SEN 951 - 7 Jun 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
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SCAT Electronic News 7 June 2005 issue 951
Table of Contents
Dawn Towline Glider Event, NATS, Wed., August 3, 6:00 AM - Edmonson
Humming Along - Dukie
Old F-1A wings. - Grigsby
June 11-12 Wilber and Orville Contest at Wawayanda - Barron
Sky-Scraper International Challenge FAI Results - Barron
Skyscraper's Challenge, May 28-29, Wawayanda NY - Schlosberg
Top Banana Saga
Carl Godel ? - Mate
JUNE 12, 2005
8:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M.
Waegell Field. Sacramento, California
Entry fee: $5.00 per event, Jr. $1.00 per event
Prizes: Merchandise to third place
Contest Directors
Doug Galbreath, 530-757-6058 and Dick Douglas, 408-266-3598
F1G, F1H, F1J; 8:00 to 12:00 – no rounds
Flyoffs: F1G 2:30, F1H 2:45, F1J 3:00
Northern California Silver Cup Series
HLG*/CAT. GLIDER*, P-30, 1/2A GAS*
(*Jr. and Open)
2005 one design event: fubar with early 1/2A Nos. engine
Additional FF events: 30” Open Rubber**, Old Time Small Rubber Stick,
and OT Small Rubber Cabin,
A, B, C, D Gas, 1/2A Nostalgia, A-B-C Nostalgia,
Classic Power (AMA Rules). (** Any rubber powered ship with a 30” max
RC Old Timers: 1/2A Texaco::Antique Combined,
A, B, & C LER, .23 Ohlsson Ignition event,
Nostalgia (loop engines only),
Brown Jr. LER::Electric Texaco
Directions to Waegell Field: Take Highway 50 east out of Sacramento, exit at
Sunrise, go south past Douglas and Keifer roads. About ½ mile past Keifer Road
look for a gate on the east side and go in past the barn to the flying field.
If you come to Jackson Highway, you went too far.
Dawn Towline Glider Event, NATS, Wed., August 3, 6:00 AM
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Hi Roger
Nice showing at the World Championships.
Could you please include the attached article in SCAT?
We have been talking about an informal towline glider DAWN event for the
NATS this year. I would like to make people aware of it, and have them
get in the right frame of mind for attending this event.
It gives us guys who just can't string 7 or 14 maxes together a chance
to do the flyoffs!
Best regards
Dave Edmonson
Dawn Towline Glider Event, NATS, Wed., August 3, 6:00 AM
We had first talked about a Dawn Classic Glider Event to be held at the
I have since thought about broadening the event to promote more
So here is what I am suggesting:
A so called one flight "fly off event" for any class of towline glider.
Classes will be separated by model type, Classic Glider, A-1, F1H, F1A,
and Unlimited(whatever that is?). No attempts are allowed, just one
official flight with one model type. Unlimited single flight time,
timed with binoculars or chased to the ground.
So you may tow by any method for that class, and we will have a
supposedly still air best time. Classic gliders will straight tow, and
other categories can do anything they like, like circle and bunt.
There are no prizes, no entry fee, results will be posted by category.
So I will bring score cards, you show up at the Dawn Unlimited Rubber
congregation site on Wednesday, August 3 before 6AM, we will head to
the proper part of the field, and you must get your flight up between
6:15 and 6:30 AM. Make sure your towline reel is set up for standard
F1A 50 meter and pull test requirements.
Let's find out what model type can get the best still air score??
If you have further additions, I am open to suggestions.
Please let me know if you plan to participate? email at:
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Let's start a new event and tradition for towline gliders!!
CD John Lorbiecki has not raised any objections and looks forward to
seeing some 6 minute early morning glider flights.
See you there!
Dave Edmonson
Humming Along
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In response to a rumor I heard about Hummer no longer being available, I can
tell you without a doubt that it is not true. I have in progress the pieces
for another 45-50 complete Hummers. Some new updates, and all updates prior to
this batch are all included. There may be a little waiting time for a while
because of backed-up orders I am working on.
