SEN 912 - 25 Oct 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1899
SCAT Electronic News 25 October 2004 issue 912
Table of Contents
Skyscraper Annual Results - Barron
Sierra Cup 2005 - McKeever
AmCup correction - Parker
Free Flight Toy - Jahnke
engines - Wagner
Publications - Segrave
October issue of Free Flight Quarterly - Montes
Do not increase the rubber, cut the superMax! - Linkosalo
Skyscraper Annual Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We had a determined group flying in rugged conditions. The wind was 6 to
14 mph measured from ground (up to 20mph in air). Fortunately it came from
a good direction, and we had a pleasant segment of sod to launch from at
the southwest end of the field. Turbulance brought a number of flights
to an early landing. For the FAI events Sunday we stopped after 5 rounds
because models were beginning to tumble on the field. In FAI, Junior
fliers (age 18 and under) won four out of five events, including Phil
Scheiman who won F1B. Phil (from California) came the farthest to
participate. Juniors also had a good showing in AMA and Nostalgia events,
especially Brian Pacelli in HLG, Catapult, and 1/2 A Nostalgia.
Here I list the FAI and AMA/Nostalgia results. Results for FAC and SAM
events may be available from Tom Hallman and John Stott respectively.
There were 44 participants altogether. -- Andrew Barron
MiniFAI events (Saturday)
F1G (Coupe d'Hiver) 1 2 3 4 5 Total
1. Josh Revkin (J) 120 105 120 59 61 465
2. Bob Hatschek 54 92 40 120 120 426
3. Don Rousseau 48 81 120 72 102 423
4. Larry Pelatowski 120 94 51 93 38 396
F1H (Small Towline Glider)
1. Oliver Cai (J) 120 57 46 59 80 362
2. Jean Pailet 32 57 33 30 40 192
F1J (Small Power)
1. Tom Kerr 103 120 120 120 120 583
2. Jean Pailet 120 120 76 120 52 488
MaxiFAI events (Sunday)
F1A Max 180+60 180 180 150 150 Total
1. Peter Barron (J) 160 173 180 150 97 760
2. Andrew Barron 180+22 180 163 102 74 699
3. Aram Schlosberg 130 128 157 150 112 677
4. Tzvetan Tzvetkov 24 180 148 150 121 623
5. Ben Thomson (J) 138 136 161 43 119 597
6. Timothy Barron (J) 100 85 69 150 150 554
7. Bill Colish 0 135 64 117 145 461
8. Josh Revkin (J) 64 131 169 45 35 444
9. Michelle Barron (J) 93 82 74 50 53 352
10.Oliver Cai (J) 79 35 10 35 0 159
1. Phil Scheiman (J) 180+18 155 118 138 150 741
2. Jerry McGlashan 108 107 177 150 129 671
3. Sarah Radziunas (J) 158 118 180 55 150 658
F1C (no competitors)
Hand Launch Glider Total
1. Brian Pacelli (J) 47 111 33 191
2. Larry Pelatowski 73 29 85 187
3. Marian Whitney (J) 19 69 26 114
4. Andrew Barron 30 22 11 63
5. Richard Swartwout(J) 18 14 15 47
Catapult Glider
1. Larry Pelatowski 35 20 62 117
2. Brian Pacelli (J) 51 29 20 100
3. Don Rousseau 16 27 17 60
4. Timothy Barron (J) 22 11 24 57
5. Julie Barron (J) 10 23 16 49
6. Andrew Barron 15 20 8 43
7. Marian Whitney 16 16 32
1. Bob Hatschek 120 82 55 257
2. Don Rousseau 78 48 120 246
3. Marian Whitney (J) 45 49 17 110
4. Oliver Cai (J) 38 46 84
5. Richard Swartwout(J) 53 3 9 65
1/2 A Classic
1. Tom Kerr 94 111 109 314
2. Jean Pailet 104 84 188
1/2 A Nostalgia Gas
1. Brian Pacelli (J) 64 57 20 141
Pee-Wee 30
Mike Cook 9/54
Tom Fennel 9/52
Dawn Unlimited
(I don't have the score sheet, but I recall
seeing a nice flight by Red Lauffler)
Sierra Cup 2005
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Sierra Eagles have decided to again sponsor "The Sierra Cup" world cup
event in 2005 and it has been placed on the International Calendar. There will
be a major change. The growing construction to the North has made Waegell
Field a difficult site for a World Cup event where the events must
be decided the weekend of the contest.
The 2005 Sierra Cup will be flown at Lost Hills the
week after Juan Livotto's contest (same as always). The Sacramento field can
support the Sierra Camps and NorCal America's Cup events, primarily because if
inclement weather prevented fly offs, the events could be flown off at
remaining America's Cup events, as they have been in the past.
We plan on an awards banquet, likely at Wasco if that location is available.
Any questions or comments, feel free to E-mail me, I will remain the CD.
