SEN 2490 - Fly the Sierra, harvest your results and help the AMA protect our flying
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Table of Contents – SEN 2490
Fly the Sierra, harvest your results and help the AMA protect our flying
- Harvest Classic Results
- Flying at Perris
- AMA and FAA
More F1E
From: Peter Brocks
OCTOBER 9, 2018
PLACE: Holloway Hill, 1.5 miles SE of Bissonette Mirage Field parking, Lost Hills, California – coordinates 35.655°N, 119.787°W. Hill is accessible by car.
SCHEDULE: Five (5) 50-minute rounds
9:00 am Arrival on Holloway Hill
1st Round 10:00 – 10.50
2nd Round 11:00 – 11:50
3rd Round 12:00 – 12:50
4th Round 13:00 – 13:50
5th Round 14:00 – 14:50
Fly-off to be announced
AWARDS: 1st through 3rd place awards after completion of contest
EVENT DIRECTOR F1E SIERRA CUP: Peter Brocks This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HEAD JURIST F1E SIERRA CUP: Henning Nyhegn, Denmark
ENTRY FEE: $30, sign-up on the field
NOTE: FAI Sporting License and AMA membership required
2018 FAI Sporting Code will apply.
Timers will not be provided. Please team up for timing - time one, fly one.
This is also an America’s Cup contest.
In case of inclement weather reserve day is October 10.
HOLLOWAY HILL: This hill was made from overburden when excavating gypsum from the pit. The vertical distance from the hill to the pit floor is approx. 34m (111ft).
From : John Clapp
HARVEST CLASSIC Contest 9/15 &9/16/2018 at the Andrew Barron Sod Farm.
The weather for the two days was most likely the two best flying days of the year.
Good air in the mornings, tricky in the afternoons. minimal drift most of the day.
Peter Barron 240 180 155 180 180 935
Tzvetan Tzvetkov 240 180 180 142 180 922
Andrew Barron 236 180 138 180 176 910
Ron Felix 180 180 180 146 104 790
Carrol Allen 80 180 46 136 180 722
Aram Schlosberg 158 180 180 102 47 667
Drake Hooke 120 120 120 120 120 600
Dick Ivers 120 60 120 100 77 477
John Clapp 120 120 120 120 120 600
Carrol Allen 120 80 120 120 120 560
Dave Acton 120 120 115 120 74 549
Don Rousseau 75 116 96 120 120 527
Larry Pelatowski 99 15 101 97 15 327
Dave Rounsaville 120 120
Dick Ivers 180 180 141 180 180 861
Aram Schlosberg 180 117 180 180 180 837
Ron Felix 120 85 120 325
Bill Buss 72 120 100 292
Don Rousseau 82 109 87 278
Vic Nippert 120 120
Larry Pelatowski 40 76 26 142
Drake Hooke 120 120 120 120 126 606
Yuda Avla 120 120 120 120 120 600
Dick Ivers 120 120 120 120 96 576
Drake Hooke 120 120 120 120 480
Yuda Avla 120 120 120 35 395
Don Rousseau 180 106 100 386
Don Rousseau 165 165
Vic Nippert 39 35 39 113
Larry Pelatowski 17 19 26 62
AB Classic
Dave Rounsville 102 102
Dave Rounsville 120 120
Dave Rounsville 120 120
JMC 9/26/18 CD
Flying at Perris
Special Note for So Cal flyers. Recently there was an incident at Perris where someone obstructed the work trucks spreading mulch and the farmer was very unhappy. The leadership of the SCAMPS club has met with the farmer and assured him that the flyers would never do this. They also addressed a number of other issues that concerned the farmer. You can get an update from your local club and should do this if you fly at Perris. All of the Clubs that fly at Perris are working together on a plan to have a single point of contact with the farmer so we can better work together and avoid any future misunderstandings.
We are publishing this in SEN as a special heads up so that you are aware that it is very important to treat the farming activities with the utmost respect and if you have any questions talk with your Club’s leadership.
For: USA AMA Members
All USA flyers will have got an email from the AMA urging them to contact their Senator because of provisions that will adversely affect model flying in the FAA Re-Authorization Bill. The AMA email has instructions on how to do this. This is not hard. It very important to do this to keep model aircraft flying in the USA as we know it and not to impose un-necessary and onerous restrictions. The AMA is working hard for it’s members, help them help you