Also have the new props (like Shigeru Kanegawa used) in stock.
Interested parties can e-mail me for prices and delivery.
Doug Galbreath
Old F-1A wings.
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The subject wings are now in hand!
Many thanks to all who responded.
Will report on the result.
Roger Grigsby
June 11-12 Wilber and Orville Contest at Wawayanda
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Free Flight Friends,
The Wilber and Orville meet is this weekend June 11-12 at Barron Field.
The W&O contest is for all free flight fliers from all age groups.
It is run by Art Ellis and his Wilber and Orville Society of Junior
fliers (and their families) affiliated with the Eli Whitney museum.
The contest is an America's Cup Plus contest, meaning that it counts
just as much as America's Cup contests for Junior Team Selection purposes.
Art has also applied for this W&O meet to be recognized for National Cup
status. Several juniors are hotly contesting the National Cup this year.
Come participate!
Andrew Barron
Wilber and Orville Meet
FAI, AMA, Nostalgia, SAM
June 11-12, 2005
Barron, Ford, and Shuback Fields
Wawayanda, New York
Saturday June 11:
F1G (small rubber), F1H (small glider), F1J (small power).
120 second maxes.
Round 1: 9:30-11:00am
Round 2: 10:30-12:00
Round 3: 11:30- 1:00
Round 4: 12:30- 2:00pm
Round 5: 1:30- 3:00pm
Flyoffs: 3:15pm --
FAI events: F1A (glider), F1B (wakefield), F1C/P* (power), plus F1Q*
Sunday Morning June 12:
Round 1: 7:00- 8:30am Max 240 sec (weather permitting)
Round 2: 8:00- 9:30am Max 180 sec
Round 3: 9:00-10:30am Max TBA
Round 4: 10:00-11:30am
Round 5: 11:00-12:30pm
Round 6: 12:00-1:30pm
Round 7: 1:00-2:30pm
*Note that F1P and F1Q will fly 7 rounds alonside F1A/B/C, with same max.
F1P motor run will be 10 seconds, weather permitting.
F1Q is the new FAI electric free flight event.
Note: All junior national cup events are sanctioned separately from open
events. Also top juniors will be recognized in every event.
Saturday June 11: 9am--5:00pm. [Awards at 5:00pm.]
Hand Launch Glider, 1/2A Gas, ABC Classic, AB Nostalgia, Mulvihill,
AB Electric, Classic Towline.
Nostalgia Wake/Rubber and SAM Old-time Rubber (combined).
Early Sunday:
Dawn Unlimited (Gather with CDs at 6:25am on field for ground rules).
Launch Window 6:30-7:00am.
Sunday June 12: 8am to 4:00pm. [Awards at 4:00pm.]
Catapult Glider, 1/2 A Classic, 1/2 A Nostalgia, P-30 Rubber,
Pee-Wee 30 Power.
SAM Old Time Gas (all SAM Gas classes combined).
Contest Director:
Art Ellis , 203-453-1850
assisted by juniors from the Eli Whitney Museum Wilber and Orville Society
and their families.
Price: $10 field use fee per participant. Covers all events, both days.
Eli Whitney Museum Posters.
The field is on Orange County Route 12, in Wawayanda, six miles
south of Route 17M near Middletown, NY. Nearby airports include
Newburg, NY (30 min from field) or White Plains, NY; Hartford, CT;
LaGuardia, NY; Albany, NY; Newark, NJ; or Wilks-Barre-Scranton, PA
(all of which are less than 2 hours from the field).
For detailed directions and Hotel Info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sky-Scraper International Challenge FAI Results
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Skyscraper's Challenge
Wawayanda NY, May 28-29, 2005
America Cup
Here are the results from the FAI events at our contest last weekend
at Barron Field. Participation was good. Weather was very nice most of
Saturday (very calm except for one round). Sunday was mixed with wind
sometimes turbulent interspersed with calm periods. CD Aram Schlosberg
ran the events well.
