SEN 984 - 27 Nov 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1833
SCAT Electronic News 27 November 2005 issue 984
Table of Contents
Bob White - his friends
Southwest FAI Challenge - Booth
F1E California Cup - Brocks
New E-mail for Victor Stamov
Results of the 21st Annual Autumn Cup, Seguin TX, USAF Aux Field - Simpson
F1A historical query - Gregorie
Fast Thermistors - Blackam
Re: Stressless Dihedral Joints - Gregorie
A new software to design F1A glider - Sion Brothers
Bob White
Some people did not get the announcemnt that we sent at the beginning of
last week.
We regret to inform you that
Bob White
World Champion, American, Best Rubber Flyer ever, craftsman, determined
competitor, gentleman and friend ...
Died today of a heart attack.
There will be not funeral, nor any service regarding Bob's passing at
this time.
We are asking people not to call Jean White because she simply
cannot field phone calls. Her hearing is very, very, bad, and her health is
fragile. Right now she has family members with her to help her.
But please feel free to write to her at:
Jean White
1030 Norumbega Drive
Monrovia, California 91016-1833
You can e-mail messages to Al and Judy Hotard at.
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and they will see to it that a copy of the email is delivered to Jean.
Note that we got Al's e-mail wrong in the first announcement and
this one is right.
Fw: condolence...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Truly condolence for Bob.....He was a great man.....
Damian Zulic from Slovenia
Bob White
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear All
It shocked us very much to hear Bob White's death. He was the greatest
flyer and the best friend in the world. His name will be rememberd forever.
We send our united and sincere condolence.
Yours sincerely,
Mitsuo and Shigeko Kobori, Yasuo Yoshioka
From Illinois
Subject : RE: SCAT Electronic News 21 Nov 2005 issue 983 - Bob White
The Illinois Model Aero Club sends it's most heartfelt condolances. We shall
all miss him. Ed Mate President.
My next Max is for him..
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
May god bless him. We are a lonelier world and free flight community
without him and heaven is a richer place for him being there.
So sadly missed and I never had the chance to share the air with him. My
next max is for him.
Kevin Moseley- UK
Mike Fantham sends his Bob White condolence...
May he rest in peace.
What a guy.................
Mike Fantham
Southwest FAI Challenge
Bill Booth
Those that rolled the dice and came over to El Dorado Dry Lake were rewarded
with fabulous weather and a darn good contest. Friday mid-day was a bit
breezy, up to 10 MPH, but by late afternoon and up until dusk we had perfect
test weather. When we arrived at the field Saturday, the thermometer read 30
degrees. By 11:00 most of us were in T-Shirts or light sweatshirts. There was
a slight breeze to the north, but nothing to prevent the extended max times for
round 1. By the third round, the thermisters were not moving and the streamers
were hanging on the ground. We were greeted by a sudden wind burst at the
opening of round 6. Once the wind picks up on the lakebed, it usually stays
up, but not today. Those of us that flew in the 9 MPH "lull" arrived back at
the pole after our chase to find the wind had dropped to about 4 MPH. Round 7
was a repeat of round 6. By the time we got to the flyoffs at 3:55 (that's
another story) conditions were perfect. Rich Rohrke nailed his glide trim in
F1B and posted an excellent 379 to beat my 357 in "cool" conditions. True to
form at this contest, the F1A flyers provided a bizarre twist in their flyoff.
It looked like Mike McKeever & Brian Van Nest would have the issue resolved in
the first flyoff round as both glided to the ground well below the 5 minute
max. Unfortunately, they both glided to the ground in exactly 238 seconds.
The second flyoff round was won by Mike at 348 to Brian's 260. It was a
welcome site to see a little power activity as both Randy Archer and Ed Carroll
flew F1C in pursuit of AmCup points. Tony Robertson won Saturday P-30, edging
Las Vegas local Gerald Antonucci & Bob Beecroft.
Sunday's Champagne Flyoff for the mini events seemed to be well received with
John Clapp winning F1G at 234, Mike McKeever winning F1H with an outstanding
259 and Tony Robertson winning F1J at 299. The remaining 5-Round contest was
a little anti-climactic because the conditions were almost too good and it was
pretty obvious that the Champagne scores would determine the contest results.
However, other than John Clapp who was sweating out a win for AmCup points and
Ed Carroll who just plain had a bad day, it was a very relaxed gathering.
There were a total of 15 contestants in the mini events combined. Of the 75
official flights posted, 65 were maxes. It was also nice to see former US Team
Member and competitive heavy weight Willard Smitz, who now assists Dick Wood,
throw up a few officials in F1G. John Oldenkamp bested Bob Beecroft to take
the blue glassware for Sunday P-30.
