SEN 97-36 - 9 Dec 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-36
SCAT Electronic News December 9 1997
The 1998 F1D W.C. Final Word
I just talked to Hardy Brodersen today and he informed me that the CIAM
awarded the 1998 F1D W.C. to Rumania. We are returning to the Salt
Mines. A great deal of behind-the-scenes activity was dedicated to
obtaining the W.C. for the US to be held at Johnson City before the USIC. I
would hate to have Hardy's phone bill. Hardy also put the arm on a number
of contributors to help ease the pain the AMA was feeling if it were to
suffer another loss in revenue such as was the case in 1996. This was the
stated reason the AMA did not support our efforts to host the meet this
year. Even when we had obtained enough money to cover all possible
debt, the AMA's letter of support was only lukewarm. I would like each
of you to post this information so that indoor fliers and the general free
flight community can have the latest info. It strikes me that the NFFS will
need to develop some form of competition support fund to help with the
sponsorship of World Championship events. It's a topic for our discussion
during the next few months. Thanks for your help in getting this information
Bob Stalick, President
National Free Flight Society
AMA Nationals dates for 1998
Indoor May 27-31, Johnson City, TN
Outdoor July 10-August 4, Muncie, IN.
(we need to find when the Free Flight will be )
Draft World Cup calendar 1998
13-16 Feb USA Max Men International
21-22 Feb FIN Bear Cup
21-22 Mar NOR Holiday on Ice
30 Mar-1 Apr NZL Kotuku Cup
3-5 Apr NZL Omarama Cup
10-13 Apr AUS Australian FF Championship
16-21 Apr AUS Australia National Champs
9-10 May SLO Cerkljema
15-17 May YUG 3rd Srem Kup
23 May CZE Vsechov
29 May-1 Jun HUN Puszta Cup
6-7 Jun SVK Novohrad Cup
27-28 Jun ESP Castilla La Mancha
10-12 Jul POR Von Hafe Cup
11 Jul SWE Scania Cup
13-14 Jul HUN Voros Jeno Memorial
24-26 Jul UKR Antonov Cup
31 Jul-2 Aug POL Stalowa Wola
6-9 Aug FRA Poitou
21-23 Aug ROM Sibiu Cup
27-28 Aug ISR 46th Israel FF Championships
28-30 Aug GER 7th Bodenland Cup
3-6 Sep TUR Ankara
4-6 Sep GER 29th Eifel Pokal
12-13 Sep BEL Bilzen International
25-29 Sep YUG 1st Yugo Cup
26-27 Sep GBR Stonehenge Cup
2-4 Oct SWE Autumn Max
16-18 Oct USA Sierra Cup
More F1D World Champs Details
The venue will be the salt mine of Slanic Prahova. The dates 11th - 17th
October 1998.
Entry fees US$ 225 for senior competitors and Team Managers, US$175
Juniors, US$45 for helpers and supporters. Accommodation is at Hotel
Slanic for US$40/day(This might include breakfast and dinner in
Restuarant Slanic and a hot lunch in the salt mine - I am not sure). The
banquet will cost US$25/person.
Contact is Mihali Zanciu, Str. V Conya 16., 70139 Bucuresti Sector 2,
Romania. Fax 40 1 210 01 61, Tel. 40 1 211 01 60
The AMA offered to come to the rescue but it was not necessary to impose
on its generosity (and concern for the well-being of the class).
Regards, Chris Greenwood.
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