SEN 879 - 25 Jun 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1464
SCAT Electronic News 25 June 2004 issue 879
Table of contents
(Fwd) Omarama Weather Station - Malkin etc
Phoenix, Arizona Club info - Lidberg
Norvel Engine for sale
SCAT... now listed
Finals Question - Parker
f1j parts - Shirley
POITOU 2004 - Roux
Remembering... - Brokenspar
norcal 2004
(Fwd) Omarama Weather Station
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It looks like people keep a good weather eye on what is happening
around the place.
------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:45:49 +1200
From: Gary Roberts
Subject: Omarama Weather Station
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello John,
I noticed you listed our weather station in the SCAT Electronic news 30
March 2004 issue 865. Please feel free to link to the page directly: (Extremes
We hope to have the Benmore Peak weather station updating online
soon also. It's URL will be: (Extremes
Gary Roberts
Operations Manager
Benmore Peak Observatory
P.O. Box 138
Omarama 8950
New Zealand
tel. 03-438-9889
tel. 025-969-434
------- End of forwarded message -------
Phoenix, Arizona Club info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you're planning to be in or near Phoenix, Arizona, the Phoenix MAC,
primarily a competition FF club, now has a website. The site features the club
calendar of contests, the monthly newsletter, pics, and a map to the Eloy flying
site. Eloy is also the site for the Southwest Regionals - 3 big contests every
January. At the club contests or the summer 'Dawn Patrols', you'll also find
SAM RC OT flyers, and maybe some Jetex/Rapier flyers. In August of 2004, PMAC
will celebrate its 70th birthday!
Norvel engine for sale
* Please include in SEN, if you think it would be of interest ?
From: Jerry Krainock
For Sale. Norvel .061 sport motor. New in Box. $ 25.00
SCAT... now listed
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
I just checked the SCAT sources, and see that I am now listed. Thanks so
much for your help.
Best regards
Dave Edmonson
Finals Question
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sorry abou tthe first miss-fire, I forgot to copy and paste the letter onto the
email. Here it is. Roger M, Please post on SEN.
Thermals, JIM
To: Henry Spence, TSC Chairman; Roger Simpson, District 10 TSC member; Bob Nort
on, Finals CD and SEN
>From Jim Parker
Date: June 15, 2004
2004 FAI FF Finals Question
Henry, I would like the TSC to provide direction to USA Team Selection Finals
CD and FAI Jury members on the interpretation on the following rule for
the upcoming Finals. Such clarification should be included in a TSC
newsletter prior to the finals and the CD should include such
clarification in the Finals entry package.
FAI Sporting Code Section IV
3.15 Definition of an Unsuccessful Attempt
3.15 f) The duration of the flight is less than 20 seconds and the flight was n
ot terminated by dethermalising.
There is identical wording for F1B and C. I will primarily discuss the
F1A interpretation.
The ruling has been interpreted differently at different contests in the
USA over the past two years. It is clear that when a F1A DTs at the top of
a bunt, the model has been in flight for 1-2 seconds and so the flight
was terminated by dethermalisation and it is NOT an Unsuccessful Attempt
therefore the flight time is official regardless if it was less than
or greater than 20 sec.
What is currently in dispute is when a model loops at the top of the line while
being launched. The assumption is that the timer can determine that the stab
moved to the DT position while still on the line.
Interpretation #1: The flight was terminated by DT and so is NOT an
Unsuccessful Attempt and so the flight time is official.
Interpretation #2: The tow was terminated by DT, not the flight. The
sportsman made a mistake and started his flight with an extreme angle
of incidence.
It is my opinion that Interpretation #2 is correct. Â This is consistent
with the goal of the historic 20 second attempt rule to allow a re-flight
should the sportsman make a mistake which results in a flight time
of less than 20 sec.
It is also consistent with the goal of the new portion of the rule, which is
to prevent the un-sportsman like use of  some devise to achieve a re-flight
for a tatical advantage. There simply is not enough time for a sportsman
to activate such a illegal devise during the critical milli-seconds just
prior to a looped launch little less any rational tactical or strategic
reason for any flyer to ever purposely want to do so.
Now to deal with the determination as to if the model was on or off the line
when the stab moves, that is, was the model on tow or in flight. This is a
judgment call of milliseconds. Â Just like in timing F1C engine runs, the
sportsman should be given the benefit of the doubt and should be ruled an
Unsuccessful Attempt (if under 20 seconds) unless the glider is clearly
in flight prior to the DT action.
