SCAT Electronic News May 9 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1203
SCAT Electronic News May 9 1999
Table of Contents
Wing Sections
Rubber Rumblings
More Techie Poop
Who said that ?
Upcoming events
Wing Sections
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am not sure whether this has been on the SEN before but for
those that want to build wings and use Airfoils there is this excellent
freeware site the has 1800 sections , from you name it to B29, 747
,Cruise Missiles, and lots of Freeflight, or whatever.It is collected from
Italy and has the facility to use either Italian or English (sorry no
American),and the program is zipped up so will need to be extracted.
The address is
John Malkin
Rubber Rumblings
In talking to John Clapp at the Eastern States FF Champs he mentioned
that he was already getting low on the March 99 rubber, especially
in 1/8. This rubber reportedly had good energy return but is more
torquey that the February.
More Techie Poop
Roger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!for you only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Reply .. I will protect your ego by not saying who you are ..
but need to answer the question because it may not be clear to
others. You are going to get more details than maybe you wanted -
but here goes ! ]
So you have my attention regarding the web page login. Does your
instruction at the bottom of this page really just tell me that my login to
the web page is the same as my email address? if so what parts of the email
address are included in the web page login ? This may seem really simple for
you computer literate users but I still get whiteout on my monitor at
inopportune times. It is really frustrating if the instructions are not
idiot proof. As hard as I try if I don't use just the right commands this
dam thing just won't do what I want it to do. Example email address
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.............. login flyboy ? flyboy@hotair ?
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ?
[ It could be flyboy or it could be something else !!]
Please help me and the other moderately computer literate users out there
understand the login issue a little better.. Thanks
[ This is the explanation ..
People got a login one of two ways - either they signed themselves
up from the registration or I did it.
If they signed themselves up the process, asks then for a login name,
their real name amd e-mail address. [Note that this does not assure them
of getting SEN e-mailed to them, I will mention that later]. When they
did this they can put anything as the login name. But it has to be a name
that has not been used before.
If I sign them up I create the login name. I almost always use last name
, first initial. So Joe Modeller would be modellerj. I include the e-mail
address that I was given for that person.
Then I have a a number of mailing lists, including the one for SCAT Electronic
News. I add the person's login name to that list. [The way this system
works is it has to be the login name] But when the mailing is done
it finds the e-mail name that is assoicated with the login name
and sends the SEN to them.
When someone signs themselves up an audit trail is maintained, if
I judge that the person is a FAI flyer I add them to the mailing list.
Now the reason why I made the comment was that I notice that the same
person has tried to sign themselves up many times. This is probably because
they have forgotten their password. Now I know what their e-mail address
is so that if someone realizes that they have forgotten their password
and they e-mail me, I will fix it for them.]
Who said that ?
.. further request from the person whose propellors are
on his models rather than on his head.
PS. Is it possible to include the authors real name, like the one on the
birth certificate with each of the excellent articles submitted to the
Electronic News ? Not all articles include the authors name. Some only have
those funny email address identification. Thanks again
[Yes I prefer that too. If there is no author and it's in the first
person and has typos ! - then it's me !.
Sometimes I add the person's name if I remeber
and know what it is. There is only one 'news' item that I did not publish
and it was from an unsigned piece of e-mail that said that " A reputable
organization like ours should not have XXXX in your supplier's list
because of something XXXX had done." Now this XXXX was someone that I had
heard of but did not know personally. He was not a major supplier of
free flight goodies. I did not publish it but I did
put the general 'cavat emptor' notice at the beginning or the suppliers list
on the web site.]
Upcoming events
Sat 15 at Lost Hills SCAT Banco Contest - Pierre Brun CD
First round 7:30 Sat. Sunday reserve day.
May 20 -25 International FF Contest , Embalse Argentina
May 21 -23 Open International , Vsechov, Czech Republic
May 28 - 31 Putza Cup , Domsod Hungary
Sat May 29 Big Al's Mini Events First round 12:00
Sun May 30 Big Al's F1A, B, C First Round 7:30
Roger Morrell