winner is not determined at the conclusion of these two flyoff rounds, the Expresso Flyoff times will be used to determine final placing.

Note: F1Q flyoffs will follow this same format except all flyoff flights will be limited to a 15 second motor run.

***There will be NO timers provided. Please find someone to fly and time with you.***


Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H and F1J

Glassware 1st through 3rd place for all events, including P-30 and winners of Espresso Flyoffs

Entry Fee: $20 for first F1 event entry, $10 for each additional F1 event entry

P-30 $5, no entry fee for Juniors or Espresso Flyoff

Contest Director:

Bill Booth Jr.                                                     Bob Beecroft                                                Harry Steinmetz

5092 Nighthawk Way                                    3488 Linda Vista Terrace                          3518 Union Street

Oceanside, CA 92056                                    Fallbrook, CA 92028                                 San Diego, CA 92103

(760) 842-1079                                                (760) 723-2499                                            (619) 296-5735                       
Directions to El Dorado Dry Lake:

On Hwy 95 approximately 7 miles south of Hwy 93. Access through the Desert Tortoise fence is on the north edge of where the power lines cross Highway 95. The flying area is to the west, on the southern part of lake bed.

Las Vegas, Boulder City and Henderson have many hotels and motels. In the early morning, the field is approximately 35 minutes drive time from the Las Vegas “Strip”. Camping on the field is permitted.

Jr Qualifiying contest at Wawayanda

Roger -- Here from Art Ellis and Dennis Phelan is a report of the Wilber and Orville America's Cup Junior Plus contest at our field in Wawayanda, New York. --Andrew Barron

The reason I did not get it was because they sent it to the wrong address - it should go to

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 20:15:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fwd: Jr Qualifiying contest at Wawayanda


Some time ago I sent off the following results. I included SEN and had expected the results to have been published by now. I may not have Roger's proper email address. Would you forward my report to him?

Have a great day,


ARTHUR ELLIS <> wrote:
   Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 08:46:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Jr Qualifiying contest at Wawayanda
To:, Jim Parker <>, george batiuk <>

   Wawa...... Battle of the Titans
   A beautiful late summer day welcomed us. It began with 8 mph winds and thermal activity that gave only Sarah Radziunas a first round, three minute max. The wind increased, playing tricks, making thermal spotting difficult all day long, damaging planes on landing and heading them into the tall corn at times. I believe that only two planes ever went off field during the the day, three minute rounds held for all seven rounds.

   F1B had sisters Sarah and Michelle battling it out. What's a Mom to do?
At the end of the day, each had four maxes with Michelle taking the win by fourteen seconds! Tom Vaccaro made it through the day, suffering a few mishaps. Ron Felix damaged his plane on landing and called it quits.

   F1A had some of the top contenders for the Junior team side by side for a fight that lasted all day long. As winds picked up, with turbulence rolling off a far tree line and "Hung" teasing everyone with lulls in the wind and warmth, the launches went on, all straight tow but for one by Miles Johnson. Timothy Barron and Oliver Cai were the leaders going into the sixth round, Oli made a bad launch to the side and into bad air. With little altitude, he was doomed. Tim went on to max his flight. Miles had been switching planes, a crunched stab forced him to use his basically untrimmed number two model for one flight. Later his number one snapped its boom in front of the fin just before the last round. A quick splint got him back in the air just minutes before the last round ended with a max that pushed him ahead of Oli for second place.

   Andrew Barron flew while supporting his wife Carol, Timothy and daughter Michelle until his services for Tim [and Michelle] required more time than he could give himself.

   Marion Whitney fought an airplane flying erratically all day long to come in sixth.

   Dennis Phelan

   Timothy Barron     120 180 180 180 180 180 180 = 1200
   Miles Johnson      132 180   99 180 180 180 180 = 1131
   Oliver Cai        157 180 180 180 180   60 180 = 1117
   Michelle Barron      42   40  47  180 180  64  180 =  686
   Andrew Barron      158 180  80  178  --    80   --  =  676
   Marian Whitney      50 125  85  180  142 49   --  =  631
   Carol Barron        23  120   --   --    --   --   --  =  143

   Michelle Radziunas  142 180 104 180 180 120 180 = 1086
   Sarah Radziunas      180 180  57 142 180 180 153 = 1072
   Tom Vaccaro           134 132 131 180  90  180 180 = 1027
   Ron Felix        162 170 180 --   --   --   --   = 512
   Aram Schlosberg      --    --  102 173 --   --    --   = 275

   no entries

Classics Gone ! - Looking for more

Hello, All:
The supply of Classic Symposia were sold out yesterday. I am surprised they went so fast. Any readers of SEN who would like to sell their Classic Sympos to NFFS are asked to contact Bob Stalick <>.

The standard payment from NFFS for these publications is $5.00 per copy plus shipping charges. The books need to be intact and generally unstained. Normal wear and discoloration are acceptable.
Thanks to all for your interest.
Bob Stalick,  NFFS Publications Services

Mik Mikkelson Memorial

On Sunday , September 30th from 3PM till 6PM, a special memorial gathering will celebrate Mik Mikkelson's passing this month. It will be a gathering of friends held as an open house at 2249 Cheremoya Avenue in Hollywood. Mik was one heck of a FreeFlighter, builder and good friend to all who met him over the years. My fondest memory was from a Texaco at Taft when I lost a favorite Jimmie Allen to OOS. Mik, who was parked next to me said..."That's why I cover um with Black tissue.  You can see it forever..!!! "
Hope to see some of you there at the open house. We need to remember wonderful folks like Mik Mikkelson.
Roger Willis

MM Dates from George

Hi Roger. MM dates are Feb. 15-18, 2008.  GB

Roger Morrell