A similar logic applies to F1B and C in the scenario when a model is launched
with the stab up (i.e. DT position). This is interesting; can a flight be
started and terminated by DT in the exact same moment? This is too esoteric
for me, I simply evoke the benefit of the doubt to the sportsman rational and so
this should also be an Unsuccessful Attempt.
I do not wish to restart the debate on the history or validity of this rule or
the whole 20 second attempt rule in general. I would like to know how these sce
narios will be interpreted at the Finals. For recent F1A example, see SEN #839,
Dec.16, 2003.
Fellow 2004 USA FF Final entrants, I encourage you to contact your TSC
member directly on this matter.
Thermals, Jim Parker
f1j parts
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
junior flyer sponsors
I am looking for anyone who may have a cheap/free/old/used/repairable
set of f1j wings that could be mated to a oliver fuselage. we have a
junior flyer in northern california that is not a modelers kid. he has a
cyclon engine and has built models including a starduster and zero that
fly great. this last weekend i let him start and fly my model a couple
of times and he did great. so if any one would like to help this effort
it would be greatly appreciated. we allready have a fuselage from ken
olliver and possible a older selig timer.
dave shirley jr.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Would you please give the following information concerning POITOU 2004:
The POITOU web site, is no more working. For entry to
Poitou contest, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For people already entered, please confirm your entry to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With many thanks.
Alain ROUX
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Remembering Peter Harris, the '79 WCh at Taft....
his was the highest power model measured.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
An item from another lurker for publication:
The following example of very free verse has previouly
been published in a few aeromodeling publications, but not for some time.
It has been suggested that SEN would get it to a wider audience who might
especially appreciate it (I suggest you hold the line breaks as they are):
Free Flight
What's free flight? A thrill, a challenge, a puzzlement.
It's other guys like you, the world around, striving for the
same graceful beauty of flight. It's comradeship across all human
barriers. It's bull sessions through the wee hours.
It's fierce competition with the highest of sportsmanship.
It's a battle against Nature her perversity her law of gravity.
"Free as a bird" describes God's most unchained creation.
Man's is a model airplane soaring birdlike in a thermal. You created
it. Vicariously you soar with it with its freedom.
Free flight is the mist of the dawning's calm as you test. It's
the noonday Sun as your model thrusts for the heavens. It's the
cool drink after a dusty chase.
It's the piercing scream of a peaking engine the silence of
the glide.
It's sunburn and poison ivy and weariness to the marrow
made worthwhile.
It's skill in your fingers. It's knowledge learned for the
knowledge alone.
It's perfection sought never attainable. A goal everlasting.
Free flight is all of these. Yet much more! I tell you this,
and you may believe. But you cannot know unless you know.
Bob Hatschek, July 1962
norcal 2004
May 1st and 2nd 2004 Waegell Field
F1A Towline Glider 1 2 3 4 5 6 7F/O 1F/O 2Total
1 Mc Keever, Mike 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 1980
2 Coussens, Tom 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 416 1976
3 Busnelli, Ernesto 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 150 1710
4 Parker, Jim 170 180 180 180 180 180 180 1250
5 Smith, Norm 128 180 180 180 180 180 180 1208
