SCAT Electronic News July 24, 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1277
SCAT Electronic News July 24, 1998
Table of Contents
Timekeeping - Martin Gregorie
The other side of the Story - Ivan Horejsi
And from the Jury's Point of view - Ian Kaynes
Palm Bay Details - Waterman
Comment on binoculars
Whoops - watch those air prices
Dear Roger,
I would agree entirely with Allard's point about attempts to influence
I also heard about the incident Allard described. The flier and his manager
only desisted after Pierre pointed out to them that, as test flying from the
line is forbidden, they could either have 21 seconds or a disqualification.
It was not only inexperienced timekeepers who came in for aggro from team
managers and fliers. After it became apparent that the EuroChamps
timekeepers were very inexperienced several of the British supporters,
amongst others, volunteered to help out. One of our lady helpers timed an
F1B, from a team who shall remain nameless, down for (I think) 170seconds.
She was then considerably browbeaten by the flier and team manager in an
attempt to make her give them the max because 'he had a full score apart
from that flight'. I didn't see the incident, which I think may have been in
the 7th round because I was retrieving, but the timekeeper was still
somewhat upset a good half hour after the contest ended.
And now for a couple of constructive suggestions about timekeeping:
- As Richard Blackam said, we should think about accrediting timekeepers
for major events. The Amateur Athletics people do this, so why shouldn't we?
- It's not really possible to do much about Open Internationals other than
volunteering to help time, but if the CIAM mandated that each team at
continental and world events had to provide one accredited timekeeper a lot
of problems would be solved. We'd guarantee an experienced timekeeper on
every pole and it would make life quite a bit easier for the organizer.
Martin Gregorie
The otherside of the story
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Timekeeping in Sazena
Dear Roger,
I have just read your comments on timekeeping in Sazena and I would
like to add few words "from the opposite side". The reason is not to
defend us but rather to show the problems as seen by the
We were very well aware that the timekeeping was the weak point.
The timekeepers were selected from the modellers who wanted to do the
job. Many less experienced were refused, especially the wives. By all
timekeepers meetings it was stressed how responsible their task is,
how easy it is to do a mistake and how serious consequences can
The timekeeper you mentioned who was timekeeping Igors model, is one
of the most experienced free flighters in the country. He did exactly
what the rule book says and what he was told many times during the
breefings. His binocular was in accordance with the rules. I know it
is silly to stop timing when the model is obviously in good height
but it is in accordance with the rules. Any other suggestion?
When I try to recall the timekeeping in the long-term (unfortunately
I am old enough to be allowed) I must say that the serious problems
arose AFTER introduction of 2 minutes increments in the fly-off. I
doubt that man's eye, even equipped with good binocular, can see 7
and 9 minute flights in moderate wing. I agree with the idea to go
back to the 5-6-7-...minutes schedule.
Ivan Horejsi
[Ivan was the Contest Director at Sazena.
He is a former world class F1A flyer so has seen it from both sides]
And from Jury's point of view
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A brief reply to one item in Allard's comment on timekeeping. He suggests
some kind of judge on the field. We already have that, the position is
called the FAI Jury. Pierre and I spent the three competition days at the
Euro Champs trying to be where the problems were and a major part of that
was observing and checking the timekeeping, especially the poles or teams
where we knew there were more likely to be problems..... That is how
we had that particular 21 sec flight covered completely - if he had pressed
his claim that it had been a test flight then we would have disqualified
him completely for test flying on the starting line!
[Editorial comment]
It's interesting to listen to the same story from both the organizer
and the contestant .. and see how in good faith, people come up
with different versions. All this goes to show how important it is that we
make an effort to share ideas and communicate. This is the reason why
we started this electronic forum .. and why we appreciate Richard,
Allard, Martin, Ivan, Ian, ... particpating. These people are active
participants as sportsman and/or organizers and their point of view
is always welcome, as is yours, the reader. We know that we will have
different points of view but we have to be able to share these and
work out the best solutions if FAI Free Flight is to continue.
We know there are 200 more of you lurking out there so do not
be hesitant in taking part.
Palm Bay Info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you are concerned you finals status you can call Teresa McKee
at AMA to check. The most recent listing of those paid
was sent to participants in the June 15, 1998 FAI FF Program Newsletter #4.
Motels - listed in Newsletter #3, April 27, 1998:
Days Inn at Palm Bay
4700 US Highway 1
Palm Bay, Florida 32905
Tell them you are with Model Airplane Flyers - rate $34/night
Motel 6
1170 Malabar Road
Palm Bay, Florida 32909
Comment on Binoculars
I used to own a pair of 10 power binoculars. I has to stop timing
long fly off flight because at 4 minutes 50 seconds one of
my eyes would 'go out of focus'.
In talking with F1B flyer Fred Pearce he explained that this was probably
caused by the two optical systems not being parallel. So I decided
to spend more money on good binoculars. I must admit that I am much
more confident in timing. I have used 7 and 8 power top quality
binoculars and find that I can see much better and for a longer time
than with the cheaper 10 power models. A wide filed of view is important
when Fred told me of Deutche-Optik in San Diego selling 7 X 50 Steiners for
$300, jumped at the opportuniy. These compass equipped binoculars cost $800
Remember it is important to try out the binoculars before you buy them,
especially if you wear glasses.
Roger Morrell
Whoops - watch those air prices
No you can't buy a thermal ! At least some things are
sacred. But as the next step in the ongoing saga of the Delta air fares
to Orlando, making another reservation - the price went up
from $206 to $286. May be the rush of people booking
tipped off Delta that they did not need to lower
the fare that much to fill the airplane !
Roger Morrell