SEN 97-26 - 12 Nov 1997
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- Category: Archive 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-26
SCAT Electronic News 12 Nov 1997
News from Bob Stalick, NFFS President.
Hi, Roger:
I would appreciate it if you would send the word out to all who
might be interested that the AMA has decided NOT to honor our request to
sponsor the 1998 F1D W.C. in Johnson City, TN. As your readers may
know, the Japanese did bow out of their hosting of this event several
weeks ago. Andrew Tagliafico and I were asked to put together a proposal
to host the event in this country at the Johnson City site in early June, 1998.
Our proposal arrived in the AMA HQ in time for the most recent Exec.
Council meeting. I understand from Steve Kaluf of AMA that the Exec.
Council did not want to "bail out" the CIAM this year....I also know they
were concerned about the cost of the event and the possibility they would
not recoup all of their investment. Your local AMA VP would have more
knowledge of the discussions surrounding this denial than I do.
Thanks for your help in getting this word out.
Bob Stalick
Upcoming Flying Events
Nov 15-16 Patterson Contest - Lost Hills
28 Dec .. or there abouts King Orange, Palm Bay , FL
3- 4 January 1998 Desert Challenge - Taft - Start your year off the
right way under the auspices of Bill Bogart and chief bonfire stoker
Peter Allnutt. Does not conflict with any of the trade shows!!