SCAT Electronic News 5 September 2001 issue 617
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1406
SCAT Electronic News 5 September 2001 issue 617
Table of Contents
Good Brothers for the ladies at Wasco [near Lost Hills]
Rubber News
Nelson for Sale - Wagner
Big Al's FAI Shootout - Dukie
FAI Hoosier Cup at Wawayanda, NY, Sept 29-30 - Erguner and Ellis
F1A by Oleg Stoev:
Livotto contest - Perkins [and Livotto]
Good Brothers for the ladies at Wasco [near Lost Hills]
For those attending the World Champs and other festivities at Lost
Hills, Lindy reports that the Good Brothers Antiques in Wasco has
a wide range of antiques to suit all pocket books. They are at:
332 Highway 43 - aka F Street
Wasco CA 93280.
This is south off Highway 46 before you get to Highway 99.
661 - 758 2663 and 661 746 6118
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They have 3000 airconditioned square feet of shop.
The Good Brothers is a slight misnomer as it is run by Ray and Barbara Smith
They are open 11:30 til 4:30
Sundays and Holidays 12: to 3:00
they are open some Monday's and Tuesdays - so if you want to go those
days during the World Champs best you check ahead of time.
Rubber News
My favorite tester and John Clapp report that there is a new
batch of rubber - August 2001 that is of excellent quality.
Unfortunately there is a fairly limited supply at this time
[i.e. before the World Champs].
FAI ModelSupply will have this for sale at the World Champs.
Preference will be given to World Champs F1B participants.
To make sure that everyone gets a box, sales will be limited
to one [10 pound] box per person. FAI will then sell the remaining boxes
that they have at Lost Hills to other flyers from outside the
USA. This is because transport costs for a 10 pound box are
high. Again it will be limited to one box per person. After this
sales will be made to US modellers.
Nelson for Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger. I am late reviewing my newsletters; but could you post that I have 2
RE Nelson .15s for sale. #1 is brand new never run still wrapped; #2 is new
also but has the mounting lugs shaped to fit a Galbreath mount, both have
flood-off fittings from the left side; I will supply insert buttons for the
rear to fit a Galbreath mount. Both engines for $250. thanks regards Joe
Big Al's FAI Shootout
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We finished the Big Al's Shootout on Labor day weekend (Sept 1 & 2).
The weather people cooperated with a beautiful flying not hot weekend. The
field was shared with the big meet with the Nostalgia, AMA and Old timers,
and we didn't seem to bother each other much. A good time was had by all at
the Ice Cream Social done by the Orbiteers with help from others I am sure.
The results:
1. Brian Van Nest 1829
2. Pierre Brun 1825
3. Mike McKeever 1808
4. Dimetri Kozlyk 1785
5. Fred Terzian 1380
6. Don Zink 1260
7. Martyn Cowley 1250
8. Ernesto Busnelli 1239
9. Andrew Barron 1234
10. Jim Parker 1170
11. Lee Hines 1157
12. Dallas Parker (Jr.) 1080
13. Kate Joyce 1077
14.Hector Diez 1000
15. Craig Cusick 106
16. Juan Livotto 96
1. John Sessums 2053
2. George Batiuk 2022
3. Alex Andriukov 2016
4. Eddie Avalone (Jr.) 1865
5. Elmer Nelson 1529
6. Bill Booth 1251
7. Tim Sessums 1225
8. George Schroedter 1218
9. Bob Tymchek 1198
10. Rich Rhorke 1191
11. Roger Morrell 1189
Walt Ghio 1189
12. Blake Jensen 1169
13. Larry Norval 1019
14. John Pratt 997
15. Chuck Dorsett 823
16. Toshi Hatazawa 814
17. Tom Laird 790
18. Vlade Andriukov 569
19. Jim Leuken 566
1. DOUG JOYCE 1927
2. Terry Kerger 1919
3. Ken Happersett 1454
4. Randy Archer 1254
5. Ed Carroll 1252
6. John Warren 1249
7. Roger Simpson 1199
8. Matt Gewain 1197
9. Daryl Perkins 855
10. Bob Waterman 635
FAI Hoosier Cup at Wawayanda, NY, Sept 29-30
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAI Hoosier Cup
courtesy of Central Indiana Aeromodellers
An America's Cup Event
September 29 & 30, 2001
Barron Field, Wawayanda, New York
by the Brooklyn Skyscrapers
CD: Art Ellis, home: 203-453-1850, work: 203-777-1833, e-mail:
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Entry: $5 fee - no trophies
F1A, F1B, F1C - 7 rounds: one and half hour rounds with half hour
overlap. The schedule may be changed to accommodate the weather
conditions and the field.
First round-> 8AM Saturday
F1G, F1H, F1J - 5 rounds: one and half hour rounds with half hour
First round-> 8AM Sunday
Note: The corn on adjoining fields is high and not harvested.
Competitors should not anticipate finishing all seven rounds on
Saturday. The uncertainty of weather combined with the corn
make it likely that rounds will be postponed. We are assuming that
all competitors will be using tracking radios and that retrieval
from the corn will be common.
[For those coming from afar who may be able to travel to only
one of our two fall America's Cup contests, Sept 29-30 or Oct 27-28,
be aware of the trade-off:=A0 Adjoining corn crops which constrict
the field in September are mostly harvested by the end of October,
giving access to a much larger area -- on the other hand, while
weather is generally nice throughout this season, there is evidence
of more risk of a cold front at the end of October.]
The field is on Orange County Route 12, in Wawayanda, six miles south
of Route 17M near Middletown, NY.=A0 Nearby airports include
Newburg, NY (30 min from field) or White Plains, NY; Hartford, CT;
LaGuardia, NY; Albany, NY; Newark, NJ; or Wilks-Barre Scranton, PA
(all of which are less than 2 hours from the field).