Thanks to Bob Beecroft, Jon Zeisloft & Harry Steinmetz for their help in
contest re-organization and strategy, to Harry for again serving as CD and to
John Oldenkamp for manning the official's table. I again want to thank those
of you who wrote and encouraged us to re-schedule the meet and made the drive
(twice for the Smith's) somewhat on a leap of faith.
If you have an opinion for next year's calendar date, please send me an e-mail
or grab me on the field and tell me what you think. We have to commit to a
date by early January or before. At this time, the consensus is to schedule
this meet the weekend following the Sierra Cup to accommodate our European
friends who will be here for the Livotto and the Sierra Cup and maybe get a few
east-coasters to stick around for another week. There is a lot to keep you
occupied in Las Vegas in the week between meets.
Bill Booth
F1A (10)
Mike McKeever 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 238 348 1876
Brian Van Nest 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 238 260 1788
Peter Brocks 210 180 180 180 180 156 180 1266
Jim Parker 210 180 180 180 111 180 180 1221
Andrew Barron 210 180 180 180 180 180 99 1209
Norm Smith 210 180 149 180 180 173 87 1159
Pierre Brun 196 180 180 180 180 180 48 1144
Lee Hines 110 180 180 180 180 118 180 1128
Ryan Archer 206 180 180 180 0 0 0 746
Don Zink 210 180 0 0 0 0 0 390
F1B (7)
Rich Rohrke 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 379 1699
Bill Booth 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 357 1677
Bob Piserchio 240 180 166 180 180 180 180 1306
John Clapp 240 180 156 180 180 180 180 1296
Richard Wood 226 180 180 180 155 180 180 1281
Elmer Nelson 240 180 180 180 108 180 180 1248
Harry Steinmetz 179 160 180 99 0 112 115 845
F1C (2)
Ed Carroll 240 180 180 180 180 180 0 1140
Randy Archer 240 180 180 180 180 0 960
Tony Robertson 114 120 120 344
Gerald Antonucci 72 120 120 312
Bob Beecroft 72 64 101 237
Champagne Fly-Off
F1G John Clapp 234
F1H Mike McKeever 259
F1J Tony Robertson 299
F1G (8)
John Clapp 120 120 120 120 120 234 834
Elmer Nelson 120 120 120 120 120 216 816
Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120 214 814
Alan Peterson 120 120 120 120 120 205 805
Bill Booth 120 120 120 120 120 194 794
Harry Steinmetz 120 120 120 108 120 588
Willard Smitz 105 120 97 112 96 530
Jon Zeisloft 120 120 120 120 49 529
F1H (5)
Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 120 259 859
Pierre Brun 120 120 120 120 120 241 841
Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 228 828
Jim Parker 120 120 120 120 120 202 802
Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 86 566
F1J (2)
Tony Robertson 120 120 120 120 120 299 899
Ed Carroll 0 120 120 113 11 0 364
SUNDAY P-30 (2)
John Oldenkamp 108 120 105 333
Bob Beecroft 64 74 71 209
F1E California Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This an abbreviated bulletin for the California Cup F1E World Cup contest. A
full 3 page bulletin in MS Word format including pictures of Holloway Hill
is available. Please send request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1E California Cup sponsored by SCAT (Southern California Aero Team)
The 1st F1E USA World Cup
PLACE: Holloway Hill near Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills,
DATE: Feb. 15, 2006 (Wednesday between the Isaacson Winter Classic
and the MaxMen F1ABC World Cup)
SCHEDULE: Eight (8) 45-minute rounds
7:45 Meet at Holloway Hill
11:30 Lunch Break
1st round 8:30- 9:15 5th round 12:30-13:15
2nd round 9:15-10:00 6th round 13:15-14:00
3rd round 10:00-10:45 7th round 14:00-14:45
4th round 10:45-11:30 8th round 14:45-15:30
Fly-off to be announced
RESERVE DAY: Feb.16, 2006
AWARDS: Perpetual Trophy to high time winner.
1st through 3rd place award Open, 1st Place award Junior.
Awards at America's Cup Banquet Feb.18th, 2006.
Use MaxMen Entry Form to order SCAT Banquet tickets.
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 Open, $10.00 Junior
Current FAI Sporting Code will apply. Automatic
steering device required on models.
WARM-UP CONTEST: Isaacson Winter Classic F1E on Feb. 13, 2006 (Monday) at
12:00 noon.
CONTACT: Jim Parker
9524 Ruffner Ave Telephone: 818-892-4110
North Hills, CA 91343 E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1E California Cup 2006
NAME: ________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________
CITY, STATE & ZIP: __________________________
COUNTRY: ________________________________
F.A.I. LICENSE NO.: ____ ______________________
Open ($25.00) _____________
Junior ($10.00) _____________
Jim Parker
9524 Ruffner Ave
North Hills, CA 91343-2616
- U. S. competitors can copy entry form and mail in with fees (e- mail
entries from U.S. fliers will not be accepted).
