SEN 988 - 23 Dec 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 2023
SCAT Electronic News 23 Dec 2005 issue 988
Table of Contents
SCAT Desert Challenge
FAI Calendar - Kaynes
My Stories of Bob White - Leaper
Actuated FUBAR - Mate
Actuator Alternatives - O'Connor
Fubar Answers - Stalick
SCAT Desert Challenge
Now a misnomer, the SCAT Desert Challenge is now a fun fly contest accented by
Peter Allnutt's bonfire. It's a great way to get you're models warmed up for Eloy
the following week. This is an AMA sanctioned contest for those gathering FAI
Team Finals qualification time. (Jim Parker will decide if this is an America Cup
contest on Saturday-- depends if Mike McKeever shows up or not-- yes this is a joke-- maybe)
Saturday, Jan. 7 2006
Flying Time: 8:00 am- 4:00 pm. no rounds- fly when you want
Open Glider, Open Rubber and Open Power. 5$ per event. Trophy for 1st place only
Fly to the standard event rules and max times. Times to be normalized to three minutes.
Peter will start the fire around 4:30. Bring bar-b-que, food and drink etc. and
enjoy the fellowship.
There will be a port-a-potty.
CD- Bob Norton 661-395-0261, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last year we had to cancel due to heavy rain. If in doubt, call or email Bob
[applogies to Bob N for not getting this out sooner, it just got hidden
in a plie of SPAM!]
FAI Calendar
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re the question from Dennis in issue 987, the FAI Calendar was published
on the FAI web site earlier this month. Select Free Flight from the page
It is now effectively finalised, except that might be one more event in
Bosnia still to be added.
Ian Kaynes
My Stories of Bob White
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bruce & Roger,
Thanks for the opportunity to recall & pass on
some moments with Bob.
As you read in SEN recently, I met Bob at Lake Elsinore,
where we did lots of flying in the 70s.
The first one that comes to mind was on 18 Dec, 1976.
It was a SHOC[Sky Hoppers of Orange County] Record Trials &
Turkey Shoot[Hi-time A2 flier over 10 flights win the pot $], on a
day with 'once in a blue moon' flying conditions[high overcast].
[BTW, it was comp #171 in my contest recording log, which I
started in 1952. The 2005 AZ Champs was my 484th contest.]
Bob, Jim Quinn, Irv Aker were flying for the Cat II Unlimited
Rubber record and some of us glider guiders were trying our luck
at the A2 record, as well.
Since it was near wintertime, with short daylight hours, the good
air started about 10AM. Bob already had a string of maxes going
when I started my A2 flights. I made 7 maxes about noon & kept
on,making the 4 min flt, with Bob making his 7 minute flight.
Obviously on such 'blue bird' days, drift is gentle and retrievals
fast, so you don't burn much daylight, so as I began towing for my
5 min flt, Bob wound for his 8 min attempt. I ranged around, down
near an old fence, where I found what I liked and launched in good
air. I think I yelled 'It is good lift' or something to that effect and as
I reeled in my line, I looked to see Bob running over the 300 feet or
so with his fully wound Mulvihill [I think he called it 'Godfather'] and
launched under my rising Ultimax A2.
He was really huffing and puffing as he said, "Thanks, Lee, [huff, puff],
that is [huff, puff] for the Record!'
Well, he did not stop there[of course!], making the 9 & 10 min maxes
also! I had made my 8 min A2 flt by then, so as the sun dropped
over the high west range @ 3:15, we made our last flts in no lift air.
I did 148 sec, set the A2 record[& won the pot $],while Bob's bird
did maybe 10 minutes, as I recall, for his 66:18 record time, which I
believe stood til the rules change recently!
Another story:
To show how focused he generally was when in a comp, at Taft in
circa the '80s, he was attempting to break the Cat I Mulvihill record.
He had made the 11 min flt [!] & was asked me to time his 12 min
attempt. He launched into a beaut piece of air, the time was getting
near to max, & as I watched in the binos, it DTed and my stopwatch
read exactly 12:00. Even his DT fuse cutting was exact & perfect!
It was a distinct honour & pleasure to have been his teammate for
both the '79 [where he was the logo!] and '85 World Championships,
as well as our magical trip to China in '84.
I am happy to relate these recollections to the readers.
As you can imagine, I have many more memories too difficult
to share, you understand.
Yr hmbl srvnt,
SCAT Scribe
Actuated FUBAR
Thanks Jim O'Reilly but I still do not know if the 1/2A Fubar is NOSGAS or
EARLY NOSGAS or both. Little Actuators - Linkosalo, I tried the helsinki
timer link to see what you were talking about but it would not work. What
times the actuator? Maybe my computer. Anyone else have any trouble with
Ed Mate
Actuator Alternatives
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tapio and others
Two ideas on the simple electronic DT
If you use a charge pump and capacitor discharge to do the work,
it matters little whether you burn a band or ping a solenoid.
The battery size is not an issue.
Electronic operated chemical film cameras are full of tiny soleniods.
They are used to operate the shutter, the focus etc.
There must be millions of these available cheaply.
Sean in
[Comment - The camera sounds like a great idea.
We have a "Simple Magic" timer that provides a D/T function only.
It does not require a Palm Pilot to set it like the other Magic timers do.
It uses "any" simple actuator. Jack Emery has it on two of his F1G and
uses a pager motor to release an arm and then d/t line. The timer requires
one Li Poly cell. We have run it with 20, 45 and 60 Mah from Kokam and 30 mah from
Bob Selman. The 30mah seems to be able to deliver a higher current. in addtion to
the pager motor it has been used with Ceto and other indoor R/C actuators as well
as muscle wire actuators. I have been looking for an "off the shelf" actuator that
is reasonably priced but have not found anything.
Ken Bauer has a very clever idea on his catapult gliders
using a pager motor but this is not really suitable for commerical applications.]
Ryan Rod Co.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger et all,
Just to let you all know what I've been doing for the last five
years, I've re-invented the fishing rod! Following direct
inspiration from F1 building and competition, and beginning with
bamboo fly rods, I created a new way to make a rod/shaft/beam
homogenous from linear fiber prepreg material. My patent is pending,
and can be viewed through my web site. I have just this month made
my first sale, which gains my company not only professional status,
but also legitimizes my trademark HexAngler(tm) with actual use in
commerce. I am looking for all interested people (investors,
developers, manufactures, composite workers, or just the curious and
friendly) to make contact with me through my web site
Fly, Max, Win!
Eric Ryan, Owner
Ryan Rod Co.
If I can get this project rolling, I'll see you all again on the
field of dreams!
Fubar Answers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: FuBar question from Ed Mate.
The FuBar 36 was the One Design model for 2005. It can be flown in either
1/2A Nostalgia or Early Nostalgia. The determining factor as to which event it
can be flown in is the engine. According to the rules established by the NFFS,
the engines allowed in Early Nostalgia are the Atwood Wasp, OK Cub, Spitzy,
Baby Spitfire, K&B Torpedo .049, and the early Wen-Macs. If you fly with other
Nostalgia legal engines, the model must be flown in 1/2A.
Bob Stalick
Roger Morrell