>From New York city, take I-87 to Highway 17 to exit 123 (labeled
Middletown), west on 17M for 3.5 miles, to Orange County Route 12
(at the New Hampton, Town of Wawayanda sign), then turn left, heading
south 6.3 miles.=A0 After Gardnersville Road, the Barron and Ford fields
are on the left at the Grain Silo-- drive onto the Barron farm road
to pass through the corn field.=A0 The sod farm is 3/4 mile ahead.
[This takes about one hour from the Tappan Zee bridge.]
>From New England and from upper New York, take I-84 to exit 3,
Rt. 17M, go east 1.5 miles, then south (right) on County. Rt. 12
for 6.3 miles. Field is on the left. [About thirty minutes from
>From Western New York take Route 17 to I-84, south 3 miles to exit 3,
Route 17M, go east 1.5 miles, then south on County. Rt. 12 for
6.3 miles. Field is on the left.
>From Pennsylvania and points south, take I-84 to exit 2, turn left off
the ramp and then go one mile to the northeast on Route 6, turn right
at the sign pointing toward Pine Island (onto County Route 1), go six
miles east on County Route 1 (through Westtown), then veer left at the
sign for New Hampton onto County Route 12. Go one mile north on
County Route 12.=A0=A0 The field is on the right at the Grain Silo.
Drive in on Barron Farm road 3/4 mile to go past the corn to the
>From Northern New Jersey (Sussex County) and nearby parts of New York
there are various short cuts on back roads which take one to Pine
Island Turnpike (county route 1) via Warwick, Pine Island, or
Westtown.=A0 Consult your favorite detailed map to plot your course.
>From Pine Island Turnpike (county route 1) turn north onto County
Route 12 and go one mile north to the field on the right.=A0 The field
is only about 4 miles from the New Jersey border.
A field map can be accessed at:
Days Inn on 17M in Middletown, exit 3, east, off I-84.
Price approximately $70. Good quality. Closest to the field.
Global Budget Inn of America on 17M, also exit 3 off I-84.
Price between $50 - $60. Reasonable quality, though credit card
does not guarantee room with late arrival.
Holiday Inn at exit 4, east, off I-84, exit 122 off Highway 17.
Price approximately $90.
Hampton Inn at exit 4, east, off I-84, exit 122 off Highway 17.
Super 8 at exit 120 off Highway 17 (exit 4, west, off I-84).
Middletown Motel on Rt. 211, exit 120 off HWY 17 (exit 4 off I-84).
Price approximately $70.
Howard Johnsons Motel, Rt. 211, exit 120 off HWY 17.
There are also several Hotels at exits off I-84 to the
southwest (Port Jervis, exit 1) and northeast (Walden, exit 5),
each about 30 minutes from the field.
Plus a bed and breakfast in Warwick (at the intersection
of Route 1 and Route 94).
F1A by Oleg Stoev:
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fuselage. 20$
Wing joiner with glass-carbon fiber blocks D: 5,8 mm. 15$
D-Box. 40$
12 Spars for wing. 25$
Tow hook with timer unit. 78$
Wing wiggler.
[This item was somewhat garbled
I hope that I have straigthen it out and do
not have incorrect prices]
Livotto contest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I saw Juan an few times this weekend and never thought of asking if
there was a pre-entry for his contest. Would you know this or could you
give me his e-mail address if he has one.
Thank you,
We published it sometime back - here it is again]
27th, California F.A.I. Invitational & Canada Cup
OCTOBER 5th.,6th. and 7th. 2001
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J
FRIDAY OCT. 5TH. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
SUNDAY OCT. 7th. F1-B and F1-C
F1-G, F1-H & F1-J Friday October 5th. 2001
-5- One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 AM
F1-A, Saturday October 6th. 2001 ** First flight 210 Seconds
F1-B & F1-C, Sunday, October 7th., 2001 ** First Flight 240 Seconds
-7- One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start at 5;00PM "FIRM" as scheduled
Friday:F1-G = 4:30 to 4:40 **** Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 -- 5:15 to 5:25
F1-J = 4:45 to 4:55 **** Sunday: F1-C = 4:30 to 4:40 -- 5:15 to 5:25
F1-H = 5:00 to 5:10 **** Sunday: F1-B = 4:45 to 4:55 -- 5:00 to 5:10
Due to no timekeepers available, timers will not be provided,
Please find someone to fly and time with you at your pole position.
Perpetual Trophies to winners
Engraved Crystal Trophies 1st. through 3rd. place for F1-A/B/C
1st. through 3rd. place for F1-G/H/J
ENTRY FEE - US$ 25.00 FOR F1-A, F1-B & F1-C
$10.00 FOR F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
Contest Directors: - Juan A. Livotto 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066, USA
Phone: 310-391-5986.....e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leslie Farkas 21 Misty Moor Dr. Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 6P9, Canada
Phone: +1 905 886 30 25 Fax: +1 905 886 30 25....e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
27th. California F.A.I. Invitational & Canada Cup
NAME: ...................................................
CITY, STATE, ZIP:....................................
FAI LICENSE NUMBER:............................
F1-A............US$ 25:00 _____________
F1-B............ " 25:00 _____________
F1-C............ " 25:00 _____________
F1-G:........... " 10:00 _____________
F1-H:........... " 10:00 _____________
F1-J:............ " 10:00 _____________
TOTAL:........................ _____________
FEE TO A.M.A. OF US$ 28:00
21 Misty Moor Dr. 13212 Lake Street
Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 6P9 Los Angeles, California,
Canada U.S.A
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Roger Morrell