- Non-U.S. competitors may e-mail entry form and pay upon arrival.
- All non-AMA fliers must pay an additional $28.00 AMA affiliation fee.
New E-mail for Victor Stamov
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If possible, plese, put in SCAT News:
I have now a Broadband and a new e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be valid in the future too.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be valid till January.
Please, make changes in your Address book.
Simirenko str., 34, Apt. 127,
03134 Kyiv, UKRAINE
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 380-44-402-7932
Mobile: 380-97-987-4280; 380-67-751-1663
Results of the 21st Annual Autumn Cup, Seguin TX, USAF Aux Field
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For 26 years the Texas Free Flight community has been blessed with the
use of the USAF Aux field just outside of Seguin Texas. During that time
period there has been an on-going interaction between the model
community and the Randolph Air Force Base who utilizes the field for
Pilot Training, (In use since the early 1930s) Our Special thanks goes
to Russ (Bear) Snyder, Lt. Col USAF Retired. Russ hailed from Laredo
Texas, his carreer was as a Fighter Pilot and included 184 Missions in
Viet Nam in the F-105.
When Russ retired to the San Antonio area he was instrumental in getting
the Seguin Field opened to Free Flighters in 1979. The club that has an
agreement with the Air Force is the Tri-City Modelers. A club that
originated on Randolph AFB many years ago and has had many noted
modelers as members including Nationally known U-Control Stunt flyer
George Aldrich, National Jet Speed record holder Jimmy Summersett, (who
was always a Free Flighter when not in the circle), and many others.
Russ Snyder was the modeling community point person to the Air Force for
the 1981 US National Free Flights Championships, and the US Free Flights
Team selection Finals in 1984 and 1988. It was Russ who smoothed things
over with the Air Force when flyers competing at the team finals in 1988
cut thru the fencing around the field to retrieve models.
Thru all these years Russ has been the Seguin Field Coordinator. And
while other military fields have been used and then lost to Free Flight
activity, we have continued to have access on weekends and Federals
holidays and with a controlled agreement on pre-planning and scheduling
a year ahead of time we have been able to hold all contest as advertised
with the exception of one time when the use of the field was denied for
Army training exercises.
Russ has also just handed over the reins as the District Free Flight
Rules Committee member to Mike Fedor after 14 years in that role.
I would believe that all of our Free Flight Community, nation wide, owes
Russ a standing ovation for his role in securing and maintaining the use
of the Seguin Field. Russ is our John Wayne, our example of what it
takes to not only ge the job done, but to do it right. Doing it with
honor and integrity, settling for nothing less from all of us who thru
the years have richly enjoyed the use of the field, Not just for the Big
contests, but the fun of flying each weekend, the trimming sessions and
the $5.00 pots for the little club contests. Russ could not make the
Autumn Cup contest this past weekend because of health issues but he was
in constant touch with us via the Cel phone insuring that all was going
smooth. So from all of us, THANKS RUSS!
The Seguin field is now considered a secure site and it's use is tightly
controlled. Use of the field now requires the single entrance to the
field to be locked at all times (yes, even during the contest) and it's
access during the contest is monitored by members of the Tri-City MAC.
This means that flights that go off the field require a club member to
come open the gate for re-entry.
It also means that Faust Parker and Reid simpson who CD the three
contest held at the field annually constantly monitor the wind direction
and speed to provide maximum field use for all testing and contest
flights. The goal being to keep the models on the field and keep
exiting/re-entry to a minimum. Since both Faust, Reid and other club
members compete in the contests it also helps the interruptions to their
The Autumn Cup contest November 12-13th, enjoyed good weather. Not that
the wind was always low, but it was always going in a direction that
allowed the maximum length of the field. On Saturday morning it was up
to 10 - 15 MPH at times, but it did not maintain a steady wind speed nor
hit us with heavy gusts. It varied with the thermal activity and by
shortly after lunch it was down to around 7 - 8 MPH and was very low by
the time the last round was over. On Sunday it was calm until 9:00 when
it went to 8 - 10 MPH and then by 1:30 it had gone calm. The maxes both
days were set at 2:00 minutes to allow for DT-ing the models on the
field. As it was, only 4 flights went off the field in two days of
The best of the contest occurred at 2:00 PM on Sunday when The F1J and
F1P events set the max flight times at 5:00 minutes for the flyoffs
because of the dead clam conditions. Watching the F1J models of Faust
Parker and Jackie Sheffer float overhead and drift no more that a few
hundred yards was great. And the F1P models of Reid Simpson and Jackie
Sheffer just hung overhead with Reid's model setting to the ground at
6:16 no more that 25 yard from the launch point was the perfect ending
to a good fun filled contest.
