SEN-469 Sept. 12 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1340
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 12 September 2000 issue 469
Table of Contents
Shortage of F1B Timers? - Schlosberg
SCAT plankholder seeks stopwatch. - Hutch
Aeronuts FAI Invitational Results - Markos
Re: Make money fast - organize a championships! - Blackam
No flights - Vincent
20 seconds SEN - Businelli
DP460 - Brooks
Shortage of F1B Timers?
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We seem to face an acute shortage of F1B timers at the upcoming finals, as
the number of Wakefield fliers is roughly the combined F1A and F1C fliers.
Consequently, there will not be enough F1A or F1C timers to time the
Wakefield fliers and George Batiuk is trying to recruit as many observers
to fill the posts with a minuscule budget (1200 dollars).
The shortage is only caused by having each flier allocated to a single pole
for fifty minutes with a dedicated timer. However, this format can be
modified slightly to solve the shortage.
One possibility is to split the Wakefield finalists into an early and late
group of fliers. The "early" fliers would fly within the first twenty five
minutes of each round, while the "later" group would do the same in the
next twenty five minutes. The early and late groups would be switched on
the second flying day.
An even better alternative, in my opinion, would be to have two Wakefield
fliers fly from the same pole each round. This would allow each flier to
fly over about forty five minutes, accounting for the time his companion
has reserved a flight window and is air-born. As in a WC, the flier who
announces his intension to fly would be given a five minute window to
launch his model. Furthermore, if a timer has finished timing his two
fliers, he/she could assist adjacent poles when needed. In should, I think
everyone could have enough time to fly and this setup is fair to all.
[Aram - this way is no good - it is a definite advantage to fly first.
and in the World Champs the entire team is on one pole and the team
manager decides who is flying and when some should step down]
It seems reasonable for the Team selection Committee and George Batiuk to
seriously consider these types of alternatives before the real crunch -
which, to a certain extent, is self manufactured.
Aram Schlosberg
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read George's comments about the event. The day's were the wrong way round.
The F1A day would have been better for F1B and F1C. The turbulence is
always a Zulpich issue.
Even after the turbulence of the event Dave Oldfield and I met more on the
way home. Dave's car was abandoned as a total wreck after a skirmish on the
auto route. We and the models survived OK.
Michael J Woodhouse. - We have quit AOL.
All mail to: -
web site: - One thing that left a bitter taste to the mouth from the Romanian
>Eurochamps was the organizers eagerness to collect fees. We ran into
>this the first day we arrived. Not to mention the hotel costs, that
This is a typical problem with Champs run in the old eastern bloc. When
we arrived at the hotel in Zrenjanin some years ago we saw the hotel's
price list on the wall. The fees that the competitors were charged were
several times those listed prices.
Several teams were unhappy with this and sought alternative and more
reasonably priced accomodations away from the main hotel (I recall the
Canadian team as one such). Of course it is a shame to not be with the
main bunch.
Roger, I for one do not object to Championships organisers making or
planning to make some profit from the event. However to charge '5 star'
hotel prices for what are, at best, 1 star accomodations is completely
outrageous and many competitors are justifiably unimpressed at such a
blatant ripoff (and of course there would be some bulk rate from any
hotel). Hungary was worst in this regard with Yugoslavia not far behind.
On the other hand we had the Israelis who charged well below the going
room rate at Ashkelon for what was clearly at least 4 star quality...
Note: this is not intended as a criticism of the actual running of any
particular Champs competitions, some have been good, some bad...
Also I seem to recall the Yugoslavs demanding supporters' fees for access
to the flying area as well. I think they did not actually eject anyone :-)
Richard Blackam
No flights
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Several people in a now closed debate on another subject have said drop
the 20second no flight rule.
Surely the FAI did that some years back, then reinstated the
rule at the request of the fliers.
I think it unlikely they would now turn round and drop it again.
20 seconds SEN
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The 20 second rule should not be forgotten. The 20 second is useful to
anybody because all of us are victims of a second of distraction or messing
up a timer setting or connecting that line in the wrong lever.
More important of all it gives a second chance to people who are just
starting to fly. Eliminating the 20 second rule would make it too unforgiving
and discouraging for new flyers to give it a try, it simply feels like too
close to disciplinary rigidity. It is already very challenging to start, all
the newcomers are sons or nephews of older flyers because of the close and
personalized couching it takes to start free flying.
If there is speculation that someone may do this or that about using the 20
second rule to take advantage of such a smart system, then amend the rules
saying that a DT model will be timed to the ground and that is a flight time
disregarding its length.
E. Busnelli
DP 460
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Can anyone tell me where I can get DP 460 adhesive and an applicator. In
Canada? Or US.
Jim Brooks
I know that CST - 1-800 338-1278 1-661-882-4162
sell it.
Speaking of CST I just got some of that Ultra High Modulus 6k tow that
Matt mentioned a while back. These seem to be a special deal that
CST did to get the ends of spools the part number is c-uhm6k for
about 1500 feet. I think the price was $25 or there abouts for
a lifetime supply for a simple guy like me.
At the Labor Day contest they had some of that Carbon -Kevlar
cloth - Looks similar to what Vivchar used on some of my models.
Almost beautiful enough to tempt me to make a d-box myself, with out
doubt a more constructive pursuit than making perfideous electronic
timers. ]
Roger Morrell