We also had better than typical participation in AMA and NFFS events.
I will include the full result list separately for those who may be
Tom Ioerger had all maxes in F1G, Bob Sifleet in F1H, and Omer Erguner
in F1A. Bob Biedron inched out Sarah Radziunas by one second in F1B.
Sarah had all maxes except for 210 seconds in the four minute max first
round. Great flying! Ben Thomson had a fine showing in F1A finishing
2nd overall with perhaps his best performance to date. [Sarah Radziunas,
Ben Thomson, and Peter Barron are heading to college this fall -- wish
them well.]
Take note that in addition to F1ABC and F1GHJ the results include
the first F1Q event held in the States.
Saturday May 28
F1G 1 2 3 4 5 Sum
Tom Ioerger 120 120 120 120 120 600
Bill Buss 120 120 120 120 64 544
Dick Ivers 120 120 120 69 99 528
Bob Hatschek 120 120 120 120 3 483
Josh Revkin [J] 120 120 120 - - 360
Don Rousseau 120 43 118 - - 281
Red Laffler 120 - - - - 120
Sarah Radziunas[J] - - 71 - - 71
F1H 1 2 3 4 5 Sum
Bob Sifleet 120 120 120 120 120 600
Oliver Cai [J] 32 80 71 78 120 381
Jean Pailet 95 120 35 40 62 352
Tom Kerr 120 101 108 120 120 569
Jean Pailet 120 120 120 84 120 564
Alan Abriss 111 77 79 - - 267
Sunday, May 29
F1A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Omer Erguner 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
Ben Thomson[J] 178 180 180 150 180 180 180 1228
Igor Fradkin 240 180 180 138 180 180 119 1217
Aram Schlosberg 240 175 106 180 180 180 56 1117
Joshua Revkin[J] 64 180 180 109 180 180 180 1073
Andrew Barron 117 180 159 180 180 180 75 1071
Tzvetan Tzvetkov 122 180 122 180 180 180 60 1024
Peter Barron[J] 240 76 180 121 180 86 83 966
Bob Sifleet 114 180 180 180 120 123 62 959
Timothy Barron[J] 39 70 180 180 76 180 36 761
Gene Ulm 14 180 19 180 180 180 - 753
Art Ellis 240 180 41 - 105 22 114 702
Oliver Cai [J] 80 180 170 36 39 180 - 685
Michelle Barron[J]172 65 117 43 76 23 180 676
Bill Colish 84 73 57 180 0 80 122 596
Dennis Phelan - - - - - 90 - 90
F1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Bob Biedron 240 151 180 180 180 180 180 1291
Sarah Radziunas[J]210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
Ron Felix 240 180 180 152 180 151 123 1206
Ton Ioerger 174 180 180 180 103 180 180 1177
F1C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Joe Wagner 112 158 180 180 180 75 - 885
No competitors
F1Q 1 2 3 4 5 Sum
Vic Nippert 150 150 93 95 150 638
Dave Acton 60 109 150 - - 319
FAI Contest Director: Aram Schlosberg
Host: Andrew Barron
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Skyscraper's Challenge, May 28-29, Wawayanda NY
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Skyscraper's Challenge
Wawayanda NY, May 28-29, 2005 =20
America Cup/AA/National Cup
Over the Memorial weekend (Saturday and Sunday) we had every type=20
of weather. It became windy on the fifth round on Saturday, and
rained heavily until midnight. Sunday started off with a light,
breeze, but the wind changed direction and became much stronger
during the fist round, requiring a mid-round suspension, and the
relocating to a position near the entrance road to the west. The=20
rest of the day was windy and sometimes turbulent, interspersed=20
with calm periods.
Of interest is the first F1Q contest held in the States, with Vic
Nippert and Dave Acton. The fliers are still experimenting with=20
different power setups, batteries and timers. Chuck Groth indicated
that he might attend, but a poor weather forecast convinced him to=20
trim at Muncie instead.