AmCup correction
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Usually I don't post AmCup corrections between new results. However because
this changes F1C 1st and 2nd place and I thought I should let everyone know
I erred- there were only 8 F1C flyers at Sierra Cup because two flyers
completed only 2 rounds and so only one bonus point should have been posted.
This reduced Roger' Simpon's score to 103.
However, I erred in Bob Gutai's score-- I had counted 4 scores at only 2
sites and so I had to drop a 25 point score from one of those sites and replace
it with a 17 point score from a 3rd site. The correct score is 97.
The result is Roger Simpson is in 1st place and Bob Gutai is in 2nd. My
apologizes to Roger and Bob. Five contests to go!
Thermals, Jim Parker
AmCup Administer
Free Flight Toy
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On a lighter topic than rubber weight, I would like to call attention to an
excellent free flight toy that SAM 59 and the Pensacola free Flight Team
have been flying. Its name is "Free Fly Model Airplane" item # 43678 from
Harbor Freight, a discount tool company ( The model
is made of foam and powered by a direct drive electric motor. It is a
tractor with twin rudders and a pusher prop mounted at the TE of the wing.
Wing span is 23". I am told they have other electric models but that they
don't perform well. They list for $14 but I got mine on sale for $7.
Performance of this "toy" would garner shouts off "excess performance" from
FAI rule makers. The instructions direct users to charge the battery
(single cell NiMH) 15 - 30 seconds. Good advice because a three minute
charge will result in a 2+ minute motor run. I flew mine at the park using
the recommended charge time and it was quite reliable. At the local flying
field I made two flights with longer charges. The first flight exceeded 3
minutes. The second went OOS. Unlike an Air Hog and other small electrics,
this model has an excellent glide. The aforementioned clubs have held
contests with these models, controlling motor run with charge time. Several
others have gone OOS, with these limited motor runs. I am working on a
flapper DT arrangement that would go on the side of the fuselage.
I understand the pitfalls of endorsing a product, but given the state of our
sport I think we should be looking for commercial products that could be
used to introduce people to the sport. These toys are a bridge to the rest
of the world that we have not exploited well. Would it be a bad idea to
trade an endoresment for placement of the NFFS logo and web address on the
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, would you please post this in the newsletter, you are doing a great
job! thanks Joe W
FOR SALE: 3 AD .06 engines: 2 new, 1 like new. Includes: 2
> rear case mounting buttons, extra piston-sleeve-rod-pin, 2 nelson plug head
> conversions, 2 NV ass., extra needles, extra AD glow inserts: total for the
> lot $600 or best offer. Joe Wagner 410-778-3933 after 6PM or 410-778-1752
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello, folks.
I am thinking of restarting the 'Internationalist' of long ago, published
1964-71, which covered the three F1 classes., but perhaps in a different
style. Maybe only one issue per year in the form of a year book with no
subscription but purchase of the book when it appears.
Any comments on this idea?
Mike S
October issue of Free Flight Quarterly
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The October issue of Free Flight Quarterly has just been mailed. As
among the subscribers there are many members of SEN, let me reassure
them that, if a trifle late, this issue covers a very wide range of free
flight topics.
Some highlights:
Gilbert Morris tells about the development of his F1C flappers that have
done so well in US competitions, Paul Rossiter concludes from his own
and Peter King's study of Open Rubber models that a promising
development will be the adoption of twin motor geared models, which show
in his computations a small but significant advantage over conventional
models. The Swedish aeronautical engineer Sigurd Isacson tells the story
of his own airfoils, which have performed well in the low Re field since
1945. Jean Wantzenriether has two articles on aerodynamics of models, on
F1B propellers and the effect of stab geometry on pitch stability, the
great Bob Meuser is remembered and Mike Myers tells us what to do with
our prized modelling items at the end of our modelling career.
As always, there is much more, including a scale model, electronic
equipment, etc. The cover and full contents of the October issue may be
see in our website:
in a day or two.
Sergio Montes
Do not increase the rubber, cut the superMax!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All this discussion about too low performance, and thus the need to
increase the rubber weight again. Ok, with current batches of Super Sport
people claim still air performance slightly short of five minutes. That is
still a good way beyond the 3 minutes for ordinary rounds, and I think
that is a good thing, makes flying the thermal rounds somewhat interesting
when you do not have too much excessive performance to overcome a launch
into a sink.
If the model performance is not sufficient for a five minute SuperMax on
the first round, lets just drop that to 4 (and make it ordinary round).
After all, the first "real" flyoff is again 5 minutes, so 5 minutes on the
first round is another flyoff. In my opinion, a flyoff-round should be
flown in a ten minute window, with all the models more or less in the same
air. This definately does not happen on the first supermax round. In some
contests the air has been good to max only for a period of 15 minutes,
putting people in the same pole in rather unequal position. Cutting the
first round max back down would also help this.
Roger Morrell