6 Coussens, Ben 180 180 180 180 180 180 124 1204
7 Tetrick, Logan 180 180 180 180 180 180 76 1156
8 Hines, Lee 180 180 180 81 140 180 180 1121
9 Brian VanNest 129 178 180 180 180 138 180 934
10 Brun, Pierre 180 180 141 51 152 60 180 778
F1B Wakefield 1 2 3 4 5 6 7F/O 1F/O 2 Total
1 Rohrke, Rich 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 1980
2 Schroedter, Martin 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 381 1941
3 Emery, Jack 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 245 1505
4 Scheiman, Phil 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 144 1404
5 Myers, Dick 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 358 1558
6 Pratt, John 180 180 180 180 180 180 180--- 1260
7 Davis, Mike 180 180 180 80 180 159 180 1160
8 Schroedter, Jeff 180 120 180 180 152 145 0 1045
9 Batiuk, George 180 145 180 180 180DNF DNF 865
10 Ghio, Walt 170 180 180 166DNF DNF DNF 696
11 Norvall, Larry 180 142 180DNF DNF DNF DNF 502
F1C Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 Mennano, Guy 180 180 180 180 180 163 180 1243
2 Shirley, Dave 180 120 180 180--- --- --- 720
3 Joyce, Doug 180 27 180--- --- --- --- 387
F1G Coupe d’Hiver 1 2 3 4 5Total
1 120 120 120 120 120
2 120 120 120 120 120
3 120 120 120 120 120
4 120 120 120 120
5 120 120 120 120
F1H Towline Glider 1 2 3 4 5Total
1 Van Nest, Brian 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Smith, Norm 118 120 120 120 118 596
3 McKeever, Mike 120 120 68 120 120 548
4 Hines, Lee 120 83 120DNF DNF 323
F1J Mini Power 1 2 3 4 5F/O
1 Hannah, Bruce 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 360 371 1931
2 Robertson, Tony 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 360 299 1859
3 Parsons, Dave 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 360 277 1837
4 Oliver, Ken 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 360 128 1688
5 Mennano, Guy 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 274 1474
6 Haught, Jim 120 120 120 120 120 240 284 1124
7 Shirley, Dave 120 120 120 120 120 240 275 1115
8 Pulley, Lynn 120 120 120 120 120 240 0 840
“Ghost”, “Lil Dip”, “Jet Stream” One Design A-1 Towline Event—1st Glenn Grell, 2nd Bill Vanderbeek
“Zero” One Design Special Event--Foster, Kevin
“Starduster” Special Event—Paul Karr
Flying Wing—Bill McConachie
Straight Tow A-1 Glide 1 2 3 4 5Total
1 Stober, Paul 97 120 120 120 120 577
2 Vanderbeek, Bill 120 46 120 120 120 526
3 Grell, Glen 120 116 74 120 76 506
1/2A Gas 1 2 3 4 Total
1 Stober, Paul 120 120 120 117 477
2 Hannah, Bruce 120 120 120 115 475
3 Schneider, Glen 120 120 120 38 398
4 Robertson, Tony 120 120 95 335
5 Pinto, Juse 84 120 120 324
6 Karr, Paul 120 69 120 309
7 Price, Lynn 101 110 83 294
8 Scruggs, Thomas 120 120 240
8 Muther, Jim 120 120 240
B Gas Total
1 Pulley, Lynn 120 120 120 120 120 108 708
Classic 1/2A Gas Total
1 Pinto, Juse 120 120 120 20 380
2 Foster, Kevin 120 120 82 322
Classic C, D Gas Total
1 Pinto, Juse 120 120 120 120 120 120 83 803
1 Smith, Ray 120 7 127
1/2A Rise-Off Water Total
1 Pinto, Juse 55 45 120 220
Early 1/2A Nostalgia Total
1 Rocha, Jerry 120 82 120 322
2 Peterson, Norm 120 89 74 283
1/4A Gas Nostalgia Total
1 Peterson, Norm 120 120 82 322
1/2A Gas Nostalgia Total
1 Rocha, Jerry 120 120 120 120 120 110 710
2 Schneider, Glen 120 120 120 120 116 596
3 Hannah, Bruce 120 120 120 120 75 555
4 Peterson, Norm 120 87 120 327
5 Foster, Kevin 97 81 120 298
6 Muther, Jim 120 120 240
7 Halsey, Harlan 120 120
8 Marchant, Odell 58 58
A Gas Nostalgia Total
1 Rocha, Jerry 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 960
2 Peterson, Norm 120 120 120 120 101 581
3 Vanderbeek, Bill 120 120 108 348
4 Hurst, Jim 120 80 54 254
B Gas Nostalgia Total
1 Halsey, Harlan 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Peterson, Norm 120 120 120 120 77 557