Tom Ioerger had a claen score in F1G, Bob Sifleet in F1H and Omer
Erguner in F1A after a two year hiatus. Bob Biedron inched out Sara=20
Radziunas by one second in F1B.
Saturday May 28=20
F1G 1 2 3 4 5 Sum
Tom Ioerger 120 120 120 120 120 600
Bill Buss 120 120 120 120 64 544
Dick Ivers 120 120 120 69 99 528
Bob Hatschek 120 120 120 120 3 483
Josh Revkin [J] 120 120 120 - - 360
Don Rousseau 120 43 118 - - 281
Red Laffler 120 - - - - 120
Sarah Radziunas[J] - - 71 - - 71
F1H 1 2 3 4 5 Sum
Bob Sifleet 120 120 120 120 120 600
Oliver Cai [J] 32 80 71 78 120 381
Jean Pailet 95 120 35 40 62 352
Tom Kerr 120 101 108 120 120 569
Jean Pailet 120 120 120 84 120 564
Alan Abriss 111 77 79 - - 267
AMA A/B electric 1 2 3 Sum
Vic Nippet 60 77 68 205
Dick Ivers 76 - - 76
HLG Sum (3/6)
Larry Pelatowski 176
Ed Pelatowski 137
Mark Houck 119
Peter Barron 101
Vito Gagliano 70
HLG Junior
Oliver Cai [J] 39
Brian Pacelli [J] 34
Michelle Barron [J] 19
Mulvihill 1 2 3 Sum
Andrew Barron 118 73 97 288
Mulvihill Junior
Margaret Dobroth [J] 69 52 - 121
Julie Barron [J] 20 42 33 95
AMA Classic Towline
Bob Sowder 120 120 120 360
Bob Sifleet 62 120 89 271
Oliver Cai [J] 120 63 72 255
Larry Pelatowski 45 77 36 158
Dennis Phelan 120 - - 120
AB Classic Gas
Bob Sowder 120 120 120 360
1/2A Gas
Jean Pailet 120 120 120 360
Bob Sowder 120 120 72 312
1/2A Gas Junior
Brian Pacelli [J] 57 40 28 125
Nost. Rubber/Wakefield
Don Rousseau 43 112 117 272
Sunday, May 29 =20
Dawn Unlimited
Red Laffler 726
Don Rousseau 167
Dave Acton 7
F1A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Omer Erguner 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
Ben Thompson 178 180 180 150 180 180 180 1228
Igor Fraskin 240 180 180 138 180 180 119 1217
Aram Schlosberg 240 175 106 180 180 180 56 1117
Joshua Rivkin [J] 64 180 180 109 180 180 180 1073
Andrew Barron 117 180 159 180 180 180 75 1071
Tzvetan Tzvetkov 122 180 122 180 180 180 60 1024
Peter Barron 240 76 180 121 180 86 83 966
Bob Sifleet 114 180 180 180 120 123 62 959
Timothy Barron[J] 39 70 180 180 76 180 36 761
Gene Ulm 14 180 19 180 180 180 - 753
Art Ellis 240 180 41 - 105 22 114 702
Oliver Cai [J] 80 180 170 36 39 180 - 685
Michelle Barron[J]172 65 117 43 76 23 180 676
Bill Colish 84 73 57 180 0 80 122 596
Dennis Phelan - - - - - 90 - 90
F1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Bob Biedron 240 151 180 180 180 180 180 1291
Sarah Radziunas[J]210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
Ron Felix 240 180 180 152 180 151 123 1206
Ton Ioerger 174 180 180 180 103 180 180 1177
F1C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Joe Wagner 112 158 180 180 180 75 - 885
F1Q 1 2 3 4 5 Sum
Vic Nippert 150 150 93 95 150 638
Dave Acton 60 109 150 - - 319
P-30 1 2 3 4 Sum
Dick Ivers 120 120 120 150 510
Larry Pelatowski 120 120 120 131 491
Don Rousseau 120 120 101 - 341
Bob Hatschek 120 109 - - 229
Alan Mkitarian 67 - - - 67
P-30 Junior 1 2 3 Sum
Margaret Dobroth[J] 71 92 74 237
Catapult Glider Sum (3/6)
Larry Pelatowski 233
Al Vollmer 225
Brian Pacelli [J] 165
Alan Mkitarian 142
Don Rousseau 105
Vito Gagliano 92
Catapult Glider Junior Sum (3/6)
Brian Pacelli [J] 165
Margaret Debroth [J] 93
Pee-Wee 30 1 2 3 Sum
Alan Abriss 15/120 800 15/100 666 15/120 800 2266
Mike Cook 15/50 333 15/104 693 19/120 631 1657
Paul Nelson 15/64 426 - - 426
1/2 A Classic 1 2 3 Sum
Tom Kerr 81 58 120 259
1/2 A Classic Junior
