2018 Ike Winter Classic and Kiwi World Cup

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Kiwi World Cup 

 February 10-12, 2018, 

Lost Hills, 





It’s coming! The Isaacson Winter Classic / “Kiwi” World Cup and the 2018 

edition of Fabulous February! A week of Free Flight at Lost Hills, CA. 

It begins with the Ike, February 10 and ends with the MaxMen 

International. Registration for the FAI events will actually be Friday, 

February 9th.


Three NEW events for the Isaacson: See the flier for specific times


The E36 World Challenge will be held on MONDAY! Thanks to Bill 

Vanderbeek, we will have $1000 in prize money. Special T-shirts will be 

available. Monday to maximize international competition.


Sunday - Don DeLoach’s Rocky Mountain 5X5 Hand Launch Glider event. 5 

rounds, 5 minute window, 15 minute chase period. Max time 90 seconds. 

$100 cash prize for 1st place! A special prize for the best 3 man team.


Hulan Mathis’ Old-Time Sport Glow - RPM limited, glow powered, Old 

Timers! Ex. Strato Streak powered by an OS Max15. Special, hand crafted 

awards. See: sanvaleers.com for rules


We’re going to again do Tahn Stowe’s Aussie Scramble, so dust off that 

Dakota/Ebeneezer etc. and join the fun. Tahn’s bringing more Flying 

Carpets and a beautiful little diesel for a prize! After the awards 





The link to PDF 2018 IkeWC Flyer.pdf


Norm and Roger, CD’s