3 Hurst, Jim 80 76 105 156
C Nostalgia Total
1 Lynch, Bill 120 120 120 120 120 94 694
2 Peterson, Norm 120 120 89 329
3 Hurst, Jim 87 120 120 327
4 Pinto, Juse 83 83
O.C.D. Catapult Glider Total
1 Buddenbohm, Stan 120 49 120 60 289
2 Batiuk, Tim 111 120 50 62 41 281
3 Ray, Ralph 94 120 15 229
4 Bennett, Stuart 39 120 46 205
5 Peterson, Dick 52 44 50 37 146
Hand Held Catapult Glider Total
1 Batiuk, Tim 120 120 113 117 120 120 120 120 120 35 875
2 Hines, Lee 75 76 120 37 120 120 55 415
3 Peterson, Dick 94 85 92 67 120 120 334
4 Buddenbohm, Stan 120 56 106 33 45 10 282
5 Ray, Ralph 65 120 35 62 52 80 265
6 Englesberger, Jake 120 87 40 37 39 44 251
7 Grell, Glen 71 71 22 98 22 66 240
8 Ferrario, Rocco 25 25 77 53 81 22 211
9 Grell, Linda 61 42 52 78 67 47 206
9 Andrews, Sean 48 6 12 45 36 110 203
11 Vernon, Ted 31 16 28 23 80 42 153
12 Jackson, Scott 7 16 30 22 33 85
Hand Launch Glider Total
1 Buddenbohm, Stan 58 120 120 84 120 120 120 120 51 651
2 Batiuk, Tim 30 104 120 120 112 96 120 120 120 41 641
3 Hines, Lee 120 19 41 120 28 120 120 63 543
4 Vernon, Ted 60 47 74 120 86 106 300
5 Grell, Glen 57 70 69 120 259
6 Andrews, Sean 83 86 25 52 16 12 221
7 Peterson, Dick 11 42 28 81
8 Engelsberger, Jake 19 14 31 14 15 12 65
Old Time Hand Launch Glider Total
1 Buddenbohm, Stan 29 120 69 50 120 33 309
2 Peterson, Dick 37 13 96 120 24 23 253
3 Vernon, Ted 27 58 61 29 42 28 161
4 Smith, Norm 22 41 32 8 39 23 112
5 Hines, Lee 29 13 5 28 22 40 97
He-Man Hand Launch Glider (Over 24” STotal
1 Stan Buddenbohm 16 36 175 211
2 Grell, Glen 38 34 37 105 143
3 Peterson, Dick 30 33 61 94
4 Vernon, Ted 39 19 7 33 72
Junior Hand Launch Glider Total
1 Hurley, Seamus 120 32 18 170
2 Ferrario, Anthonoy 25 120 9 14 9 5 159
Junior Hand Held Catapult Glider Total
1 Boe, Taylor 120 120 120 38 398
2 Davis, Allison 57 25 18 26 32 20 115
3 Hurley, Seamus 21 27 39 25 26 28 94
4 Davis, Troy 19 12 16 31 36 25 92
Junior P-30 Rubber Total
1 Anthony Ferrario 120 120 64 304
2 Tetrick, Logan 120 120 240
3 Davis, Chris 76 120 43 239
P-30 Rubber Total
1 Johnson, Ernst 120 120 120 150 102 612
2 Borland, Chris 120 120 120 150 98 608
3 Andrews, Sean 120 120 120 360
4 Muther, Jim 120 110 120 350
5 Zarate, Ding 120 120 88 328
6 Vernon, Ted 120 46 66 232
7 Engelsberger, Jake 100 120 220
8 Johnson, Allyn 73 66 62 201
9 Price, Lynn 113 113
10 Baker, David 112 112
Dawn Unlimited (Mulvihill) Rubber
1 Romak, Bud 463
Mulvihill Rubber Total
1 Johnson, Ernst 120 180 240 255 795
2 Halsey, Harlan 120 180 240 173 540
3 Buddenbohm, Stan 120 180 197 497
4 Thieme, Bill 120 140 230 490
5 Hannah, Bruce 112 112
6 Gregory, Roger -- -- -- -- --
Moffett Rubber Total
1 Romak, Bud 120 120 120 180 240 300 249 1329
2 Keegan, Dan 120 114 120 354
3 Baker, David 120 113 120 120 353
4 Gregory, Roger 120 120 240
Gollywock/Jabberwock Total
1 McConachie, Bill 120 120 120 180 352
2 Keegan, Dan 90 90
Old Time Small Rubber CabinTotal
1 Romak, Bud 120 120 240
Old Time Large Rubber Cabin Total
1 Johnson, Ernie 180 129 180 489
2 Romak, Bud 180 180 83 443
Old Time Small Rubber Stick Total
1 Zarate, Ding 120 120 83 120 323
2 Keegan, Dan 120 81 120 321
4 Ounce Wakefield Total
1 Johnson, Ernie 120 120 240
8 Ounce Wakefield Total
1 McConachie, Bill 146 180 151 477
2 Keegan, Dan 83 180 180 443
Old Time Large Rubber Stick Total
1 McConachie, Bill 180 124 180 484
2 Keegan, Dan 180 109 180 469
3 Romak, Bud 93 180 180 453
4 Davis, Sterling 180 18 198
A-B-C Ignition Old Timer (Pylon) Total
1 Vanderbeek, Bill 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1200
.020 Replica Total
1 Marchant, Odell 88 120 107 315
Rubber Scale
1 McConachie, Bill 23 38 3196 (includes scale points)
Nostalgia Wakefield Total
1 McConachie, Bill 120 180 240 240 145 925
2 Romak, Bud 120 180 240 240 780
Junior Old Time Large Stick
1 Davis, Ashley 101 109 113 323
Roger Morrell