Brian Pacelli[J]63 35 120 218
1/2 A Nostalgia 1 2 3 Sum
Bob Lipori 114 120 120 354
Brian Pacelli[J] 120 76 74 270
Bob Sowder 120 - - 120
1/2 A Nostalgia Junior
Brian Pacelli[J] 120 76 77 270
FAI Contest Director: Aram Schlosberg
AMA Contest Director: Thomas Fennell
Top Banana Saga
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> I sent this to Tony. Apparently his plan states the design as 1951 but
> that is not sufficient. The kit or publication date governs. Has anyone
> we know of proof of purchase of the kit or a published picture or
> drawing that is dated 1951. Another possibility is that the design date
> on the drawing is actually the kit date also. Can Jim Rhoades or Jay
> Jackson answer these questions? Lets try to help this poor guy out.
Many Thanks are due to Ed Mate, Jim Rhoades and Terry Thorkildsen for
progress so far in trying to get this one sorted out. For the benefit of
those that are not up to speed with this one, it concerns the use of Jay
Jackson's Top Banana (the 200 sqin version) in UK vintage comps. It would
be great for our mini-vintage class (max engine size 0.8cc). The British
definition of vintage is different from the US for vintage or nostagia. Our
BMFA rule book states:
"A vintage model must be built in accordance with a design that was
published prior to 1st Jan 1951, or was kitted by that date. (January 1951
issues of magazines are accepted as published in 1950). Competitors are
responsible for proving the eligiblity of their models and must be prepared
to produce photo-copies (or originals) of plans and magazines which include
or confirm the date of publication."
I know that Top Banana was designed in June 1950 because it says so on the
Skyline plan, but can't prove that the model was actually KITTED before the
end of 1950. One of our really good guys, John Thompson, was trimming out
his TB earlier this year, when the question of it's legitimacy arose.
Another of our very knowledgable guys, John O'Donnell, has been through some
US mags of the period but can't find an advert for it.
Jim Rhoades recently spoke directly with Jay Jackson and has learnt that the
plans for the TB were drawn up in 1950 so that blueprints could be made for
kits. The kitting was not a full blown commercial effort but probably about
50 kits total were produced with probably about 20 produced & sold in 1950.
The first kits were of the 200 sq in version and some of the later kits were
of the larger sizes such as the 400 and 600 sq in versions. There was no
advertising in magazines or such just word of mouth. The kits were sold at
contests and club meetings and direct from Jay and possibly others.
That's about as far as it's got. Jim tells me that Jay Jackson will be
contacting me directly, and when he gets around to doing that it'll probably
be the end of the trail. It's then a case of seeing if our UK competitors
are willing to accept the evidence as it stands.
Cheers - Tony Shepherd
Carl Godel ?
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Carlo Godel would respond! We're going to miss him. I had the pleasure
of knowing.... Oh my God has Carlo passed on?!! When did it happen? Can
someone send me a short Obit. on him please? I was in constant touch
with him a year and a half ago. He worked out a fuel for Jetex I
thought. Does someone have his formula please? Ed Mate
Roger Morrell