SEN 1033 - 28 Sep 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1358
SEN issue 1033 28 Sept 2006
Table of Contents
DBOM or is it DeBomb - Jahnke
FW: Contest Report: MMM Rocky Mountain FF Champs/FAI Dynasty Cup
Looking for Doug Joyce
Looking for Forester and Mura - Stalick
Answer to RDT question - Bauer
Faust Parker will have to pass up the TS - the Alien
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear SCATter's
I have been out of the loop (as some of you have realized) but I feel
compelled to jump in again, if only for a moment.
I just read NFFS's B.O.M. rules for use of deceased modeler's aircraft,
which incorporates a letter "D" after the original owners AMA number and
several other notations on the wing. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
NFFS has just imposed a scarlet letter upon those who inherit models and
model parts. I don't think this system honors the deceased, and it
unnecessarily marks the new owner of the model. I'm surprosed a black stip
of tissue around the right inner panel isn't required as well, or mourning
attire for the contestant.
Though we need despirately to come to grips with the aging of our population
this is possibly the most ineffective yet demoralizing way to do so. It is a
step forward to put these models in the hands of someone that can use them,
but to publicly brand the airplane (and its new owner) has no purpose except
to those who believe in the B.O.M. with souch religious zeal rule that all
violators must be readily identifiable.
What this illustrates is that the B.O.M. rule has reached the point of
obsolesence, because in order to preserve it we have to make elaborate
exceptions to it. I propose some additional exceptions and their
corrosponding designations : "$" for bankrupcy / cash flow problems, "I"
illness, "OW" for overworked, "Q" for quit to fly R/C, "XXX" for ran away
with a younger woman.
My advise is to do what I and others have done. Change the AMA number - make
the model yours - because it is now (and thats the way our friends and their
widows wanted it). If someone is nosy enough to be interested in the models
provenance, be honest about its maker, your friend or club mate. Tell them
you would rather have your friend back than to just have his airplane
(because you would). Tell them about the trophies the model won for its
maker. Tell them about the changes you have made to the airplane. This is
how to honor our dear friends, not with a scarlet letter on the right wing.
Ross Jahnke
FW: Contest Report: MMM Rocky Mountain FF Champs/FAI Dynasty Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: resend for SEN
Don DeLoach
Focus MarCom
831 E. Willamette Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
719.964.7117 voice
719.635.4266 fax
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From: Don DeLoach [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 11:55 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello SCAT readers!
If you missed Denver/Labor Day this year you missed another year of
near-perfect weather. It was cool and cloudy on Saturday for F1ABC but the
winds were very light all day and thermals were plentiful. Temperatures
never got above the lower sixties however, and the sun never came out. Then
Sunday and Monday were two of the best flying days of the year with high
temps in the mid- to upper-seventies with hardly a breath of wind. Fluffy
white clouds dotted the sky and the sun shone brightly in the beautiful
Colorado blue sky. Maxes were very plentiful-though none maxed out in the
FAI events. Models hung over the line of cars, DTed, then rained down often
only a few feet from the launch point. Free flight heaven, without a doubt!
For those wishing to see the complete results showing AMA, Nos, SAM, FAC,
etc, go to: The
results should be posted there within another day or two.
Forty-two contestants from seven states converged this year on MMM's 35
square-mile Field of Dreams. One out-of-state contestant had this to say
after flying in this year's RMC: "That was the best contest of the
year--and I have been to a lot!"
So mark you calendars for next year's RMC: Labor Day weekend 2007!
Don DeLoach
Jerry Murphy
41st Rocky Mountain FF Champs - Dynasty Cup FAI Events
Pete McQuade 180 162 180 180 180 180 180 1242
Lee Hines 180 180 180 180 180 180 144 1224
Willard Smitz 87 143 99 98 51 112 63 653
Rene Limberger 180 180 180 108 0 0 0 648
Ed Vanlandingham 180 180 180 180 180 180 170 1250
Dick Wood 180 180 180 180 180 140 180 1220
Ed Wiley 180 180 167 147 153 180 160 1167
Darold Jones 150 113 180 170 138 180 125 1056
Todd Reynolds 96 84 147 157 123 0 0 607
Richard Branca 0 0 97 83 180 180 64 604
Randy Reynolds 124 74 79 71 143 0 0 491
Chuck Etherington 29 26 39 31 33 35 45 238
Rick Pangell 84 120 37 24 100 365
Willard Smitz 45 45 0 0 10 100
Jerry Murphy 77 120 120 120 120 577
Richard Branca 120 111 120 73 120 544
Mel Gray 120 52 120 120 120 532
Bill Leppard 74 120 120 120 56 490
Ed Wiley 111 86 120 53 120 490
Randy Reynolds 120 49 120 55 120 464
Ed Vanlandingham 120 120 120 0 60 420
Dick Wood 120 109 0 0 0 229
Darold Jones 39 0 0 0 0 39
Bob Hanford 120 120 120 115 0 475
Jerry Murphy 110 32 37 0 0 179
Fred Carstens 120 0 0 0 0 120
Looking for Doug Joyce
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does Doug Joyce have an email address? I want to gather
some information about the design and flying of canard models.
Best Regards, Bob Sisson
Looking for Forester and Mura
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Help Needed.
I need help locating two free flighters who have ordered books from NFFS
Publications and who have given me incorrect addresses. One is Clifford Forester
who used to live at 1920 E. Blaine in Seattle. Zip: 98112.The other is Romeo
Mura, whose incorrect address is 111W. Washington St., #969, Chicago zip: 60602.
In one case the forwarding order has expired, in the other, the post office
is unable to forward.
If anyone in these area knows either of these folks and could get to me their
current correct address, I would appreciate it.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services
RDT question
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The question was asked if I will make a two channel version of my RDT
system. The answer is yes, eventually, but I again I can't promise
when. The priority is first to make it plug into black/red magic timers
like the old system, then 2nd to make a light weight stand alone system
to be used with any model, even those without elec timers, then
multichannel and other features.
Regards, Ken
Faust Parker will have to pass up the TS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The good news is that Faust has had his second knee replacement, and
is recovering nicely.
The bad news is that due to the recovery time, he will miss the Team
Selection this year.
He had been hoping to limp along until the end of the year, but that
didn't happen. Shortly after arriving home from the Nats, his knee
swelled up big time, and the doctor said, We need to fix it now.
Should anyone like to give him a call or send an email, his
information is as follows:
Email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Faust is at home and undergoing therapy and I'm sure he would
appreciate some encouragement.
Roger Morrell