Saturday, Nov 12, 2005
F1A (2 flew)
Mike Fedor
Mark Troutman
F1B (4 flew)
Eddie Vanlandingham
Dick Wood
Gerald Brown
Bob Hanford
F1C (3 flew)
Faust Parker
Bob Hanford
Mark Troutman
Don Chesson DNF
Richard Mathis DNF
P30 (5 flew)
Robert Hanford 120.120.108..348
Eddie Vanlandingham 093.120.120..333
Mike Fedor 120.082.120..322
Pete Reinhart 079.116.085..280
Gerald Brown 120.062.000..182
Open Gas (6 flew)
Faust Parker
John Irwin
Jackie Sheffer
Bob Hanford
Gerald Brown
Mark Troutman
Sunday, Nov 13, 2005
F1G (3 flew)
Eddie Vanlandingham
Gerald Brown
Pete Reinhart
F1H (4 flew)
Mike Fedor
Bob Hanford
Gerald Brown
Mark Troutman
F1J (7 flew)
Faust Parker + 300..900
Jackie Sheffer + 264..864
Bob Hanford
Marvin Mace
Gerald Brown
John Irwin
Pete Reinhart
F1P (4 flew)
Reid Simpson + 300..900
Jackie Sheffer + 198..798
Mike Fedor
Pete Reinhart
NFFS One Design (3 flew)
Faust Parker
Bob Hanford 112.120.091..............323
Jackie Sheffer 120.120.000..............240
Submitted by Reid Simpson, CD, AMA 4206
F1A historical query
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear all,
I've realised that there were three significant technical developments
in F1A history that I can't put dates on:
- the introduction of the clockwork timer
- the introduction of the start pin for clockwork timers
- first use of wing wigglers got circle tow
If you know who was the first to use any of these innovations, where
they were first used in a significant contest and when this happened,
please e-mail me and pass on what you know about it. I can be reached
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Fast Thermistors
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Thermistor
> Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I use a miniature glass bead thermistor from RS-Components Australia
(they may also supply them in branches in other countries). The RS part
number for the 47k version is 151-158 (they have values from 1k to
470k). These are fast response types suitable for thermal measurement
in our field.
Go to their site and search on the part number to see the range:
Re: Stressless Dihedral Joints
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
> Another, and probably a new approach, is to buttress
> the last rig before we start sanding in the dihedral
> angle. What I do is to take a scrap piece of 1/8" balsa,
> almost as wide as the gab between the last two ribs
> and a touch longer that the rib itself.
I understand the reasoning behind this method, but I'll stick to
my carbon capped 6mm medium balsa ribs for one simple reason. I find
that, unlike thinner ribs, if you knock the tip off with thick ribs the
break often runs across the full chord through the middle of the ribs
rather than splitting them out of one of the panels. That makes for an
easier repair.
My solution for avoiding bowing is to use a 12" Permagrit sanding block
to sand in the dihedral angle. The permagrit surface is coarse and cuts
fast through both balsa and carbon D-box shells with minimal sanding
pressure. It doesn't clog, either.
A new software to design F1A glider
Dear Freeflighters
We are delighted, my brother and me, to send you a software which allow
you to design your own glider in a very short time.
Thanks to F1A Tracer, you can design your own airfoil
and then you can save the coordinates in *.dat size file.
Then, with the coordinate file (*.dat), you can test your aifoil
in the numerical blower Xfoil (that you can download on this
website : ). So you can change the
drawing of your airfoil to reach the better performances you ca
hope. (Cd, Cl, lower rate of fall .)
When you airfoil is planned, you can design the plan of your next glider.
The soft calculate the total area that is very convenient.
In conclusion, when the total designing of the glider is done, you can have
a general idea of your glider clicking on 3D viewer.
We use this software, which we designed during approximately 4 months,
to design all of our own gliders and we think that it can help
everyone you like designing his own glider like us. What we like in
free flight, it's designing gliders (airfoil.) and
then testing our creation in the fields.
Thanks to this soft, it is very easy to share plans : you have just to
send by mail the *.pla file which is the plan file. But of course, if
you prefer to send the *.jpg plan file, you can do it clicking on s
“save plane jpg.
There is just one problem. To use this soft, you need to have a quite recent
graphic board in your computer with 128 Mo of memory at least we think.
So of course you can test the soft to see if it works well but if you
haven't a recent computer you can have some problems. If you have
some question, please send us it : we will be very happy to answer you.
Please send your email to this both adress at the same time :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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But we will be very happy if you send us your suggestions about the soft
and if you tell us what you think about it. We envisage to make a
other version so we need to know what you think about the soft.
To download this soft : please click on this i
link :
We hope this soft will be a good means for you to design new gliders.
Julien and Bertrand Sion from France.
Roger Morrell