SCAT Electronic News May 23 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1145
SCAT Electronic News May 23 1999
Table of Contents
Words from White
SCAT Electronic News
Pictures and other attachments
How to save ourselevs from ourselves - Galbreath
AAES and the World Champs
Lost Mufflers
Mufflers Revisited - Shailor
Words from White
As I have mentioned the only way to get published here is to write it
yourself. There are couple of exceptions to that rule and one is Bob White.
Bob has helped the Free Flight commumnity and me personaly so much
that when I get a call from Bob about something in SEN, I try and take
Bob was concerned that people might have got the wrong idea about
coupe performance from Joe Ed's letter. Bob points out that the
tradional dead air periods of the morning is a time
of the day where the air is gently positive and it's not
too hard to get a good time. But in the transition time between
then a strong thermals its is really easy to get bad time. While
the Sweet G coupe from Starline and others like are a nice airplane it's
cetainly not a 4 miniute flyer without help. [Note that the BOM guys
can rejoice because the two top coupe flyers are Bob White on the
West Coast and Joe Williams on the East both fly their own stuff].
Bob went on to say that he wanted to see what kind of thermal
detection device - on or off an airplane would assure a max
because he had been working with thermistor for 30 years
and they have him beat. For those of you who do not know
Bob spent part of his miltary sevice in meteorolgy and
then worked in aero space electronics so is no novice
in this area .. except by his own admission!
Scat Electronic News
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at All back issues are
available on the Web site. It is read by Free Flight sportsmen all
over the world from World Champions to beginners.
Because SCAT is in Southern California we sometimes have some local
'in' jokes and comments. For those of you not in So Cal, we applogise
and ask you to make your similar contributions.
The Web Site contains genral infornation about Free Flight, lists of
suppliers, contest results and various contest calendars. We welcome
all this lind of information.
Contributions are invited - encouraged. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
Images are better submitted in GIF or JPEG formats
as they are smaller [than BMP or TIFF].
Text can be plain text or a MS Word Document [I will convert it to
plain text for e-mailing]
Contest results can be in text or excel format.
The reason why you get this is because you asked to be subscribed,
someone else asked to sent it to you or we thought that you were a
free flighter of some notority and should get it.
To subscribe send the person's e-mail address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To be removed from the list notify the above address.
SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
Pictures and Other Attachments
Up to this point we have not distributed any attachements with SEM
because of thetime to recive such items. However we would like
to improve the information flow so are considering including
some photos, 3 views and results in Excel format.
Any feed back on this ?
How to save ourselevs from ourselves
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'll bet Buskell isn't a power flyer.
[actaully I' not sure about that .. I seem to remember a
Buskell power flyer in the UK from my youthful reading
of Aeromodeller]
I am aware of one flying field has been lost due to noise, but the real truth
is that houses were being built on and near the field, and the noise on
Sunday morning was the trigger that got the sherriff out there to stop it.
The noise never was the real issue, it was the motorcycles riding around and
past their home, the landing in their yard, scaring the dog, the fact that
the homeowners were not part of the fun, etc. Bottom line . . . population
increase and a real shortage of open areas that free flight needs. Add to
this the fact of the endless trail of litigation by people who feel
inconvenienced in some way, and realizing that there may be a way into a deep
pocket. Landowners are very reluctant to allow their land to be used for ours
or many other sports. 99% of the decisions are made before they ever find out
about the sound.
It would be nice if there was a way of making radical rule changes without
making instantly obsolete all of the models and engines we now have. My
biggest worry is that not only would the growth stop (it was very slight),
but that our numbers would shrink due to the re-investment necessary to get
competitive again. I know, that's also an old story, but still true.
I don't know how to save free flight from us.
AAES and The US World Champs Team
Hi Roger,
You may not be aware that a group of us have formed a new organization
to support free flight aeromodeling. The stated purpose of AAES is:
The Advanced Aeromodel Engineering Society (AAES) is a non-profit,
educational, charitable organization, affiliated with the Academy of
Model Aeronautics, organized for the purpose of perpetuating free flight
aeromodeling through the continuing encouragement and education of youth
and other new-comers to the sport; the positive evolution of the design,
fabrication and flying strategies of Multi-function VIT freeflight model
airplanes; and to encourage International cooperation through healthy
sports competition with other nations such as The Czech Republic, China,
England, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Russia, and the Ukraine.
AAES wil not compete in any way with the NFFS or the AMA and is working
closely with NFFS through Bob Stalick to assure a coordinated approach
toward our common goals.
Our first activity is to try to raise the money to make up the
short fall in the US World Championship Team budget. To date we are
only half way there. I plan to give George Batiuk a check for $5500
at Big Al's Shootout next week, but George had wanted the full amount
by 1 June.
We had intended to raise the money from outside the modeling community,
but our main money raising guy, Walter Scarborough, has been ill for the
last several weeks. Walter is OK now but we're way behind the power
So.... if there's any individuals or clubs out there who would like to
help AAES support the team, please send contributions to:
Robert P. Johannes,
5117 Silverlake Dr.,
St.Charles Mo. 63304.
Thanks for your help.
Regards, Bob Johannes
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The money can also be sent directly to the US Team Manager
George Batiuk
1759 Southwood
San Luis Obispo CA 93401
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[It is indeed important to help our US FF Team, with reduced support
from the AMA and increasing costs every bit of support is important.
Bob, we also look to hearing more news of the AAES and how
we might participate]
Lost Mufflers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News March 22 1999
I have only one question? How many f/f fields have been lost due to
noise? Can you give me a number, and does that number define a reason to
go and buy mufflers? jim.
Mufflers Revisited
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>From John Buskell's reply, I can only assume that he does not and has not
have any experience with Free Flight power models. From the response, it
would appear as though power flyers have interferred with his family outing.
Perhaps he should have first checked the contest flyer to see if power was
included as an event. If he went there knowing that power was being flown,
then he has no right to say that somebody else's models, and the noise they
generate, should not be flown.
Also, power models have not gotten noisier over the years, but I would
suspect that people's ability to accept something that may not be
"politically correct" has decreased their ability to accommodate those with
interests other than theirs.
If you are looking for a flying field and the owner does not want power
models flown there, simply tell those flyers that they have to look
elsewhere. We have done that in this area, and power flyers have always
been gracious enough to understand the concern.
It is about time that non-power flyers such as you, and me, stop attempting
to dictate policy and rules for events we don't fly. I would like to hear
from power flyers as to whether they think their models should be
arbitrarily restricted because there are those who show up to a contest,
park next to a power flyer, and then complain about the noise next door.
I, for one, appreciate power models and modelers and accept the noise they
make. Don't, for one minute, think that your interests or idiosyncrocies
should dictate policy for all. Lighten up.
Bill Shailor
Roger Morrell