SEN 709 - 16 Jun 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1443
SCAT Electronic News 16 June 2002 issue 709
Table of Contents
CIAM Ref on FAI web site
Paul MacCready - Bogie
FAI Sponsored Young Artists Contest - Bogie
Mylar tape? - Schroedter
Subject : F1P?
Looking for : j.j balsa stripper - Stokoe
White Awarded Tupolev Diploma
Beepers - Worsley
F1E Symposium Tickler - MAC the (Svelete) Bigot
Thermal Finder/Weather Station Restrictions - Erguner
Location buzzers - Salzer
Buzz On - Bryant
CIAM Ref on FAI web site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A number of people have had trouble finding the ref to the CIAM
meeting on the web site - There are some bad links
so it take a bit of finding - here its is
Note that the meeting minutes are distributed
over many documents .. so you have to look to
find the Puppy specs.
-----Original Message-----
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 6:55 AM
Subject: ciam
Paul MacCready
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is a nice and revealing story of Paul MacCready in the July 202 issue
of DISCOVER magazine, page 68 ff, describing his accomplishments of
developing flying things by paying attention to Mother Nature.
Bill Bogart
FAI Sponsored Young Artists Contest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Youngsters from Georgia and USA win the 2002 Young Artists Contest. 2003
Contest dedicated to the first century of powered flight. The FAI Aviation &
Space Education Commission has been working since more than 30 years to
arouse young people's interest in aviation and space.
Original text available in MS-Word format at :
HTML text AND pictures available at :
or (French
Bill Bogart
Mylar tape?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The new Serenette that my son Martin just acquired has wing tips covered
with chrome mylar. It is very light but easily punctured. Charlie
Dorsett showed me some chrome tape that he used to make almost invisible
patches on his Gorban F1G wings, but he also said that his source had
dried up. Does anyone out there know a source for =BD mil chrome tape?
George Schroedter
Subject : F1P?
Hallo from kris!
According to Minutes of March 2002 General Meeting F1P dosn't exists.
What you know about this matter?!
Regards Kris Rachwal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
you must not be reading the correct part - it is there.]
Looking for : j.j balsa stripper
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
dear sirs
please can you tell me if there is a uk supplier of jim jones balsa stripper
yours ever.
j. stokoe
97 maidstone road
ip11 9ee
White Awarded Tupolev Diploma
Congratuations to Bob White on being awarded the FAIs' Tupolev Diploma
for his contribution to Free Flight.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will send details of how to make a beeper weighing around 5 grams, powered
by a 3V x 12mm dia. coin cell and transferable from model to model to anyone
who will let me have their address.
Long flights, short retrievals and no losses
John Worsley
F1E Symposium Tickler
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1E Symposium Tickler
For those of you who have any interest in F1E there will be several articles
in the upcoming edition of the NFFS Symposium. One of the articles is by F1E
World Cup winner Dan Petcu. To say that Dan is half a bubble off level is an
understatement. He is a funny guy and I thought I would share a little
preview of the upcoming article with you. What follows are the chapter
headings and the appropriate preamble that goes with each chapter.
If while reading a book you cannot find any error through that means you
understood nothing of it.
The Seventh Axiom by Sandi Soare (1980)
Steering Stability
While she has read it several times, my wife has never found any.
First Exception
Lateral Stability
Any flying object will drop so that to cause the greatest damage.
Jenning's Comments
Transversal Stability
Long fuselage gliders are perfectly stable in flight and they present the
advantage that when stabbing the earth they become vertically perfectly
Cringu's Postulate (1994)
While climbing the thermo-dynamic currents towards the high sky, no glider
has remained forever up there
The second theorem of thermo-dynamics, such as Gicu understood it
Stuffed Stork Glider Designing
If a string has an end, it must also have another one
Miksch's Law
Geometric Elements of the Lifting Surfaces
I put a smaller wing in the backside of the fuselage as I saw others doing
it and I thought this was a must.
George's Technique
Checking Out the Transversal Stability
Any air model may become functional provided that one wastes enough time
with it
Adaptation by Cringu to Wyizkowski's law
Application Point of the Lateral Forces
The reality is so complicated that only God knows what is all about
Author's philosophical finding out
Total Lifting Force
A good glider engineer is able to make any board fly
Anania Moldoveanu - Honored Trainer
Height of the Model's Gravity Center
In any design algorithm used in order to achieve several successful flight
apparatus, a fundamental error will be discovered someday
Putting Trautman's postulate into practice in the aeronautics industry
Modular Structure
Mechanisms always fail at corners
Sprinkle's Theorem
The Great Performance
Whenever stepping very high to the top of a hierarchy one would better put
in his luggage also some shorter fuselages
Putting Cringu's postulate into practice
On a slightly different note I have to report that my Baggy Pants are now
baggier than ever. My 5oth birthday is soon approaching and in my panic
response I have been working out at the gym for the past 6 months, you know,
the aerobics and muscle toning kind of stuff, nothing of the Rambo or Arnold
Schwartzman kind of stuff. Lo and behold I have actually lost weight and my
pant size is down to where it was 1o years ago. Needless to say my baggy
pants are for the most part down around my ankles now. I do have a bungee
cord but I have found that while it does hold my pants up it also constricts
my blood flow and I have tendency to pass out. I'm working out the bugs! I
was under some illusion that my increased strength and stamina would in fact
improve my marginal towing capabilities. Unfortunately tests have shown that
my coordination has not kept pace with my physique so the result is that I
simply fall harder and skid further when I stumble from the towline. I'm
working in that too but it's pretty much hopeless. For those of you who will
be flying against me at the upcoming finals be forewarned and stay out of my
way, I'm in a very dangerous phase!
Mac the Baggy Pants and Very Svelte Bigot
Thermal Finder/Weather Station Restrictions
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Modelers:
Is it against any rules to position weather stations or thermal finding
devices upwind to the flight line, transmitting information back to the
modeler's location or alerting the modeler audibly. If it is illegal would
someone please refer to the AMA or FAI rule prohibiting the use of such
devices. I have recently found out that such devices are in development in
Europe, and want to find out if they can be used in major competitions.
Omer Erguner
Location buzzers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been using audio buzzers since long before radio came into use,
and still have some buzzers left to sell, since I had to buy a full
100 of them. Small (16x12x10mm), 7g, 1,2V is enough (1 nicad cell, use
as large a one as you need for ballast). Not too loud, continuous
sound, but very useful for the close-up work. All my models use one,
even the F1B's.
I even had one a bit larger, also 1.2V, for which a friend devised an
interrupting circuit.
All these buzzers are standard from the electronics industry, made in
Korea, I believe, and the only problem was getting a low voltage
version. Most are for 4.5 to 6V.
My experience: do not try to get fancy, switch them on on the ground -
you trade maybe 5min of battery life (freshly charged 50mAh Nicad is 6
hours) against the chance of a D/T switch failure - a no-trade!
Any interest for the left-overs: 4 Euro each plus postage, about 20
left, first come first served.
Klaus W. Salzer
J.-Hönigsberger-G. 5
A-2540 Bad Vöslau
Tel/Fax +43 2252 75955
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Buzz On
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Re: Beepers. Thanks to all who responded to my
request for info. John Worsley is kindly sending me
the circuit for his.
Thanks again.
Graham Bryant.
Roger Morrell