SEN 2483 - Remembering and Detroit vs Tangent
- Details
- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1964
Table of Contents – SEN 2483
Remembering and Detroit vs Tangent
- Remembering Reinhard
- Detroit Balsa Bugs Intercity Meet.
- Tangent Tales
Remembering Reinhard
From: Steve Jones
I was fortunate enough to attend the 2001 FAI World Championships at Lost Hills just one month after 9/11.
It was truly a memorable weekend for me. I stayed with Doug Galbreath, who had driven his son’s motorhome down for the event. The time spent with one of my best friends in the entire world would have been reward enough for flying out from Denver, but it was only the beginning of one of the greatest free flight weekends I have ever experienced.
I got to do a couple of days of timing, along which came the honor of rubbing shoulders with Randy Archer, Eugene Verbitski, Artum Babenko, the late Stafford Screen, Ed Keck, and Ken Oliver, and witnessing remarkable flights of the first “folder” of Fuziev.
But one particular FAI Power flier has always stuck in my mind . . .
Reinhard Truppe. He just struck me as being purposeful, classy, and one hell of a flier.
Mr. Truppe, you are in God’s house now. I hope you had a great flight getting there. And thank you so much for being an integral part of my wonderful free flight memories.
Steve Jones / Lakewood, Colorado
Steve, World Champs always bring great memories. You will have the chance to refresh some of them and make new ones at Lost Hills again next year.
Detroit Balsa Bugs Intercity Meet.
From : Greg Simon
Can you post the contest results on SEN? Thank you.
Young guns dominated 2 contests with outstanding weather.
Winds out of the south 4mph all day with Temps in the low 80’s.
This favorable direction allowed the full length of the field available at Muncie, 1.5 miles.
Not a frequent directional wind pattern.
Ryan Jones won the Hoosier Cup the week before run by his father Charlie,
and Evan Simon won the Intercity Meet a week later run by his father. Irony?
F1B 3rd thru 5th was separated by 10 seconds, tight race, an unfortunate drop by Charlie
in the final round sent him from 1st to 6th, that is free flight. Paul Crowley came in the back door for 3rd.
F1A Bob & John battled it out, with John flying his Woody solid balsa glider.
F1Q Bob Sifleet put up some great time with only a small drop.
F1G Geralyn was battling the guys for a shot at the title and edged out Chuck & son Ryan for the VICTORY!
She has her eye on the Cuuup.
Great time had be all the participants.
Greg Simon
Intercity Meet 2018 June 16th & 17th
NAMES Round Round Round Round Round Round Rond 7FlyoffTOTAL PLACE
Flyer Nm F1B
Evan Simon 120 180 180 120 180 180 180 317 1457 1st
Ryan Jones 120 180 180 120 180 180 180 238 1378 2nd
Paul Crowley 120 180 180 106 180 180 180 1126 3rd
Greg Simon 120 162 180 120 180 180 180 1122 4th
Rich MacCleery 120 156 180 106 180 180 180 1116 5th
Charlie Jones 120 180 180 120 180 180 125 1085 6th
Kyle Gerspache 120 180 142 120 180 180 124 1046 7th
Flyer Nm F1C
John Lorbiecki 105 90 153 0 0 0 0 348 1st
Flyer Nm F1Q
Bob Sifleet 180 180 180 120 180 154 180 1174 1st
Flyer Nm F1A
Bob Sifleet 180 180 180 120 180 154 180 1174 1st
John Lorbiecki 73 111 0 0 0 0 0 184 2nd
Flyer Nm F1G
Geralyn Jones 120 + 86 120 120 120 566 1st
Chuck Markos 120 78 120 120 120 558 2nd
Ryan Jones 120 + 120 105 74 118 537 3rd
Charlie Jones 0 0 0 0 0 DNF
Flyer Nm F1H
Bob Sifleet 113 120 120 120 82 555 1st
Flyer Nm F1J
John Lorbiecki120 + 120 6 286 1st
Flyer Nm F1S
Bob Sifleet 120 + 99 112 120 70 521 1stAa
Tangent Tales
From: Mike Roberts
We had a lower turnout this year than past but were happy to see Mike Thompson, Walt Ghio, Jerry Fitch, Mike Achterberg and Jack Murphy, who joined the fun. Weather was good, particularly in the morning hours, with tricky thermal picking in the afternoon as the breeze kicked up. As years before, the get together at Linda and Glenn Grell’s is one of the weekends highlights. Here are the results:
F1 A
1st Mike Thompson. 1062
2nd Pierre Brun. 875
F1 B
1st. Walt Ghio. 1260
2nd Larry Norvall 1246
3rd Derek McGuckin. 1246. (coin flip)
4th Jerry Fitch. 1200
5th Blake Jensen. 1181
6th Mike Achterberg 360
F1 C
1st. Ron McBurnett. 1149
F1 G
1st Tiffany O’Dell. 595
F1 H
1st. Blake Jensen. 571
F1 J
1st Mike Roberts. 600
F1 Q
1st. Jack Murphy. 1260
F1 S
1st. Derek McGuckin. 600
2nd Jack Murphy. 592
We trust everyone had a good time and will return next year.
Ron McBurnett & Mike Roberts