SEN 97-22 - 22 Oct 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-22
SCAT Electronic News 22 October 1997
More news from across the pond
Euro Champs UK Team Trials.
Report From: CH Edge on Mon, Oct 20, 1997 12:38 AM via Martyn
Subject: Trials and tribulations
Lost Hills ? Who needs it ! 23 degrees C on an airfield in Norfolk in
mid-October and light winds made for an excellent weekend. All but
F1A went to a flyoff, results being :-
F1A Team
Pete Williams
John Williams
Paul Chamberlain
F1B Team
Russell Peers
Mike Woolner
Mike Woodhouse
F1C Team
Stafford Screen
Phil Ball
Ken Faux
I dropped 9 seconds in round six to come second but even a win would
have only got me fourth. Pete Watson dropped his last flight to put
him out of contention on what was a really tricky day.
Only John Williams did a full house.
End of Forwarded Message
New News from the NFFS (10/20/97)
1. The Japanese have decided not to host the 1998 F1D World
This event will be proposed by NFFS and AMA to the CIAM meeting to
be held in the USA. The potential site will be Johnson City, TN. The time
is scheduled for immediately after the USIC. All the above information is
tentative at this time. Further information will be posted on this website
when known. There is an outside chance that the F1D World Champs may
be held at Santa Ana.
2. The USOC planning session has concluded and Phil Sullivan, who is the
Contest Director, has reported a number of changes in event lineups and
costs for entry and events. The costs have decreased to encourage more
competitors of all ages. More events for Juniors and Seniors are on the
docket. The dates for the USOC are set for: July 26 to 30 at the Muncie
AMA Sites. More information as it becomes know. This website
[www.mmb.con/nffs] will carry the latest.
Bob Stalick
Upcoming SCAT and California FF events
Nov 8, 9, 10 Fall Free Flight Festival at Lost Hills ..
organized by BFT, Thermal Thumber and Scifs . F1B on Sat and F1A on
Nov 15 and 16 Patterson FAI Contest at Lost Hills - Don Leath is CD
Nov 21 SCAT Club Meeting at the Parker's
Dec 13 SCAT Xmas Party at the Gewain's
World Cup
1 November - last Contest of the Year Euro Fly at Berne Switzerland.
Rumor mill has it there will be a good turn out. Hope the weather holds for
this late in the year.
Electronic Timer News
Matt Gewain and I were discussing holding an Electronic Timer meeting,
seminar, workshop for all those interested in better understanding the
about electronic timer and the different options. We thought the winter
would be good until we started looking dates .. However if any of you
local subscribers are interested please let Matt [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] or me
[This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] know.
I looked over the inquires that we had gotten for the Blackmagic timers
and about half come from Israel ! Is this an indicator for the 1999 World
Roger Morrell